Optimal facility location
• Optimal single-facility location (continuous coordinates): (08`b.~orig.) → 21`7.~new (12`5.~current) (At FCUL, not working)
- Bibliography

• Rushton, Alan, Phil Croucher, Peter Baker, 2006, "The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management", 3.rd ed., Chartered Inst. of Logistics and Transport in the UK, ISBN (978)0-7494-4669-2. G'b.

• Taylor, G. Don, 2007, "Logistics Engineering Handbook", CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (USA), ISBN (978)3-540-42172-6. G'b

• Francis, Richard L. and John A. White, 1974 (1991), "Facility layout and location (an analytic approach)", Prentice-Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ (USA), ISBN 0-13-299149-7. G'b.

• Drezner, Zvi and Horst W. Hamacher, 2002 (2004), "Facility location: applications and theory", Springer, Berlin (Ger.), ISBN (978)3-540-42172-6; excerpt.pdf (Ch. 1) (img, 21 Mb). G'b.

• Love, Robert E., James G. Morris and George O. Wesolowsky, 1988 (2004), "Facilities location (models and methods)", North-Holland, New York, NY (USA), ISBN 0-444-01031-9; excerpt.pdf (Ch. 2) (img, 18 Mb). G'b.

• Perić, Ana, et al., 2005, Facility location analysis in supply chain management.pdf, ICTS 2005, 9.th International Conf. on Traffic Sci., Slovenia (M. David) Univ. v Ljubljani.

• Oak Ridge National Laboratory: "Data processing procedures and methodology for estimating trip distances for the 1995 American Travel Survey".pdf, May 2000, ORNL/TM-2000/141, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN (USA).

• Supply chain design.pdf (see "3 Analytical Models"), Metin Çakanyildirim, Univ. Texas at Dallas.

• Authors: Fermat; Alfred Weber; R. Durier, C. Michelot (1985); J. Krarup; J. Brimberg (1995); E. V. Weiszfeld (1937); C. Witzgall (1964); S. L. Hakimi.
Some keywords: Fermat-Weber problem; Torricelli.

~ : a graph is produced.     G'b: Google books.
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Created: 2008-10-10 — Last modified: 2021-07-29