[1] João H Bettencourt and C. Guedes Soares. Seasonality of the energy transfers in the azores current. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, submitted, 2021. [ bib | .pdf ]
[2] João H Bettencourt, Vincent Rossi, Lionel Renault, Peter Haynes, Yves Morel, and Veronique Garcon. Effects of upwelling duration and phytoplankton growth regime on dissolved-oxygen levels in an idealized iberian peninsula upwelling system. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 27(2):277-294, 2020. [ bib | DOI | .html | .pdf ]
[3] S Ponce de León and JH Bettencourt. Composite analysis of north atlantic extra-tropical cyclone waves from satellite altimetry observations. Advances in Space Research, 2019. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[4] João H Bettencourt and Frédéric Dias. Wall pressure and vorticity in the intermittently turbulent regime of the stokes boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 851:479-506, 2018. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[5] João H. Bettencourt, Vincent Rossi, Emilio Hernández-García, Martinho Marta-Almeida, and Cristóbal López. Characterization of the structure and cross-shore transport properties of a coastal upwelling filament using three-dimensional finite-size lyapunov exponents. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122(9):7433-7448, 2017. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[6] Sonia Ponce de León, João H Bettencourt, and Frederic Dias. Comparison of numerical hindcasted severe waves with doppler radar measurements in the north sea. Ocean Dynamics, pages 1-13, 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[7] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, Emilio Hernández-García, Ivonne Montes, Joël Sudre, Boris Dewitte, Aurélien Paulmier, and Véronique Garçon. Boundaries of the peruvian oxygen minimum zone shaped by coherent mesoscale dynamics. Nature Geoscience, 8:937-940, November 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[8] João H Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, and Emilio Hernández-García. Characterization of coherent structures in three-dimensional turbulent flows using the finite-size Lyapunov exponent. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 46(25):254022, 2013. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[9] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, and Emilio Hernández-García. Oceanic three-dimensional Lagrangian coherent structures: A study of a mesoscale eddy in the Benguela upwelling region. Ocean Modelling, 51(0):73-83, 2012. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[10] S. Ponce de León, J.H. Bettencourt, and N. Kjerstad. Simulation of irregular waves in an offshore wind farm with a spectral wave model. Continental Shelf Research, 31(15):1541-1557, 2011. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[11] JH Bettencourt and C Guedes Soares. Surface circulation in the eastern central north atlantic. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2020. IST. [ bib | .pdf ]
[12] Sonia Ponce de León, Van Vledder G., João H. Bettencourt, P. Doohan, C. Higgins, C Guedes Soares, and Frédéric Dias. Performance of WAVEWATCH-III and SWAN models in the North Sea. In ASME Proceedings of 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Madrid, Spain, June 2018. ASME. [ bib ]
[13] João H. Bettencourt and Frédéric Dias. Analysis of Vorticity Dynamics in Oscillating Flows at Low Keulegan-Carpenter Numbers. In Proceedings of 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Nantes, France, September 2015. EWTEC. [ bib ]
[14] Sonia Ponce de León, João H. Bettencourt, Joseph Brennan, and Frédéric Dias. Evolution of the extreme wave region in the North Atlantic using a 23 year hindcast. In ASME Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, St. Johns, Canada, May 2015. ASME. [ bib ]
[15] J. H. Bettencourt, N. Fonseca, and C. Guedes Soares. Experimental Study of the Performance of a Rigid Wing Sail. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2011. IST. [ bib ]
[16] S Ponce de León and JH Bettencourt. Composite distribution of north atlantic extreme wind waves inferred from satellite altimetry data. In EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 2020. EGU. [ bib | http ]
[17] S Ponce de León, JH Bettencourt, and C. Guedes Soares. North atlantic extra-tropical cyclones from satellite altimetry observations. In Workshop Workshop Climate Change Initiative-Sea State, IFREMER,Brest, France, 2019. ESA. [ bib | .pdf ]
