João Marafuz Gaspar

MSc Student in Electrical and Computer Engineering

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About Me

I am a Master's student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, specializing in Control, Robotics, and AI, with an expected graduation in May 2025. Currently, I am a Technical Student at CERN, focusing on beam instrumentation, while working on my Master's thesis on collaborative localization for satellite constellations. Building on my diverse academic experience, my research areas of interest span both physics and engineering, including accelerator physics, beam diagnostics, and instrumentation, as well as estimation and control problems, signal processing, machine learning, and robotics. I'm looking for a high-impact, challenging PhD position where I can maximize my learning opportunities, grow professionally, and make meaningful contributions to the research community.

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Technical Student at CERN

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“Trabalha e Vencerás”, as Grandpa always says — work hard, and success will follow. Life has a funny way of surprising us, just when we think we've seen it all, showing us the sky's not the limit; perhaps, there's no limit at all...

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