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(Generic - considers intermediate code (processor-independent))
(24 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Generic optimizations are carried out considering the intermediate code and are processor-independent. These optimizations are typically implemented in the middle-end of the compiler, after the frontend has parsed the code into an intermediate representation but before the backend generates machine code. Generic optimizations can include things like constant folding, dead code elimination, or loop optimization. Because they're not tied to a specific processor or machine architecture, these optimizations can be applied to any program being compiled.
Generic optimizations are carried out considering the intermediate code and are processor-independent. These optimizations are typically implemented in the middle-end of the compiler, after the frontend has parsed the code into an intermediate representation but before the backend generates machine code. Generic optimizations can include things like constant folding, dead code elimination, or loop optimization. Because they're not tied to a specific processor or machine architecture, these optimizations can be applied to any program being compiled.
=== Peephole - window over a series of consecutive instructions ===
=== Peephole: window over a series of consecutive instructions ===
Peephole optimization involves looking at a small window of consecutive instructions in the assembly or machine code and attempting to improve them. The compiler replaces these instructions with a more efficient sequence, reducing redundancy, and improving execution speed. This process could include eliminating unnecessary load and store operations, simplifying arithmetic operations, or replacing slow instructions with faster ones.
Peephole optimization involves looking at a small window of consecutive instructions in the assembly or machine code and attempting to improve them. The compiler replaces these instructions with a more efficient sequence, reducing redundancy, and improving execution speed. This process could include eliminating unnecessary load and store operations, simplifying arithmetic operations, or replacing slow instructions with faster ones.
=== Local - optimization within a basic block ===
=== Local: optimization within a basic block ===
Local optimization is focused on enhancing the performance within a basic block (a sequence of code with one entry point and one exit point, with no possibility of branching in between). These blocks are identified after the program has been parsed into an intermediate representation. The optimization here focuses on improving the efficiency of each block by eliminating redundant computations, dead code, and performing register allocation, among others.
Local optimization is focused on enhancing the performance within a basic block (a sequence of code with one entry point and one exit point, with no possibility of branching in between). These blocks are identified after the program has been parsed into an intermediate representation. The optimization here focuses on improving the efficiency of each block by eliminating redundant computations, dead code, and performing register allocation, among others.
=== Inter-block (information flow between blocks, mainly cycles) ===
=== Inter-block: information flow between blocks (mainly cycles) ===
Inter-block optimization takes into consideration the information flow between blocks, mainly cycles. In this phase, the compiler looks for optimization opportunities that involve more than one basic block, such as loop unrolling or loop invariant code motion. These optimizations can help to minimize redundant computations and enhance overall code efficiency.
Inter-block optimization takes into consideration the information flow between blocks, mainly cycles. In this phase, the compiler looks for optimization opportunities that involve more than one basic block, such as loop unrolling or loop invariant code motion. These optimizations can help to minimize redundant computations and enhance overall code efficiency.
=== Global - multiple jumps (jumps to jumps, jumps to the next instruction) ===
=== Global: multiple jumps (jumps to jumps, jumps to the next instruction) ===
Global optimizations focus on the entire function or program, optimizing across multiple jumps, including jumps to jumps and jumps to the next instruction. These optimizations are more complex than local optimizations, as they require a broader view of the program's control flow. Global optimizations may include function inlining, loop unrolling across multiple basic blocks, or interprocedural optimizations that span multiple functions or procedures. These kinds of optimizations can significantly improve execution speed but can also increase the size of the compiled code.
Global optimizations focus on the entire function or program, optimizing across multiple jumps, including jumps to jumps and jumps to the next instruction. These optimizations are more complex than local optimizations, as they require a broader view of the program's control flow. Global optimizations may include function inlining, loop unrolling across multiple basic blocks, or interprocedural optimizations that span multiple functions or procedures. These kinds of optimizations can significantly improve execution speed but can also increase the size of the compiled code.
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== Constant folding ==
== Constant folding ==
Constant folding is an optimization technique where expressions involving constants are evaluated during the compile-time rather than at runtime (direct evaluation of expressions using only literal and known values). This technique improves the performance by reducing the number of computations needed during execution. Consider the following example using C code.
Direct evaluation of expressions using only literal and known values:
Original code with expressions involving constants:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
int *x = (int *)malloc(1024 * 4);
int *x = (int *)malloc(1024 * 4); // Allocating memory space for 1024 integers, assuming each integer is 4 bytes.
int  y = 3;
int  y = 3;                       // Initializing y with the value 3.
