
Peer Reviewed Articles
Jorge E. P. Navalho, Laura G. G. Silva e José C. F. Pereira. An investigation on the thermal performance of volumetric solar absorbers with lateral wall  power losses. Solar Energy. 282:112937, 2024 [PDF][BIB][PUB]
Jorge E. P. Navalho e José C. F. Pereira. Investigating the impact of modeling assumptions and closure models on the steady-state prediction of solar-driven methane steam reforming in a porous reactor. Energy Conversion and Management. 295:117577, 2023 [PDF] [BIB[PUB]
Bruno A. C. Barata, Jorge E. P. Navalho e José C. F. Pereira. RANS simulations of a plane impinging jets: on the influence of plate velocity in the Nusselt number secondary peak. Thermal Science. 2023.  [PDF] [BIB] [PUB]
Bruno A. C. Barata, Jorge E. P. Navalho e José C. F. Pereira. Numerical investigation of an inertization system for a radiative coil coating oven. International Journal of Thermofluids. 20:100412, 2023.  [PDF] [BIB[PUB]
Bruno A. C. Barata, Beatriz S. Dias, Jorge E. P. Navalho, Michael Schneider, Petra Weinbrecht, Christof Weis, Dimosthenis Trimis e José C. F. Pereira. Numerical investigation of an innovative furnace concept for industrial coil coating lines. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. 42: 101843, 2023. [PDF] [BIB[PUB]

Bruno A. C. Barata, Jorge E. P. Navalhoand José C. F. Pereira. Prediction of Self-Sustained Oscillations of an Isothermal Impinging Slot Jet. Fluids. 8:15, 2023. [PDF] [BIB[PUB]

Rodrigo J. F. Neno, Beatriz S. Dias, Jorge E. P. Navalhoand José C. F. Pereira. Numerical Simulation of Heat Removal from a Window Slab Partition of a Radiative Coil Coating Oven. Energies. 15:2080, 2022. [PDF] [BIB[PUB]

Beatriz S. Dias, Jorge E. P. Navalhoand José C. F. Pereira. Multi-scale modeling and simulation of IR radiative drying for coil coating processes. Drying Technology. 40:3466—3482, 2022. [PDF] [BIB[PUB]

Jorge E. P. Navalho and José C. F. Pereira. A comprehensive and fully predictive discrete methodology for volumetric solar receivers: application to a functional parabolic dish solar collector system. Applied Energy. 267:114781, 2020. [PDF] [BIB[PUB]

Jorge E. P. Navalho, José M. C. Pereira, and José C. F. Pereira. Multiscale modeling of methane catalytic partial oxidation: From the mesopore to the full-scale reactor operation. AIChE Journal. 64:578–594, 2018. [PDF] [BIB] [PUB]

Jorge E. P. Navalho, José M. C. Pereira, and José C. F. Pereira. A methodology for thermal analysis of complex integrated systems: Application to a micro-CHP plant. Applied Thermal Engineering. 112:1510–1522, 2017. [PDF] [BIB] [PUB]

J. E. P. Navalho, J. M. C. Pereira, and J. C. F. Pereira. Multi-scale modeling of internal mass diffusion limitations in CO oxidation catalysts. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 364:92–103, 2015. [PDF] [BIB] [PUB]

J. M. C Pereira, J. E. P. Navalho, A. C. G. Amador, and J. C. F. Pereira. Multi-scale modeling of diffusion and reaction-diffusion phenomena in catalytic porous layers: Comparison with the 1D approach. Chemical Engineering Science. 117:364–375, 2014. [PDF] [BIB] [PUB]

Jorge E. P. Navalho, José M. C. Pereira, and José C. F. Pereira. Conical-shaped foam reactors for catalytic partial oxidation applications. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 39:3666–3680, 2014. [PDF] [BIB] [PUB]

Jorge E. P. Navalho, José M. C. Pereira, Ana R. Ervilha, and José C. F. Pereira. Uncertainty quantification in the catalytic partial oxidation of methane. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 17:1067–1095, 2013. [PDF] [BIB] [PUB]

J. E. P. Navalho, I. Frenzel, A. Loukou, J. M. C. Pereira, D. Trimis, and J. C. F. Pereira. Catalytic partial oxidation of methane rich mixtures in non-adiabatic monolith reactors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 38:6989–7006, 2013. [PDF] [BIB] [PUB]

White Papers
Technical reports

Beatriz Dias, Rodrigo Neno, J. E. P. Navalho, and J. C. F. Pereira. D6.4: Detailed CFD simulation of curing furnace section. ECCO Project. July 2020. [PDF] [BIB]

Rodrigo Neno, Beatriz Dias, J. E. P. Navalho, and J. C. F. Pereira. D6.3: Detailed CFD simulation of radiant heating section. ECCO Project. July 2020. [PDF] [BIB]

J. E. P. Navalho, J. P. B. Lourenço, J. M. C. Pereira, and J. C. F. Pereira. D5.4: Preliminary design and CFD simulation of radiant heating section. ECCO Project. April 2019. [PDF] [BIB]

J. Navalho, J. M. C. Pereira, J. C. F. Pereira, G. Vourliotakis, Ch. Keramiotis, G. Skevis, M. Founti, and Ciprian Chisega-Negrilã. D3.3: Report on results from case studies for biogas fuel utilization at the FC-District unit. FC-district Project. February 2013. [PDF] [BIB]

Jorge E. P. Navalho, José M. C. Pereira, and José C. F. Pereira. D8.6: Virtual-tool-box for heat transfer integration components. FC-district Project. October 2013. [PDF] [BIB]

S. Fernandes and J. Navalho. D3.1.3: Equipment list and summary sheets, technical layout and evaluation of CPOx reformer (Annex 2). FC-district Project. September 2011. [PDF] [BIB]

Pedagogical Support Material for Students

Slides for the Computational Laboratories of the “Heat Transfer” course (Graduate course of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering curricula) – Fall 2019:

Computational Laboratory 1 — Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces; [PDF]

Computational Laboratory 2 — One Dimensional, Transient Conduction; [PDF]

Computational Laboratory 3 — Forced convection on a flat plate; [PDF]

Computational Laboratory 4 — Heat Exchangers. [PDF]

List of problems for practical classes of the “Thermal Equipments” course (Graduate course of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering and Management curricula) – Spring 2015. [PDF]

 Project Reports of Graduate Courses

Métodos Computacionais em Electromagnetismo (Curso de Estudos Avançados do Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Mecânica) – Aplicação do método dos elementos finitos a problemas do campo em electromagnetismo, Julho 2018. [PDF

Ensino e Divulgação Científica (Curso de Estudos Avançados do Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Mecânica) – Relatório de Actividades de Ensino: Experiência e Resultados, Julho 2018. [PDF]


Jorge Emanuel Pereira Navalho. Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors. Ph.D. Thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, February 2020. [BIB]

Jorge Emanuel Pereira Navalho. Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Partial Oxidation in Monolith Reactors. M.Sc. Thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, July 2013. [BIB]