José Paulo
Full Professor IST
Associate Professor IST
Assistant Professor IST
José Manuel
Gaspar Martinho
Emeritus Professor IST
Polymer dynamics; smart nanoparticles for controlled drug delivery
Synthesis of top-down graphene quantum dots for sensing applications
Polymers, SEC-MALS and optical sensors
Functional polymers and optical sensors
PhD student - Materials Enginnering, IST
Smart self-propelled nanovehicles for controlled drug delivery
PhD student - Chemistry, IST
Controlled polymerization of functional ultra-high molecular weight chains for cell wrapping and drug delivery
PhD student - Materials Engineering, IST
Smart nanosystems for stimuli triggered catalysis in composites
PhD student - Chemistry, IST
Mesoporous nanoparticles with a dual pore system based in stimuli responsive templates for selective control release
PhD student
Photonic colorimetric sensors
Nanomaterials for stone protection and enhancement
PhD student - Materials Engineering, IST
Smart self-healing polymer materials for supercapacitors
Send application with:
- motivation letter
- curriculum vitae
- copy of BSc/MSc certificates
- names and contacts of academic references
MSc student - Chemical Engineering, IST
Nanocontainers for ultra-sound triggered controlled release
MSc student - Materials Engineering, IST
Hybrid nanomaterials for enzyme-triggered release
MSc student - Materials Engineering, IST
Nanomaterials for stone coatings
MSc student - Molecular Science and Engineering, IST
Tumor-targeting nanovehicles with enzyme-triggered controlled release
MSc student - Chemical Engineering, IST
Nanocontainers for ultra-sound triggered controlled release
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