int  z = 20 * y + 10;
int  z = 20 * y + 10;             // Calculating z using the value of y.
After applying constant folding, the code is simplified by evaluating the expressions that involve only constants.
Optimized code with constant expressions evaluated:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
int *x = (int *)malloc(4096);
int *x = (int *)malloc(4096); // Directly allocating memory for 4096 bytes (as 1024 * 4 equals 4096).
int  y = 3;
int  y = 3;                   // The value of y remains the same.
int  z = 70;
int  z = 70;                 // The expression (20 * 3 + 10) is evaluated as 70 during compile-time.
This simplification leads to faster execution as the calculations are performed at compile-time, and the runtime operation involves fewer computations.
== Elimination of Common Subexpressions ==
== Elimination of Common Subexpressions ==
Elimination of common subexpressions is an optimization technique that identifies and eliminates expressions which are computed more than once within a block of code. By storing the result of such expressions in a temporary variable, the number of calculations is reduced, thus improving the execution efficiency. The following is an example using C code.
Using temporary variables to store common results:
Original code with repeated expressions:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
  d = c * (a + b)
d = c * (a + b);  // Computes (a + b) and multiplies the result with c.
  e = (a + b) / 2
e = (a + b) / 2;  // Again computes (a + b) and then divides it by 2.
After applying the elimination of common subexpressions, the code is refactored to compute the common expression '''(a + b)''' only once and reuse the result.
Optimized code with common subexpressions eliminated:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
  t = a + b
t = a + b;  // Common expression (a + b) stored in temporary variable t.
  d = c * t
d = c * t;  // Uses the value stored in t.
  e = t / 2
e = t / 2;  // Reuses the value in t, avoiding the need to compute (a + b) again.
This technique saves computational resources by reducing redundant calculations and thus can significantly enhance the performance of the program.
== Cycles / Loops ==
== Cycles / Loops ==
=== Loop unrolling ===
=== Loop unrolling ===
Loop unrolling is an optimization technique that reduces the overhead of loop control operations (like incrementing and evaluating the loop variable) by executing multiple iterations of the loop body per iteration of the unrolled loop. This can improve the performance of tight loops significantly. The following is an example applied to C code.
Original code with a simple loop:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)   // Loop iterates from 1 to n-1.
    a[i] = b[i] + 10;
  a[i] = b[i] + 10;       // Each element of array a is set to the corresponding element of array b plus 10.
After applying loop unrolling, the loop body is expanded to perform several iterations' work in a single pass through the loop, thus reducing the loop overhead.
Optimized code with loop unrolled:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
  for (i = 1; i < (n/4)*4; i+=4) {
for (i = 1; i < (n/4)*4; i+=4) {
    a[i]  = b[i]  + 10;
  a[i]  = b[i]  + 10; // Processes four consecutive array elements in one loop iteration.
    a[i+1] = b[i+1] + 10;
  a[i+1] = b[i+1] + 10;
    a[i+2] = b[i+2] + 10;
  a[i+2] = b[i+2] + 10;
    a[i+3] = b[i+3] + 10;
  a[i+3] = b[i+3] + 10;
  // rest of the cycle
// Handling the rest of the elements if n is not a multiple of 4
  for (; i < n; i++)
for (; i < n; i++)
    a[i] = b[i] + 10;
  a[i] = b[i] + 10; // Processes any remaining elements one at a time.
This technique improves data locality and can make better use of the processor's instruction pipeline by executing more operations in each iteration. However, it can increase code size and potentially impact cache behavior.
=== Moving invariant code ===
=== Moving invariant code ===
Moving invariant code out of loops is an optimization technique designed to enhance performance by reducing unnecessary computations inside a loop. This method involves identifying code within a loop that does not change across iterations and moving it outside the loop. This reduces the computational overhead per iteration. The following example uses C code do demonstrate the technique.
Original code with invariant computations within the loop:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
  for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    a[i] = b[i] + c * d;
  a[i] = b[i] + c * d; // The product c*d is computed in every iteration but does not change.
    e = g[k];
  e = g[k];             // The value e is assigned in every iteration but does not depend on the loop variable i.
After refactoring to move invariant code out of the loop, the computation of the constant expressions is performed only once, prior to the loop.
Optimized code with invariant code moved out:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
  t = c * d;
t = c * d;             // Compute c*d once and store it in t.
  for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    a[i] = b[i] + t;
  a[i] = b[i] + t;     // Use the precomputed value t inside the loop.
  e = g[k];
e = g[k];             // Move assignment of e outside the loop since it does not depend on i.
By executing these expressions only once instead of on every iteration, the loop becomes more efficient, reducing the runtime, especially for large values of '''n'''. This optimization often yields significant performance improvements in loops that execute a high number of iterations.
=== Variable induction ===
=== Variable induction ===
Variable induction is an optimization technique that simplifies the calculation of values that are repeatedly updated based on their previous value within a loop. This is achieved by transforming the loop to update the variable directly, rather than recalculating it entirely in each iteration. The following is an example using C code.
Original code with repeated computation:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    k = i * 4 + m;
  k = i * 4 + m; // Each time, k is calculated as i multiplied by 4 plus m.
