Short Bio
I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, and a researcher at INESC-ID Lisboa. I received my Ph.D. degree in Information Systems and Computer Science in 2009 from the Technical University of Lisbon. My research interests include natural interfaces, immersive analytics, and 3D object analysis and retrieval, and I was involved in several research projects in these and other areas. I was a member of the organizing committees of INTERACT 2011 and Eurographics 2016 and general chair of SMI 2018, EuroVis 2019, and ACM ISS 2020 conferences. I am a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics).
Research Activities
I develop my research activities in the Graphics and Interaction scientific area at INESC-ID Lisboa, with expertise in Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction. During the last two decades, I participated in several research projects in these areas.
- Fields of expertise:
- Computer Graphics
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Research interests:
- Immersive Analytics
- Information Visualization
- 3D Shape Analysis and Retrieval
- Computational Geometry
- Natural User Interfaces
- Extended Reality
- Current and past research projects:
- Procedural Modeling of Implicit Surfaces for Visualization (MIVis) [more info]
- Thesaurus-based 3D Retrieval (Tb3DR) [more info]
- Collaborative Engineering Design and Review (CEDAR) [more info]
- 3D Object Retrieval Using Sketches (3DORuS) [more info]
- Digital Mockup: Touching the 3rd dimension (TECTON 3D) [more info]
- SME-IP to prepare the European tooling industry for the 21st century (EuroTooling21) [more info]
- Calligraphic Interface for an Agents Platform (editION)
- MAXimum fidelity Interactive Multi User display Systems (MAXIMUS) [more info]
- Sketch-Based Retrieval of Technical Drawings (SBR)
- Decorating Augmented Reality with NPR for Architectural Design (DecoAR)
- SmartSketches: A multimodal approach to improve usability in the early stages of product design [more info]
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Teaching Activities
Since 2002, I have been teaching several courses on computer science at different universities. These range from introductory courses to advanced master ones.
- Currently
- Visualização de Informação (MEIC - IST/UL)
(Information Visualization)
- Usabilidade e Sistemas de Informação (MESI - IST/UL)
(Usability and Information Systems)
- Computação para a Web (SISE - IST/UL)
(Web Computation)
- In the past
- Processamento de Objectos 3D (MEIC - IST/UTL) [more info]
(3D Object Processing)
- Animação e Visualização Tridimensional (MEIC - IST/UTL) [more info]
(Threedimensional Animation and Visualization)
- Computação Gráfica (LEIC - IST/UTL & LEI - FE/UCP)
(Computer Graphics)
- Interfaces Pessoa-Máquina (LEIC - IST/UTL)
(Person-Machine Interface)
- Introdução às Interfaces Pessoa-Máquina (LERC - IST/UTL)
(Introduction to Person-Machine Interface)
- Introdução aos Computadores e Programação (LEA - Inst. Piaget)
(Introduction to Computers and Programming)
- Interfaces Homem-Máquina (LEIC - IST/UTL & LEI - FE/UCP)
(Men-Machine Interface)
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Advisory Activities
I supervised more than thirty M.Sc. students, two Ph.D. candidates, and one post-doc researcher.
- Post-doc researcher
Francisco Jorge Dias Oliveira Fernandes
Efficient Algorithms for Protein Docking
- Ph.D. candidates
- Nuno Filipe Verdelho Trindade
Extended Reality for Structural Health Monitoring
Daniel Filipe Martins Tavares Mendes
Manipulation of 3D Objects in Immersive Virtual Environments
- Master students
- André Ponce Álvares Vieira
SmartMob-VR: Virtual reality platform for the development and validation of intelligent mobility systems
December 2019
[ Thesis ]
- Ricardo Miguel Tiago Farracho
GeomVis: WebApp for Computational Geometry Algorithm Visualization
November 2019
[ Thesis ]
- Francisco Rodrigues de Oliveira Ribeiro
Sistema Colaborativo de Partilha de Apontamentos
November 2019
[ Thesis ]
- Manuel João Poeira Fernandes
June 2019
[ Thesis ]
- Ricardo Miguel Vieira Botas Carvalhobr/>
GoAR: Augmented Reality drone navigation from multiple spatial sensors
May 2019
