Gonçalo Cardeal, Diogo Sequeira Joana Mendonça Marco Leite, Inês Ribeiro, (2021) Additive manufacturing in the process industry: A process-based cost model to study life cycle cost and the viability of additive manufacturing spare parts, Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 211–216
Santarromana R., Mendonça J., Dias A.M., (2020) The effectiveness of decarbonizing the passenger transport sector through monetary incentives, Transportation Research Part A 138 - 442–462
Bonnín Roca J, Vaishnav P, Laureijs RE, Mendonça J, Fuchs ERH, (2019), Technology cost drivers for a potential transition to decentralized manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing
Q1 in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Scimago classification); 95th Percentile (#14/295) in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Scopus)
Citescore (2015): 3,79 -
Santos, C., Abubakar, S., Barros, A.C., Mendonça, J., Godsell, J., (2019), Joining Global Aerospace Value Networks: Lessons for Industrial Development Policies, Space Policy
Impact Factor (2015): 0,59; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 0,53
Q3 in Economics and Econometrics (Scimago classification); 38th Percentile (#322/521) in Economics and Econometrics (Scopus) -
Bonnín Roca, J., Vaishnav, P., Morgan, M.G., Mendonça, J., Fuchs, E. (2017), When risks cannot be seen: Regulating uncertainty in emerging technologies, Research Policy
Impact Factor (2015): 3.470; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 5.118
Citations ISI: 5; Citations Scopus: 6; Citations Google Scholar: 23
Q1 in Management -
Bonnín Roca, J., Vaishnav, P., Mendonça, J., Morgan, M.G., (2017), Getting Past the Hype about 3-D Printing, MIT Sloan Management Review 58 (3), 57
Impact Factor (2015): 3.104; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 2.114
Citations ISI: 2; Citations Google Scholar: 8
Q2 in Management and in Business -
J. Mendonca and M. Heitor (2016), The changing patterns of industrial production: how does it play for the Iberian Peninsula? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113: 293-307
Impact Factor (2015): 3.005; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 2.678
Citations ISI: 1; Citations Scopus: 1; Citations Google Scholar: 3
Q1 in Business -
Reis, A., Heitor, M., Amaral, M. and Mendonça, J. (2016), Revisiting Industrial Policy: Lessons Learned from the Establishment of an Automotive OEM in Portugal, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113: 195-205
Impact Factor (2015): 3.005; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 2.678
Citations ISI: 1; Citations Scopus: 2; Citations Google Scholar: 7
Q1 in Business -
Mendonça, J and Grimpe, C. (2016), Skills and regional entrepreneurship capital formation: a comparison between Germany and Portugal, Journal of Technology Transfer, 41 (6): 1440-1456
Impact Factor (2015): 2.213; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 2.474
Q2 in Management
Citations ISI: 8; Citations Scopus: 4; Citations Google Scholar: 6 -
Heitor, M.V., Horta, H., and Mendonça, J., (2014), Developing human capital and research capacity: science policies promoting brain gain, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 82: 6–22
Impact Factor (2015): 3.005; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 2.678
Q1 in Business
Citations ISI: 35; Citations Scopus: 37; Citations Google Scholar: 72 -
R. Baptista, Karaoz M. and J. Mendonça, (2014), The impact of human capital on the early success of necessity versus opportunity-based entrepreneurs, Small Business Economics, Vol. 42, Nº.4, pp 831-847
Impact Factor (2015): 2.318; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 1.795
Q1 in Economics
Citations ISI: 32; Citations Scopus: 32; Citations Google Scholar: 116 -
J. Mendonça, R. Baptista and F. Lima, (2011) Establishment of Higher Education Institutions and Entry of Knowledge Based firms, Research Policy, 40 (2011): 751-760
Impact Factor (2015): 3.470; Five-year Impact Factor (2015): 5.118
Q1 in Management
Citations ISI: 22; Citations Scopus: 21; Citations Google Scholar: 43 -
J. Mendonca and P. Faria (2011), Innovation Strategy by Firms: Do innovative firms grow more?” Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 12(2): 172-184
Citations Scopus: 11; Citations Google Scholar: 20 -
J. Mendonça and R. Baptista, (2010), Proximity to Knowledge Sources and the Location of Knowledge Based Start-ups, Annals of Regional Science 45:5–29
Five-year Impact Factor (2016): 1.037
Citations ISI: 52; Citations Scopus: 56; Citations Google Scholar: 118 -
J. Mendonça, R. Baptista, P. Conde, (2007), A map of the knowledge bases for the chemical industry”, Int. J. Technology, Policy and Management, 7: 245-262
Book Chapters
Mendonça, J. (2024), A evolução do trabalho e a adopção de tecnologia, in Pelo Sonho É Que Vamos: Chegamos? Não Chegamos? 30 Anos dos Encontros de Prospectiva da Arrábida, 1992-2022, pages 370-378, Fundação Oriente, ISBN: 978-989-8651-31-0
Mendonça, J. (2023), Adoção de Inteligência Artificial, in 88 Vozes sobre Inteligência Artificial, pages 280-288, Oficina do Livro, Oficina do Livro, ISBN: 9789896618674
Reis, A., Mendonça, J., Amaral, M., and Heitor, M. (2016), On the changing nature of industrial production: implications for a research agenda in aeronautical industrial policy, In University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness, David Audretsch, Erik Lehmann, Michele Meoli and Silvio Vismara, pages 235-260, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-17712-0 978-3-319-17713-7
J. Mendonça (2015), Cinco décadas de Indicadores de Ciência e Tecnologia: 1964:2014, in M. L. Rodrigues, M. Heitor (eds) 40 anos de Politicas de Ciência e de Ensino Superior, Almedina, pages 395-428. ISBN: 9789724061214
P. Oliveira and J. Mendonca (2014), User Innovation, in VK Narayanan and G. O’Connor (eds.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Management 3rd Edition, Technology and Innovation Management (Vol. 13)
J. Mendonça, M. Amaral (2010), Entrepreneurial Participation by Immigrants in Portugal, In Gep/MTSS (Eds.), Economic Analysis Using Linked Employer and Employee Data, Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho, Lisboa, Portugal
J. Mendonça, R. Baptista and F. Lima, (2009), Creation of Higher Education Institutions and Entry of Knowledge Based firms, In D. Smallbone, H. Landstrom, & D. Jones-Evans (Eds.), Entrepreneurship, RENT Anthology, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar