MoisÉs Luzia Pinto

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Slide 1 jFlow PlusSelective adsorption and gas purification
Selective adsorption of gases and vapors can be used industrially for the recovery of valuable products...Read More!
Slide 2 jFlow PlusGas storage and delivery
Adsorbent materials can used to store gases inside their pores...Read More!
Slide 3 jFlow PlusComposite materials
Adsorbents are commonly obtained as fine powders, which pose some difficulties for their application...Read More!

Short C.V.

Moisés Luzia Pinto (b. 1976) obtained the Ph.D. in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry), at the end of 2005, at the University of Lisbon. Developed Post-doctoral research at the Center of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CQB) and at the Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials (CICECO) of the University of Aveiro. After obtaining the Ph.D., he also worked for the chemical industry as an external consultant and as manager of R&D laboratories. From 2013 to 2014, he was Research Assistant at CICECO (University of Aveiro), contracted under the Investigador FCT program (Eq. Inv. Aux.). From 2014, he joined the Chemical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico - ULisboa, as Assistant Professor and is Associate Processor since 2021.
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Available positions

No positions are currently open for research grants in the framework of funded projects. Additional grants for both Ph.D. students or post-doctoral researchers are available from FCT. Candidates with interests in our present research topics are strongly encouraged to apply by contacting us. Master and undergraduate students (Bologna) interested in our research work are also invited to join. Integration into research grants may be requested.


  • Storage and release of therapeutic Nitric Oxide using nanoporous materials

    Although nitric oxide (NO) is very toxic in low concentrations it plays a key role in the regulation of several biological systems of the human body. Solid carriers have potential biomedical interest in the delivery of exogenous NO for anti-bacterial, anti-thrombic and wound healing applications. In this research line, we prepare and modify nanoporous materials with the main goal of studying its potential in the field of storage and release of nitric oxide for therapeutic applications. This project is funded in part by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

  • New applications for composites of polyurethane and recycled rubber

    Rubber from end-of-life tires is being used to develop composite foams with interesting properties for some applications. After grinding, the rubber obtained from the tires can be incorporated in the polyurethane foams. This project is funded by Valorpneu.

  • Variable pressure solid-state NMR methods to study gas-surface interactions in nanoporous sorbent materials for industrial post/precombustion CO2 capture

    This project aims at developing high-resolution in-situ solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) methods, adapted to variable pressure measurements, to gain an atomic-level understanding of the surface interactions between nanoporous inorganic-organic hybrid sorbent materials and CO2.

    This project is funded in part by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.