After applying variable induction, the code is refactored to initialize '''k''' with the start value '''m''' and then increment it by a constant value in each iteration, eliminating the need to compute the entire expression repeatedly:
Optimized code with variable induction applied:
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
  k = m;
k = m;             // Initialize k with m.
  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    k = k + 4;
  k = k + 4;       // Increment k by 4 in each iteration.
This transformation reduces the complexity of operations within the loop, effectively turning a multiplication and addition into a simple addition. This not only saves computational resources but also enhances the clarity and potentially the performance of the loop, especially in cases where '''n''' is large.
=== Other ===
<!--=== Other ===
= Machine-dependent Optimizations =
= Machine-dependent Optimizations =
Machine-dependent optimizations are compiler optimizations that are specific to a certain type of hardware architecture. These optimizations take advantage of the unique features of a particular machine to enhance code performance.
The following sections provide examples for the Intel x86 family but are also applicable in other architectures.
== Algebraic Simplification ==
== Algebraic Simplification ==
<source lang="asm">
xor eax,eax
instead of  
Algebraic simplification refers to the process of modifying certain operations in a way that they use fewer resources or take less time, while still producing the same result. Consider an operation such as '''mov eax, 0'''. This instruction moves the value '''0''' into the '''eax''' register. However, we can simplify this operation by using the XOR operation, '''xor eax, eax'''. The XOR operation performs a bitwise exclusive OR, so when a register is XORed with itself, the result is always 0. The '''xor eax, eax''' instruction is typically faster than '''mov eax, 0'''.
<source lang="asm">
mov 0,eax
Another example can be eliminating redundant instructions. If there are two consecutive instructions '''mov eax, ebx''' and '''mov eax, ecx''', the first instruction becomes redundant because '''eax''' is immediately overwritten with '''ecx'''. The optimized code would only include the instruction '''move eax, ecx'''.
== Strength Reduction ==
== Strength Reduction ==
<source lang="c">
x << 2 + x
instead of  
Strength reduction is another optimization technique that replaces expensive operations with cheaper ones, again without changing the result. For instance, on x86 processors, multiplication and division are more expensive in terms of CPU cycles than addition or shift operations. Therefore, strength reduction may replace an operation like '''x * 2''' with '''x << 1''', which shifts the value of '''x''' one bit to the left, effectively multiplying it by 2. Another example would be replacing an operation like '''x / 2''' with '''x >> 1''', which shifts the value of '''x''' one bit to the right, halving it.
<source lang="c">
x * 5
These operations can be combined: an operation like '''x * 10''' could be replaced with '''(x << 3) + (x << 1)''', which is equivalent but faster. Another example is using '''x << 2 + x''' instead of '''x * 5'''.
== Instruction Reordering ==
== Instruction Reordering ==
Reorder independent instructions in order to avoid register spilling.
Instruction reordering is a powerful optimization technique that changes the order of instructions to minimize CPU idle time and efficiently allocate CPU registers. This technique is particularly impactful in architectures like the x86, which uses pipelining where instructions are processed in stages and can overlap. Dependencies between instructions, however, can lead to pipeline stalls, where the CPU is waiting for previous instructions to finish. For example, if instruction B depends on the result of instruction A, the CPU can't start executing instruction B until instruction A has finished. Register allocation also plays a crucial role in this context. The CPU has a limited number of registers, and compilers aim to use these resources effectively. If a variable is frequently accessed, it might be stored in a register for faster access, an operation called register promotion. Conversely, if there are more variables than available registers, some values have to be moved to memory, a situation called register spilling. By reordering instructions and managing register allocation efficiently, the compiler can minimize these pipeline stalls and avoid unnecessary register spilling, hence optimizing execution speed. For instance, if we have three instructions -- A = B + C; D = E + F; G = A + D -- the compiler could reorder the first two instructions so that they execute in parallel, thus reducing the time it takes to get the results needed for the third instruction, and allocate the variables A, D, and G to registers to speed up their access.
== Other ==
== Other ==
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== Exercises ==
== Exercises ==
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 01|Exercises 01]]
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 01|Exercises 01]] - '''fun''' and '''malloc''' and arithmetic
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 02|Exercises 02]]
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 02|Exercises 02]] - '''fun''' and '''malloc'''
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 03|Exercises 03]]
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 03|Exercises 03]] - '''fun''' and cycle
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 04|Exercises 04]]
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 04|Exercises 04]] - '''find'''
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 05|Exercises 05]]
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 05|Exercises 05]] - '''ax²+bx+c'''
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 06|Exercises 06]]
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 06|Exercises 06]] - '''main'''
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 07|Exercises 07]] - '''fun''' (with doubles) and cycle
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 08|Exercises 08]] - '''fun''' (with doubles) and '''malloc'''
* [[Optimization Topics/Exercise 09|Exercises 09]] - '''fun''' (with doubles) and '''malloc''' and arithmetic