[ Thesis ]
- Ricardo Daniel Ribeiro Mota
ReLive - Drone Mission Review in Virtual Reality
May 2019
[ Thesis ]
- Nuno Filipe Verdelho Trindade
Augmented Reality in Dam Monitoring
November 2018
[ Thesis ]
- João Miguel Beirão dos Santos
Acoplamento de Proteínas em Ambiente Imersivo
November 2017
[ Thesis ]
- Rui Rodrigo Batista da Cunha e Lorena
Manipulating 3D Objects in Mid-Air using Virtual Rails
June 2017
[ Thesis ]
- Eduardo Augusto de Libório Cordeiro
Out-of-Reach Interactions in VR
November 2016
[ Thesis ]
- Filipe Miguel da Silva Reis de Miranda Relvas
DOF Separation in Mid-air 3D Object Manipulation
November 2016
[ Thesis ]
- Ricardo Jorge da Silva Pinto Ferreira
Interaction Techniques for CSG Modeling in VR
November 2016
[ Thesis ]
- Vasco André Teixeira Rodrigues
Manipulações de Modelos 3D no Espaço em Ambientes Virtuais (Semi-)Imersivos
November 2015
[ Thesis ]
- Alfredo Aniceto Andrade Tavares
Atribuição Automática de Coordenadas Geoespaciais a Fotos Publicadas no Flickr
June 2015
[ Thesis ]
- Miguel Ferreira Nixo
Modelling on Interactive Surfaces for 3D Fabrication
June 2015
[ Thesis ]
- Sara Beatriz Nunes Victorino Martins
Especificação de Interrogações para Recuperação 3D em Ambiente Imersivo
June 2015
[ Thesis ]
- António Maurício Lança Tavares de Sousa
Remote Proxemics for Collaborative Virtual Environments
November 2014
[ Thesis ]
- João Miguel Pataca dos Santos Delgado Oliveira
VI-TRUST: Visualisation and Interaction on project "Transitions to the Urban Water Services of Tomorrow"
November 2014
[ Thesis ]
- Diogo Gil Vieira Henriques
LSpeakIt:Interface Imersiva para Pesquisa de Objectos
June 2014
[ Thesis ]
- João Cintra Torres Reis Araújo
Virtual Reality for Lighting Simulation in Events
June 2014
[ Thesis ]
- João Pedro Ribeiro Machado
BeKi-3D: Benchmark of Kinect-captured 3D objects October 2013
[ Thesis ]
- Fernando José Antunes Fonseca
Manipulações no espaço sobre mesas interativas com estereoscopia October 2013
[ Thesis ]
- Daniela Alexandra Esteves Gil Borges
Reconstrução de Objectos 3D Usando Kinect October 2013
[ Thesis ]
- Tiago Antóio Gomes Simões Castelo
A 3D Interactive Environment for Automated Building Control November 2012
- André Freire Silva
REAP.PT Pictórico November 2011
[ Thesis ]
- Pedro Miguel Bacalhau Pascoal
Im-ORet : Immersive 3D Object Retriever October 2011
[ Thesis ]
- Daniel Filipe Martins Tavares Mendes
LTouchIt: Modelação de LEGO em Superfícies Multi-toque October 2011
[ Thesis ]
- Pedro André Santos Afonso Lopes
MT-DJing: Multi-touch DJ Tabletop November 2010
[ Thesis ]
- Diogo Filipe Simões Crispim Mariano
LaSMUDE: Large Scale Multi-User Design Environment November 2010
[ Thesis ]
- Tiago André Cardoso Lourenço
ShaDe Workbench: 3D Shape Descriptor Workbench November 2010
[ Thesis ]
- Raquel Garcez Coutinho Costa
CaS: Collection-aware Segmentation November 2010
[ Thesis ]
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Journal Publications
I published my most significant research results in more than a dozen papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Improving Ray Tracing Understanding With Immersive Environments
Nuno Verdelho Trindade, Lidia Custodio, Alfredo Ferreira, João Madeiras Pereira
EEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 17, pp. 1921-1934, 2024
[ DOI ]
The Role of Situatedness in Immersive Dam Visualization: Comparing Proxied with Immediate Approaches
Nuno Verdelho Trindade, Pedro Leitão, Daniel Gonçalves, Sérgio Oliveira, and Alfredo Ferreira
Computers, 13(2), 35, 2024
[ Paper ]
Extended reality in AEC
Nuno Verdelho Trindade, Alfredo Ferreira, João Madeiras Pereira, Sérgio Oliveira
Automation in Construction, October 2023
[ DOI ]
Sketch-based interaction and modeling: where do we stand?
Alexandra Bonnici, Alican Akman, Gabriel Calleja, Kenneth P Camilleri, Patrick Fehling, Alfredo Ferreira, Florian Hermuth, Johann Habakuk Israel, Tom Landwehr, Juncheng Liu, Natasha MJ Padfield, T Metin Sezgin, Paul L Rosin
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 33 (4), pp. 370-388, November 2019, Cambridge University Press
[ Paper ]
DamAR: Augmented reality in dam safety control
Nuno Trindade, Alfredo Ferreira, Sérgio Oliveira.
