Rafael Soares

I'm a PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) - Universidade de Lisboa. I am currently conducting my research at INESC-ID Lisboa with the Distributed Systems Group (GSD) under the supervision of Professor Luís Rodrigues.

Latest News

Finished my 6 month stay at Cornell University, under the guidance of Lorenzo Alvisi and Robbert van Renesse. During my stay had the pleasure to work in the world of Shared Logs!

Research Interests

My research interests span over a wide range of consistency challenges, with a special focus on distributed transactions and consistency. Currently, my work focus on two main challenges. First, how to improve upon geo-distributed Shared Logs, with a special focus on multi-consistent in such an environment. Secondly, how new consistency levels like Transactional Causal Consistency may be leveraged to offer transactional support to new and up-and-coming cloud environments, like Function-as-a-Service and Microservices.


Currently involved in the DACOMICO project, aiming to provide transactional support (such as Transactional Causal Consistency) to microservices architectures.


International Conference Publications

  • FaaSTCC: efficient transactional causal consistency for serverless computing
    (Middleware '21) Poster
    Taras Lykhenko, Rafael Soares, Luís Rodrigues

International Workshop Publications

  • Multi-Consistency Transactional Support for Function-as-a-Service
    (DSN '23)
    Rafael Soares, Luís Rodrigues
  • Performance Trade-offs in Transactional Systems
    (PaPoC '23)
    Rafael Soares, Luís Rodrigues

Posters and National Conference Publications

  • Suporte para Coerência Causal Transacional em Sistemas de Microsserviços
    (INForum '23)
    João Queirós, Rafael Soares, Luís Rodrigues
  • Deteção Automática de Anomalias em Arquiteturas de Microsserviços
    (INForum '23)
    Valentim Romão, Rafael Soares, Luís Rodrigues
  • Suporte Transacional Multi Coerente para Function-as-a-Service
    (ENSD 2022) Poster
    Rafael Soares, Luís Rodrigues
  • Uma Arquitectura para Oferecer Garantias de Coerência forte a Aplicações FaaS
    (INForum 2021) Poster
    Rafael Soares, Luís Rodrigues

Master Thesis

  • An Architecture to Offer Transactional Strong Consistency for FaaS Applications
    Thesis Extended Abstract
    Rafael Soares



Highly Dependable Systems

Teaching Assistant - 2021-2022

1º Semester of the MSc degree program (MEIC)
Instituto Superior Técnico



2019 - 2021

Instituto Superior Técnico, Taguspark
Specialization in Distributed Systems
Final Grade: 18
Academic Merit 2019/2020



Instituto Superior Técnico, Taguspark
Final Grade: 17
Academic Merit 2016/2017
Academic Excelency 2017/2018
Academic Excelency 2018/2019

Other Projects

Short-term stay at Cornell University

September 1 - February 29, 2024
  • Collaboration with Lorenzo Alvisi and Robbert van Renesse at Cornell University.
  • Special focus on Shared Log systems and transactional support on top of Shared Logs.

Organization of the National Meeting of Distributed Systems

June 28 - July 1, 2022
  • Helped in the organization of the first edition of the National Meeting of Distributed Systems, taking place in Evora, Portugal
  • Developed the conference website alongside Claudio Correia

Talking about the Future - PhD Edition

  • An informal event where PhD students could share their academic and work experience with Master students
  • Collaboration between LAGE2 and the IST PhD Students Club

Hyperledger Labs - Enterprise Blockchain Technologies

  • Contributed to an open source course in blockchain technologies, part of the Hyperledger Labs
  • Developed a simple and interactive Blockchain for course labs, named Blockchain4Students
  • Reviewed and helped develop multiple of the lab guides



INESC-ID Lisboa, Room 501
Rua Alves Redol Nº 9, 1000-029
Lisboa, Portugal