Controle de Qualidade (Quality Control)
• Course syllabus Does this optional course.pps (zip, 0.7 Mb) interest me ? This colour: if in Portuguese.
• Topics:  Control by attributes, by variablesacceptability constants (k) and max. allowable % ncf (M)(1); NAG suggestions
• Using Unix (shell, editor, etc.), ordinary software. • Proposed problems. • «Questions»: answers. • Summaries 2004/05 (04). • Marks
Part 1 — Quality fundamentals
• ASQ: What is Q ? (Glossary), basic Q concepts (=.pdf); history overview (=.), guilds (=.), Industrial Revolution (=.), early Cent. (=.), WWar II (=.), Total Q (=.), beyond Total Q (=.) • "Q Press" (Fall/Winter 2003)
•  Q gurus.pdf (=) (UK gov., &) • Q systems [ • ◊||"Q assurance".pdf || (Garantia da Q, script) • Start] • "The chem. eng. in QC".pps (’01) (sl. 10–12 & customer) [ • ◊||"The Q path".pdf (script): part (of 4)||]   • EFQM: European Q Award'01, DHL Pt.pdf; Recognition Book 2006.pdf (2.5 Mb) • The customer.pps, and(a).
Part 2 — Monte Carlo simulation   (^)   (%, computation on this Web site)
• Throwing dice: ^there, ^here • ^Estimate π (Boston Univ.) • Kruskal: UML(5), SFU(1), ◊||how*, • "The MC meth. in the practice of QC".pps (sl. 19–22) (0.9 Mb, Portalegre)|| • Go to Operational Research: 'When not to use simulation'...
• Sum of uniforms % (sl. 32–40 of previous .pps: "...MC meth. ...") • Product of 2 uniforms % • Truck with (many) sacks %
• Formulas to simulate several variables (cosinusoidal, etc.) • Data: classified.xls (indiv., grouped) [ • Mathematical tools.pdf, ◊||.xls||]
• ◊||^Density histograms.xlsx: Gaussian, Exponential, TrGauss.||; NIST/S histogram (search "two common ways")
• Go to Operational Research: NY Times; linear congruential; inversion routine; and Exponential, Gauss, triangular.
• ◊||Excel frequency.xls (with remedy). Mid-square.xls|| • RNGen % • Common distributions.pdf (R. Jain, =) • Google search: random number generation; linear congruential generator.
Part 3 — Statistical process control, SPC
• Shewhart control charts • Variables • Construct % X-bar and R charts: ◊||chart1 GL/02.3.xlsx (m = 16.txt), chart2 GL/02.3.xlsx (m = 15.txt) (older.xls). Problems GL/03.pdf* (Probl. 3-3: derivation of X-bar and s charts ).  Calculate chart factors.xls from d2 and d3||, {§ calc. % d2,3 (try 6  n  8)}.  Formulas for all the factors {formulas only ! §^sim.} • ||^+charts.xls (X-bar and R or s)||
• Factors: ◊||Tables C (d2, d3, c2, c4); D (A2, D3, D4); E (A1, A3, B3, B4); F (A, D1, D2, B1, B2, B5, B6)|| • NIST: vars. control charts; WECO rules • Charts for X-bar and R: ◊||^parameters.pdf (i.e., factors: d2); ^d2d3.xls obtained by simulation◊||.
• Attributes • P charts ||deduction.pdf • Charts for fraction rejected: Problems GL/07.pdf • C charts Charts for nonconformities (count): Problems GL/08.pdf||
Part 4 — Acceptance sampling (AS)
• ||Histo.hypGauss.xls • Q & acc. sampling: a MC approach.pdf (Compiègne '02)|| • Standards correspondence • (NIST/S) Lot Acceptance Sampling • Search acceptance sampling aql • AS.pdf (UTxD, 55 p).
• Attributes Search "ISO 2859-1" (& 105Schilling, p 236). ◊||04`c.OC.xls • 07`5.Problems GL/12.pdf, 07`4.OC curve.xls (for n & Ac) • 03`c.OC & LTPD.xls (bin./Poiss.) • OC (N = 200, AQL = 4%) hyp./Poisson.xls (OC-AttrVar.xls)|| • ◊||Standards: Z1.4 Table I; Table II||
• Variables Search "ISO 3951-1" (→ 414Schilling). ◊||(standard 1980.pdf, pp 5, 15, 16, 35, 41) (2 Mb) • Problems GL/17, see Probl. 11, 12, 17 • Quality index, Q by simulation  % or .xls • OC curves (n): F, 10, I, 25 • Calculate k→M.xls [Alves] • Control by variables, 2 specs: control by vars..pdf • AS by variables.xls: Probl. 11, 12, 17 solved||
• ◊|| Standards: Z1.9 Tables A1 & A2 (n); Example B1 (Form 1); Table B1 (k, acceptability constant); Example B4 (Form 2); Table B3 (M, maximum allowable percent nonconforming), B5 .00–.69, .70–1.09, 1.10–1.49, 1.50–1.89||

(a)In Quality Managementnew_window, see, namely: "Understand customer behavior and complaints"; "Deming and me"; "Your customers are talking..."; "What is Six Sigma ?" (pp 3–9); "Q gurus"; "On leadership"; "Straight Talk From Juran"; "Why Q Gets an 'F'"; "The straining of Q"; "Farewell fusillade".
*References and suggested reading:

• ASQ (.pdf): Glossary A, C, Q, S • Wiki (.pdf): Q, Q Management • CQ (.pdf): ◊|| Chap. GL/12, 17; Appendix A, B||.

• Carr, Wendell E., 1992, "Statistical Problem Solving", Marcel Dekker, New York, NY (USA); Google browse: same as Kazmierski.

• Kazmierski, Thomas J., 1995, "Statistical Problem Solving in Quality Engineering", McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA); Google browse.

• (Martin) Kruskal count (Simon Fraser Univ.) • RAND in Excel 2003+. • "NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods", National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA). • Luiz Alves. • SAS "Proc QC".pdf.

• GL = Grant, Eugene L., Richard S. Leavenworth, 1988, "Statistical Quality Control", ed. (1996,, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA) (1996, '88, '80, '72, '64, '52, '46); Google browse.

• Nunnally, Brian K., John S. McConnell, 2007, "Six Sigma in the Pharmaceutical Industry: understanding, reducing, and controlling variation in pharmaceuticals and biologics", CRC Press; Google browse.

• Shewhart, Walter Andrew (biography), 1981, "Economic control of Quality of manufactured product ( anniversary), ASQ, Milwaukee, MI (USA). Bowls.

• Wadsworth, Jr., Harrison M., 1990, "Handbook of statistical methods for engineers and scientists", McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA), ISBN 0-07-067674-7.

Articles • Franklin, LeRoy, B. J. Cooley and Gary Elrod, 1999, "Comparing the importance of variation and mean of a distribution" (.pdf), Quality Progress, October, 90–94.

• Itinerary.pdf (=.doc).

APQEFQM (Exc. One→◊)   EOQ
• Simulated exam.pdf • GotroSS.pdf • Old files: X-bar and R.xls; ◊ 03`4."Q: classical tools".pps (’99), 14 points.
||...||; Password protected.   § Under construction.
(1)Similar to tables in "ANSI/ASQC Z1.9-1980" (Mil-Std-414).
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