[18] S Ponce de León and JH Bettencourt. North atlantic extra-tropical cyclones from satellite altimetry observations. In Workshop Atlantic from Space, Southampton, UK, 2019. ESA-NOC. [ bib | http ]
[19] João H. Bettencourt, Vincent Rossi, Lionel Renault, Peter Haynes, Yves Morel, and Véronique Garçon. Physical and biogeochemical controls on dissolved oxygen in coastal upwelling systems. In 4th Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the Worlds Oceans, Washington, USA, June 2018. NOAA. [ bib ]
[20] João H. Bettencourt, Vincent Rossi, Emilio Hernández-García, Martinho Marta-Almeida, and Cristóbal López. Characterization of the structure and cross-shore transport properties of a coastal upwelling filament using three-dimensional finite-size Lyapunov exponents. In European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2018. EGU. [ bib ]
[21] João H. Bettencourt, Vincent Rossi, Lionel Renault, Peter Haynes, Yves Morel, and Véronique Garçon. Impact of submesoscale motions in dissolved O2 in an upwelling system. In European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2018. EGU. [ bib ]
[22] João H. Bettencourt, Vincent Rossi, Lionel Renault, Peter Haynes, Yves Morel, and Véronique Garçon. mpact of submesoscale turbulence in dissolved O2 in an upwelling system. In 49th International Liége Colloquium, Liége,Belgium, May 2017. ULg. [ bib ]
[23] João H. Bettencourt, Vincent Rossi, Lionel Renault, Peter Haynes, Yves Morel, and Véronique Garçon. Impact of submesoscale motions in dissolved O2 in an upwelling system. In European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2017. EGU. [ bib ]
[24] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, Emilio Hernández-García, Ivonne Montes, Joël Sudre, Boris Dewitte, Aurélien Paulmier, and Véronique Garçon. Mesoscale structures as barriers to mixing in the East Tropical Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone. In 46th International Liége Colloquium, Liége,Belgium, May 2014. ULg. [ bib ]
[25] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, and Emilio Hernández-García. Lagrangian coherent structures and plankton dynamics. In The Ramón Margalef Summer Colloquia, Barcelona,Spain, July 2013. ICM. [ bib ]
[26] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, Emilio Hernández-García, Ivonne Montes, Joël Sudre, Boris Dewitte, Aurélien Paulmier, and Véronique Garçon. Lagrangian variability of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone. In European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Vienna,Austria, April 2013. EGU. [ bib ]
[27] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, and Emilio Hernández-García. Mesoscale three-dimensional Lagrangian Coherent Structures. In 2nd International Workshop on Nonlinear Processes in Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows, Madrid, Spain, July 2012. ICMAT-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. [ bib ]
[28] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, and Emilio Hernández-García. Estruturas Lagrangianas coerentes na mesoescala oceânica. In Encontro de Oceanografia Física, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, June 2012. [ bib ]
[29] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, and Emilio Hernández-García. Oceanic three-dimensional Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Benguela ocean region. In European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2012. EGU. [ bib ]
[30] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, and Emilio Hernández-García. Coherent Structures in Three-Dimensional Flows. In Workshop Coherent Structures in Dynamical Systems, Leiden, Netherlands, May 2011. Lorentz Center. [ bib ]
[31] João H. Bettencourt, Cristóbal López, and Emilio Hernández-García. Coherent Structures in a Three Dimensional Turbulent Velocity Field. In Living organisms in flows: From small-scale turbulence to geophysical flows, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 2010. IFISC. [ bib ]
[32] E. Hernández-García, J.H. Bettencourt, V. Garçon, I. Hernandez-Carrasco, C. López, V. Rossi, J. Sudre, and E. Tew Kai. Biological Impact of Ocean Transport: A Finite-Size Lyapunov Characterization. In Dumitru Baleanu, Ziya Burhanettin Guvenc, and Ozlem Defterli, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity. Cankaya University, 2012. [ bib ]

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