Manuel Goulão

mgoulao _at_

Mathematics building, room 5.39
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais 1
1049-001, Lisboa, PORTUGAL

I'm a PhD student in Information Security at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon with a scholarship from the DP-PMI. I'm part of the research group SQIG and my supervisor is Prof. Paulo Mateus.


My research interests are post-quantum and quantum cryptography, analysing and developing cryptographic protocols, namely in secure multiparty computation. I'm interested in both the theoretical aspects and their implementations.


Algorithms and Computational Modelling, Spring 2021, Fall 2022.
Computation and Programming, Fall 2020.
Cryptography and Communications Security, Fall 2018.

I was awarded the "IST Excellent Professor" in 2019 and 2021.

I'm also organizing the SQIG Student Seminar --- Schedule.

Security CTF

I like playing Security CTFs. I play for STT, the security team of IST, and am currently its captain.

In 2018, we ranked 18th best academic, and 44th best overall team worldwide (according to CTFtime).
STT was the 3rd best EU academic team in 2018 ! CSAW 2018 European finals. (news article)

In 2019 was selected for the national team of Portugal in the ENISA European Cyber Security Challenge. (news article)


Slides for my past presentations.

Posts I wrote about crypto stuff I liked (mostly CTFs).

Last updated: June-2022