Joaquim Jorge
- News
- UNESCO Chair on AI & XR at Universidade de Lisboa
- Honorary Invited Professor at PUC-Rio
- Adjunct Professor at Victoria University Wellington
- Education
- Agregação (habil), IST/UTL, Nov. 2002
- MsC, PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Computer Science
Department, Troy, NY
Engº Electrotécnico (BSEE), IST
- Research Interests
- Calligraphic and Multimodal User Interfaces, Pattern Recognition, Visual Computing, Computers in Education, Online Learning
- Past Activities
- Executive Committe of the ACM Europe Council 2015/2019.
- ACM Distinguished Speaker, Senior member IEEE VGTC, Chair ACM/SIGGRAPH Specialized Conferences Committee, Adjunct Professor at U of Calgary CS Department, EG/SIGGRAPH CGEMS, MISE (see video in Portuguese here),Chair of EG Working Group on Sketch-Based Interfaces, Eurographics Association, Head of Visualization and Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces Group at INESC-ID, Lisboa
- Conferences
- Journal Papers Co-Chair, IEEE VR2020, Atlanta, GA
- ACM ISS 2020, Lisbon, Portugal
- IEEE VR2021,Portugal
- IEEE VR2022, New Zealand
- Conference Co-Chair 16th International Conference on CAD/Graphics, Shanghai, China, August 19-21, 2021.
- Journals (Editorial Board)
- Editor-in-Chief Computers & Graphics,
- Past Associate Editor of Electronics Letters, International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
- Projects
- Xavier - Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Radiology and Extended Reality
- Past: IT-MEDEX - Multiple Surfaces for Visualization in Medical ApplicationsTECTON 3D, MIVIS, CEDAR, Digital Alberti TARGET, MAXIMUS, IMPROVE, SmartSketches (Praxis XXI, EC/5FP), , Eurotooling21, FCT: BIRD, DecorAR, Lusa S2I, Sagres (Praxis XXI), Alfa INETGAM, FCT: InStory
- Associations I am affiliated with
- Fellow
Eurographics Association, Distinguished Member ACM
/ SIGGRAPH (Specialized Conferences Committee Chair), Senior Member IEEE
/ Computer Society, Eurographics Portuguese Chapter, IAPR/APRP IFIP TC13 (HCI)
- Contact Information