Latest revision as of 20:01, 23 May 2024

Introdução ao Desenvolvimento de Compiladores
Aspectos Teóricos de Análise Lexical
A Ferramenta Flex
Introdução à Sintaxe
Análise Sintáctica Descendente
Gramáticas Atributivas
A Ferramenta YACC
Análise Sintáctica Ascendente
Análise Semântica
Geração de Código
Tópicos de Optimização

Basic Blocks

Instruction sequence where control flow starts at the first instruction and ends at the last, without jumps (except at the last instruction).

Transformations within a basic block maintain the block semantics (considered as an atomic entity).

Optimization Levels

Compiler optimization is an essential process in compiler design that enhances program performance by minimizing execution time, memory consumption, and other metrics. Various optimization techniques can be employed at different stages of the compilation process, such as user, generic, peephole, local, inter-block, and global optimization. Each optimization level has a different focus, ranging from specific user algorithms to the entire code structure, aiming to streamline the execution process and make the compiled code as efficient as possible.

User: algorithm- and application-level optimizations

User-level, that is, algorithm- and application-level, optimizations are specific to a particular algorithm or application. They are usually done by the developer who writes the program and knows the algorithm's specificities and the application's behavior. These optimizations aim to rewrite or refactor the code to improve its performance, often based on knowledge of the algorithm or application. For instance, a developer could optimize a sorting algorithm by choosing the most efficient one based on the data's expected characteristics.

Generic: considers intermediate code (processor-independent)

Generic optimizations are carried out considering the intermediate code and are processor-independent. These optimizations are typically implemented in the middle-end of the compiler, after the frontend has parsed the code into an intermediate representation but before the backend generates machine code. Generic optimizations can include things like constant folding, dead code elimination, or loop optimization. Because they're not tied to a specific processor or machine architecture, these optimizations can be applied to any program being compiled.

Peephole: window over a series of consecutive instructions

Peephole optimization involves looking at a small window of consecutive instructions in the assembly or machine code and attempting to improve them. The compiler replaces these instructions with a more efficient sequence, reducing redundancy, and improving execution speed. This process could include eliminating unnecessary load and store operations, simplifying arithmetic operations, or replacing slow instructions with faster ones.

Local: optimization within a basic block

Local optimization is focused on enhancing the performance within a basic block (a sequence of code with one entry point and one exit point, with no possibility of branching in between). These blocks are identified after the program has been parsed into an intermediate representation. The optimization here focuses on improving the efficiency of each block by eliminating redundant computations, dead code, and performing register allocation, among others.

