VisualUtilsPrivate Class Reference

Class for private visual utils plugin data. More...

Public Attributes

rendering::VisualPtr visual
 Visual to which the plugin is attached. More...
event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection
 Connects to rendering update event. More...
transport::NodePtr node
 Gazebo transport node. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr sub
 Visual utils topic subscriber. More...
transport::PublisherPtr pub
 A publisher to the reply topic. More...
std::string name
 Unique name. More...
std::vector< std::string > patterns
 Material name patterns. More...
std::vector< std::string > materials
 Available materials. More...
unsigned int used_materials {0}
 Internal counter for used materials. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d default_pose
 Default pose. More...
std::mutex mutex
 Mutex. More...
bool update_pose {false}
 Flag to update pose. More...
bool update_material {false}
 Flag to update material. More...
bool update_scale {false}
 Flag to update scale. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d new_pose
 New pose. More...
std::string new_material
 New material. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d new_scale
 New scale. More...

Detailed Description

Class for private visual utils plugin data.

Member Data Documentation

ignition::math::Pose3d default_pose

Default pose.

std::vector<std::string> materials

Available materials.

std::mutex mutex


std::string name

Unique name.

std::string new_material

New material.

ignition::math::Pose3d new_pose

New pose.

ignition::math::Vector3d new_scale

New scale.

transport::NodePtr node

Gazebo transport node.

std::vector<std::string> patterns

Material name patterns.

transport::PublisherPtr pub

A publisher to the reply topic.

transport::SubscriberPtr sub

Visual utils topic subscriber.

bool update_material {false}

Flag to update material.

bool update_pose {false}

Flag to update pose.

bool update_scale {false}

Flag to update scale.

event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection

Connects to rendering update event.

unsigned int used_materials {0}

Internal counter for used materials.

rendering::VisualPtr visual

Visual to which the plugin is attached.

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