Truck with truncated Gaussian sacks
  Simulates the weight of a truck* load of random no. of sacks with random weights.
2025.Feb.19 21:16:42
Sacks, n No. of sacks: min, max, pout. •
Mean of n (of true Gaussian) Give μ of original, true Gaussian (ignored if not).
Weight, w t (Br. 'tonne', Am. 'metric ton') Weight of sack: μ, σ, of (true) Gaussian. •
Trials, repeatability  10^  No. of trucks simulated, repeatability. •
wleft, wright t   (automatic if 0, 0) Limits for the graph abscissae. •
Show values Shows the graph coordinates.
  Simulates the weight of a truck loaded with n, discrete truncated Gaussian, sacks weighing w, Gaussian, each. The total weight, W = ∑i wi, i = 1..n, depends on the number of summands and the individual values. A "reasonable" interval is, thus, sought for W. (The basis problem addresses a nominal 10 t load.) (Truncated.xls Gaussian)
  If the limits for the graph abscissae are given equal, say, x, the range will be ±|xσW.
  [Gut, 2005, p 83] With finite means, E(SN) = E(N) E(X); and with finite variances, Var(SN) = E(N) Var(X) + Var(N) E(X)². (Notice the dimensional coherence.)
* "Lorry" may be the Br. Eng. word for "truck".
References: Plate: TruckWithTruncGauss

• Search "random number of random variables".

• [Gut, 2005, p 83], [Thompson], [Ross, 1988], [Ross, 2006].

• Patel, Jagdish, and Campbell Read, 1996 (1982), "Handbook of the normal distribution", Marcel Dekker, New York (NY). (ISBN:0-8247-9342-0, G'b p 33)

• Robbins, Herbert, "The asymptotic distribution of the sum of a random number of random variables", Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 1948, 1151–1161 .pdf (=).

• Virtual laboratories in Prob & Stat, Univ. Alabama in Huntsville.

• 1746-05-09: Monge, Gaspard (1818-07-28).

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Created: 2009-05-09 — Last modified: 2017-05-05