Curriculum Vitae
Joaquim Jorge is a Full Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, the School of Engineering of the Universidade de Lisboa at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI), where he teaches Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction and holds the UNESCO Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality. He is Adjunct Professor at the University of Wellington and Invited Honorary Professor at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He was an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary from 2009 to 2018, The Technical University of Vienna in 2012, and the Technical University of Darmstadt in 1999.
Conference Leadership
He has chaired or co-chaired the Scientific Program Committee of multiple international conferences, including IEEE VR 2020, Eurographics 2016, ICCG 2015, SCCG 2015, IUI 2012, CAe'08, ICIG'07, HCIed'07, WSCG'06, EGSBIM'05, EGMM'04, EGSBM'04, DSV-IS'03, CGE'02, and EGMM'01. He organized over 50 international events, including IEEE AIXVR 2025, IEEE VR 2022 and IEEE VR 2021, IEEE/EG Eurovis 2019 and 2007, Eurographics'98, ACM ISS 2020, INTERACT 2011, and in 2001 a Strategic Workshop in Portugal with the support of the European Commission and the National Science Foundation on Universal Accessibility (EC / NSF Workshop - WUAUC'01) in Alcácer do Sal.
Professional Contributions
A longtime practitioner of Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems, he first joined the Eurographics Association (EG) in 1986 and was a member of the EG Executive Committee between 1997 and 2006. He participated in many national and European projects in the area of Computer Graphics and Multimedia, coordinating the SmartSketches European project from 2002 to 2004. He was a proposal evaluator for the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2000, 2001, and 2003 under the ITR program and the European Commission under the IST program (5th-7th Framework programs). He was a consultant at the FhG/IGD (Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany) on Multimodal Interfaces and has coordinated the Graphics & Interaction Research Group at INESC-ID, a Research Institute Affiliated with the University, since 2000.
Editorial Work
Since January 2007, he has been Editor-in-Chief of the Computers & Graphics Journal (Elsevier), having served on the Editorial Board of seven other scientific publications, including Computer Graphics Forum (Blackwells) between 1999 and 2008. In November 2018, he founded Graphics & Visual Computing Journal, an Open Access sister publication to Computers and Graphics.
Academic Supervision
He supervised or co-supervised 16 doctoral theses and 68 MSc theses, as well as 50 capstone projects at IST. He is the author or co-author of over 378 peer-reviewed publications, including 164 presented at international conferences, three books, 63 journal articles, and 31 communications to workshops. He has served on the international program committee of over 208 conferences.
Affiliations and Recognitions
In addition to being a national delegate to IFIP's Human-Computer Interaction Technical Committee (TC13) from 2001-2013, he is also a member of ACM/SIGGRAPH, IEEE (Senior Member since 2000), and IAPR and was Chairman of the Eurographics Portuguese Chapter from 2000-2008. He is the first Portuguese ACM Distinguished Speaker Program (DSP) since September 2015, having given 22 keynote talks at scientific events as well as 42 keynote talks and guest lectures in academic contexts. In 2014, he received the IFIP Silver Core Award in recognition of his contributions to IFIP / TC13. From 2015 to 2019, he was an elected member of the Executive Committee of the ACM Europe Council.
Recent Achievements
He has been nominated IEEE Distinguished Visitor in 2021 and IEEE Distinguished Contributor in 2022. He is a Membre Libre of the French National Academy of Surgery since November 2022. He was named Fellow of the Eurographics Association in 2010 and Distinguished Member of the ACM in 2017. In September 2022, he was elected to serve on the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors from January 2023 to December 2025. He was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2025.