She has been the PI of ten projects, most of them funded from competitive sources, managing a network of different academic partners and industrial partners, and participated in 16 research projects as a member.
Markets and Future Design - Implementation of methodologies for the analysis of potential future markets, CEiiA.
Funding: 43 000€
Magal Constellation - The Consortium seeks to understand long-term variability in local, regional, and global climate induced by ocean hydrographic (temperature and salinity) variation. Improved spatial and temporal resolution can be obtained by developing the next generation of radar altimeter instruments to be adapted for a future constellation of small satellites (the MAGAL Constellation). MAGAL also includes an innovative data and information processing and visualization system, using advanced high-performance modeling, estimation techniques, statistical and scientific machine learning methods, and error analysis in data gathered from different sources.
Project funded through the International Partnerships - UT Austin
IN+ contribution: definition of the business case
Aeros - Development of a Nanosatelite plataforma as a percursor of a future constellation to leverage the space/ocean scientific and economic synergies.
Project funded through the International Partnerships - MIT
IN+ contribution: definition of the business case
Port XXI - Development of a Port monitoring system
Subcontracted through a Project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA).
IN+ contribution: Viability Analysis
Plataforma Ensinar e Aprender Ativamente (PEAA): Implementação pedagógica de metodologias ativas em sala de aula, Projeto Inovação Pedagógica, funded by IST
Beyond Additive
Funded by ANI (Innovation Agency).
Partners: CEiiA, Adira
Exploring the relationship between digital technologies and work in manufacturing firms: co- evolution and consequences in Portugal, Brazil and the United States.
MIT Portugal Partnership (MPP2030) Research Seed Fund Program
Partners: MIT Work of the Future initiative; MIT Industrial Performance Center
Supply and Demand of technology and knowledge in the Algarve Region in the context of the National Strategy for Smart Specialization, Commissioned by the University of Algarve
Partners: CRIA
Innovation Dynamics in Aeronautics and Embraer in Évora: Entrepreneurial Research Initiative
Funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation, CMU-Portugal Program (CMUP-ERI/TPE/0011/2013)
Partners: IDMEC/IST, INESCTEC, Carnegie Mellon University, Embraer Portugal, CEIIA
Human capital formation in young firms and the crisis: A comparative analysis of Portugal and Germany
Funded by SEEK Research Program
Partners: Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA); Brunel University London; Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)