Simulation of several factors for control charts
Calculates factors d2, d3 and c4 for the Shewhart control charts, by Monte Carlo simulation.
n Sample size.
ns Number of samples to simulate.
To limit run time, it must be  n × 'ns' ≤ 10 million.  (Or else ns will be adjusted.)
.Seed Seed for generation of series of random numbers.
Series is unrepeatable iff it is (try this) iseed = 0.
Parameters: d2 = <R>/σ;  d3 = σR/σ;  c4 = <s>/σ;  "c44" = σs/σ .


• Grant, E. L., R. S. Leavenworth, 1996, "Statistical Quality Control", 7.th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

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Created: 2002-10-22 — Last modified: 2007-10-06