Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Da inspiração à inovação

Based on the authors' experiences and learnings over years of research, consultancy and teaching, this book is structured to guide the reader from basic concepts to practical application.

Joana has launched the Design Thinking activities at IST in partnership with Guilherme Victorino.
At IST there are two courses on Design thinking for Master’s students, and an executive course at Tecnico +.
These are project-based learning courses in which students develop a solution for an innovative product, service, process or business model for a problem provided by an external partner, different each semester.
During the course, students engage in a real life problem, applying the Design Thinking methodology to generate innovative solutions.

Design Thinking is a human centered design approach to Innovation.
Design Thinking is a creative and collaborative methodology of problem resolution; an optimistic and experimental methodology that is reproductible and applicable in any problem resolution process.
It allows to develop innovation, as it helps identify issues which are not working and create solutions that address people’s needs.
Design thinking approaches problems from a human perspective, with the goal of designing innovative products, services, or experiences that are technically feasible, economically viable, and desirable for the target group Through research and fed by creativity, design thinking teams may be able to have ideas and create models for them in an iterative way in order to reach a solution.

Let me know if you wish to know more about our Design Thinking Activites, or if you wish to collaborate with the course and the students!