Inter-block: information flow between blocks (mainly cycles)

Inter-block optimization takes into consideration the information flow between blocks, mainly cycles. In this phase, the compiler looks for optimization opportunities that involve more than one basic block, such as loop unrolling or loop invariant code motion. These optimizations can help to minimize redundant computations and enhance overall code efficiency.

Global: multiple jumps (jumps to jumps, jumps to the next instruction)

Global optimizations focus on the entire function or program, optimizing across multiple jumps, including jumps to jumps and jumps to the next instruction. These optimizations are more complex than local optimizations, as they require a broader view of the program's control flow. Global optimizations may include function inlining, loop unrolling across multiple basic blocks, or interprocedural optimizations that span multiple functions or procedures. These kinds of optimizations can significantly improve execution speed but can also increase the size of the compiled code.

Machine-independent optimizations

Constant folding

Constant folding is an optimization technique where expressions involving constants are evaluated during the compile-time rather than at runtime (direct evaluation of expressions using only literal and known values). This technique improves the performance by reducing the number of computations needed during execution. Consider the following example using C code.

Original code with expressions involving constants:

int *x = (int *)malloc(1024 * 4); // Allocating memory space for 1024 integers, assuming each integer is 4 bytes.
int  y = 3;                       // Initializing y with the value 3.
int  z = 20 * y + 10;             // Calculating z using the value of y.

After applying constant folding, the code is simplified by evaluating the expressions that involve only constants.

Optimized code with constant expressions evaluated:

int *x = (int *)malloc(4096); // Directly allocating memory for 4096 bytes (as 1024 * 4 equals 4096).
int  y = 3;                   // The value of y remains the same.
int  z = 70;                  // The expression (20 * 3 + 10) is evaluated as 70 during compile-time.

This simplification leads to faster execution as the calculations are performed at compile-time, and the runtime operation involves fewer computations.

Elimination of Common Subexpressions

Elimination of common subexpressions is an optimization technique that identifies and eliminates expressions which are computed more than once within a block of code. By storing the result of such expressions in a temporary variable, the number of calculations is reduced, thus improving the execution efficiency. The following is an example using C code.

Original code with repeated expressions:

d = c * (a + b);  // Computes (a + b) and multiplies the result with c.
e = (a + b) / 2;  // Again computes (a + b) and then divides it by 2.

After applying the elimination of common subexpressions, the code is refactored to compute the common expression (a + b) only once and reuse the result.

Optimized code with common subexpressions eliminated:

t = a + b;  // Common expression (a + b) stored in temporary variable t.
d = c * t;  // Uses the value stored in t.
e = t / 2;  // Reuses the value in t, avoiding the need to compute (a + b) again.

This technique saves computational resources by reducing redundant calculations and thus can significantly enhance the performance of the program.

Cycles / Loops

Loop unrolling

Loop unrolling is an optimization technique that reduces the overhead of loop control operations (like incrementing and evaluating the loop variable) by executing multiple iterations of the loop body per iteration of the unrolled loop. This can improve the performance of tight loops significantly. The following is an example applied to C code.

Original code with a simple loop:

for (i = 1; i < n; i++)    // Loop iterates from 1 to n-1.
  a[i] = b[i] + 10;        // Each element of array a is set to the corresponding element of array b plus 10.

After applying loop unrolling, the loop body is expanded to perform several iterations' work in a single pass through the loop, thus reducing the loop overhead.

Optimized code with loop unrolled:

for (i = 1; i < (n/4)*4; i+=4) {
  a[i]   = b[i]   + 10;  // Processes four consecutive array elements in one loop iteration.
  a[i+1] = b[i+1] + 10;
  a[i+2] = b[i+2] + 10;
  a[i+3] = b[i+3] + 10;

// Handling the rest of the elements if n is not a multiple of 4
for (; i < n; i++)
  a[i] = b[i] + 10;  // Processes any remaining elements one at a time.

This technique improves data locality and can make better use of the processor's instruction pipeline by executing more operations in each iteration. However, it can increase code size and potentially impact cache behavior.

Moving invariant code

Moving invariant code out of loops is an optimization technique designed to enhance performance by reducing unnecessary computations inside a loop. This method involves identifying code within a loop that does not change across iterations and moving it outside the loop. This reduces the computational overhead per iteration. The following example uses C code do demonstrate the technique.

