Programação com Objectos

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Revision as of 09:49, 27 October 2010 by Root (talk | contribs) (Teoria e Análise de Exemplos)

Programação com Objectos
Creation and Destruction
Inheritance & Composition
Abstraction & Polymorphism
Code Organization
Java Topics
Inner Classes
Data Structures
Other Topics
JUnit Tests
UML Topics
Design Patterns
"Simple" Factory
Composite & Visitor
Strategy & State
Template Method
Abstract Factory
Decorator & Adapter
Façade (aka Facade)

Tópicos Teóricos e Práticos

Teoria e Análise de Exemplos

Exercícios e Problemas

Ambientes de Desenvolvimento e Linguagens de Programação

Desenvolvimento em Java

Aplicação exemplo (aplicação bancária em Java) para apoio à construção do projecto (these are the 2010/2011 editions):

Each package includes a makefile to compile and build the corresponding JAR archive. Note that the makefiles assume that all JAR dependencies reside in /usr/share/java (linux installation -- other environments may, and indeed should work, but are not covered in this text).

You may want to read the the quick and dirty guide (use at your risk!):

Information about the Java API can be found in the following sites:

Desenvolvimento em C++

Information about C++ and the C++ STL can be found in the following sites:

Desenvolvimento em PHP

PHP is syntactically similar to both Java and C++ and shares many of the features present in these languages. However, variables in PHP is usually untyped (implying dynamic binding).

Máquinas Virtuais para Desenvolvimento

Está disponível uma máquina virtual, koops (versão 0.1.1):

Existem dois formatos:

Informação actualizada (e mais formatos) sobre esta máquina pode ser obtida da SUSE Gallery