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António Morais
Responsible for 3D Mapping of the project. My work involves testing SLAM algorithms such as A-LOAM and LIO-SAM, both in simulation and on the real robot.

Catarina Caramalho
Responsible for 3D Localization of the project. My work involves testing localization algorithms such as HDL and MCL3D, both in simulation and on the real robot.

João Carranca
Responsible for 2D Path Planning and Guidance. My work involves adapting an existing ROS Node to dynamically consider the robot’s height and footprint when converting the Ouster point cloud into obstacles on a 2D map.

João Pinheiro
Responsible for 3D Localization of the project. My work involves testing localization algorithms such as HDL and MCL3D, both in simulation and on the real robot.

Patricia Torres
Responsible for 3D Path Planning/Guidance of the project. My work involves testing different algorithms whether node based or sampling based, both in simulation and on the real robot, and compare them.

Tiago Teixeira
Responsible for 2D Path Planning and Guidance. My work involves adapting an existing ROS Node to dynamically consider the robot’s height and footprint when converting the Ouster point cloud into obstacles on a 2D map.