Original code with invariant computations within the loop:

for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
  a[i] = b[i] + c * d;  // The product c*d is computed in every iteration but does not change.
  e = g[k];             // The value e is assigned in every iteration but does not depend on the loop variable i.

After refactoring to move invariant code out of the loop, the computation of the constant expressions is performed only once, prior to the loop.

Optimized code with invariant code moved out:

t = c * d;             // Compute c*d once and store it in t.
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
  a[i] = b[i] + t;     // Use the precomputed value t inside the loop.
e = g[k];              // Move assignment of e outside the loop since it does not depend on i.

By executing these expressions only once instead of on every iteration, the loop becomes more efficient, reducing the runtime, especially for large values of n. This optimization often yields significant performance improvements in loops that execute a high number of iterations.

Variable induction

Variable induction is an optimization technique that simplifies the calculation of values that are repeatedly updated based on their previous value within a loop. This is achieved by transforming the loop to update the variable directly, rather than recalculating it entirely in each iteration. The following is an example using C code.

Original code with repeated computation:

for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
  k = i * 4 + m;  // Each time, k is calculated as i multiplied by 4 plus m.

After applying variable induction, the code is refactored to initialize k with the start value m and then increment it by a constant value in each iteration, eliminating the need to compute the entire expression repeatedly:

Optimized code with variable induction applied:

k = m;             // Initialize k with m.
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
  k = k + 4;       // Increment k by 4 in each iteration.

This transformation reduces the complexity of operations within the loop, effectively turning a multiplication and addition into a simple addition. This not only saves computational resources but also enhances the clarity and potentially the performance of the loop, especially in cases where n is large.

Machine-dependent Optimizations

Machine-dependent optimizations are compiler optimizations that are specific to a certain type of hardware architecture. These optimizations take advantage of the unique features of a particular machine to enhance code performance.

The following sections provide examples for the Intel x86 family but are also applicable in other architectures.

Algebraic Simplification

Algebraic simplification refers to the process of modifying certain operations in a way that they use fewer resources or take less time, while still producing the same result. Consider an operation such as mov eax, 0. This instruction moves the value 0 into the eax register. However, we can simplify this operation by using the XOR operation, xor eax, eax. The XOR operation performs a bitwise exclusive OR, so when a register is XORed with itself, the result is always 0. The xor eax, eax instruction is typically faster than mov eax, 0.

Another example can be eliminating redundant instructions. If there are two consecutive instructions mov eax, ebx and mov eax, ecx, the first instruction becomes redundant because eax is immediately overwritten with ecx. The optimized code would only include the instruction move eax, ecx.

Strength Reduction

Strength reduction is another optimization technique that replaces expensive operations with cheaper ones, again without changing the result. For instance, on x86 processors, multiplication and division are more expensive in terms of CPU cycles than addition or shift operations. Therefore, strength reduction may replace an operation like x * 2 with x << 1, which shifts the value of x one bit to the left, effectively multiplying it by 2. Another example would be replacing an operation like x / 2 with x >> 1, which shifts the value of x one bit to the right, halving it.

These operations can be combined: an operation like x * 10 could be replaced with (x << 3) + (x << 1), which is equivalent but faster. Another example is using x << 2 + x instead of x * 5.

Instruction Reordering

Instruction reordering is a powerful optimization technique that changes the order of instructions to minimize CPU idle time and efficiently allocate CPU registers. This technique is particularly impactful in architectures like the x86, which uses pipelining where instructions are processed in stages and can overlap. Dependencies between instructions, however, can lead to pipeline stalls, where the CPU is waiting for previous instructions to finish. For example, if instruction B depends on the result of instruction A, the CPU can't start executing instruction B until instruction A has finished. Register allocation also plays a crucial role in this context. The CPU has a limited number of registers, and compilers aim to use these resources effectively. If a variable is frequently accessed, it might be stored in a register for faster access, an operation called register promotion. Conversely, if there are more variables than available registers, some values have to be moved to memory, a situation called register spilling. By reordering instructions and managing register allocation efficiently, the compiler can minimize these pipeline stalls and avoid unnecessary register spilling, hence optimizing execution speed. For instance, if we have three instructions -- A = B + C; D = E + F; G = A + D -- the compiler could reorder the first two instructions so that they execute in parallel, thus reducing the time it takes to get the results needed for the third instruction, and allocate the variables A, D, and G to registers to speed up their access.

