Factors d2, 3 for estimating σ from ranges, for R
  Reproduces, e.g., "Table C" from Grant & Leavenworth [1996, p 717].
(Lengthy calculation, ca. 50 s for the standard problem.)  Modes w/ probabilities: under observation.
2024.Jul.03 12:26:13
nss1, nss2 From to Sample sizes.  (Min. s. size, 2)
Because of duration, it must be  to − from ≤ 3;  otherwise, to is reduced.
Show tables No Yes Show published tables
Mode Check tables; calculate probabilities; both
Estimate of s is <R>/d2 or <s>/c4.>

· E. L. Grant, R. S. Leavenworth, 1996, "Statistical Quality Control", 7.th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY
· E. L. Grant at Stanford
· Société Française de Statistique (Q. Fiab.)
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Created: 2000-07-31 — Last modified: 2012-11-20