In International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, pp. 56-62, 2019, Aqua Media International Ltd
[ Paper ]
CavBench: A benchmark for protein cavity detection methods
Sérgio Dias, Tiago Simões, Francisco Fernandes, Ana Mafalda Martins, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim A. Jorge, Abel J. P. Gomes
PLoS ONE, 14 (10), October 2019
[ Paper ]
A Survey on 3D Virtual Object Manipulation: From the Desktop to Immersive Virtual Environments
Daniel Mendes, Fabio Marco Caputo, Andrea Giachetti, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge
Computer Graphics Forum, April 2018
[ Paper ]
Virtual reality as integration environments for facilities management: Application and users perception
Paulo Carreira, Tiago Castelo, Cristina Caramelo Gomes, Alfredo Ferreira, Cláudia Ribeiro, Antonio Aguiar Costa
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 25 Issue: 1, pp.90-112 (2018)
[ Paper ]
- Design and evaluation of a novel out-of-reach selection technique for VR using iterative refinement
Daniel Mendes, Daniel Medeiros, Maurcio Sousa, Eduardo Cordeiro, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim A. Jorge Computers and Graphics: Volume 67 Issue C, October 2017
[ Paper ]
- Hip-directed walking-in-place using a single depth camera
Luís Bruno, Maurício Sousa, Alfredo Ferreira, João Madeiras Pereira, Joaquim Jorge International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 105, September 2017, Pages 1-11, ISSN 1071-5819
[ Paper ]
- LS3D: LEGO Search Combining Speech and Stereoscopic 3D
Pedro B. Pascoal, Daniel Mendes, Diogo Henriques, Isabel Trancoso, Alfredo Ferreira International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics: Volume 6 Issue 2, July 2015
[ Paper ]
- A comparison of methods for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval
Bo Li, Yijuan Lu, Afzal Godil, Tobias Schreck, Benjamin Bustos, Alfredo Ferreira, Takahiko Furuya, Manuel J. Fonseca, Henry Johan, Takahiro Matsuda, Ryutarou Ohbuchi, Pedro B. Pascoal, Jose M. Saavedra Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 119, Issue 2-3 (Feb. 2014), pp. 57-80, Elsevier
[ Paper ]
- Thesaurus-based 3D Object Retrieval with Part-in-Whole Matching
Ferreira, A., Marini S., Attene M., Fonseca, M.J., Spagnuolo, M., Jorge, J.A. and Falcidieno, B. International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 89, Issue 2-3 (Sep. 2010), pp. 327-347, Kluwer Academic Publishers
[ Paper ]
- Sketch-based Retrieval of Complex Drawings using Hierarchical Topology and Geometry
Fonseca, M.J., Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 41, 12 (Dec. 2009), pp. 1067-1081, Elsevier, 2009
- Content-Based Retrieval of Technical Drawings
Fonseca, M.J., Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.23, Nos. 2/3/4, pp.86-100, 2005
[ Paper (PDF 255KB) ]
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Book Chapters and Archival Publications
I published several book chapters and archival publications.
- Remote Proxemics
Maurício Sousa, Daniel Mendes, Daniel Medeiros, Alfredo Ferreira, João Pereira, Joaquim Jorge Chapter in Collaboration Meets Interactive Spaces, pp 47-73, Springer, Cham, January 2017,
[ Chapter ]
- Interactive stereoscopic visualization of Alberti architectural models
Bruno Araújo, Daniel Mendes, Fernando Fonseca, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim A Jorge, Eduardo Castro, Bruno Figueiredo, Filipe Coutinho, José Duarte Joelho. Revista de Cultura Arquitectónica, 5, pp. 52-56, 2014,
[ Paper ]
- New Interaction Paradigms in Energy Management
Paulo Carreira, Alfredo Ferreira ERCIM News, 93, pp. 49-50, April 2013,
[ Paper ]
- REAP.PT SYSTEM: Serious Games for Learning Portuguese
André Freire Silva, Cristiano José Lopes Marques, Jorge Baptista, Alfredo Ferreira, Nuno Mamede Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 7243), pages 248-259, volume 7243, Springer-Verlag, April 2012
[ Paper ]
- Sketch-Based Retrieval of Vector Drawings
Fonseca, M.J., Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A.
Chapter in Sketch-based Interfaces and Modeling, pages 181-201, Springer, 2011
[ Chapter ]
- Assisting Mould Quotation through Retrieval of Similar Data
Fonseca, M.J., Henriques, E., Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A.
Chapter in Digital Enterprise Technology - Perspectives and Future Challenges, pages 527-534, Springer, June 2007
[ Chapter ]
- Generic Shape Classification for Retrieval
Fonseca, M.J, Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 3926), Wenyin Liu and LLadós, Josep (eds.), 2006
[ Paper ]
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Refereed Conference Proceedings
I have published more than forty papers on peer-reviewed scientific conferences in the last two decades. From my first paper at a national conference to presentations on widely recognized conferences, I published relevant results of my research results this way.
Extended Reality in the Safety Control of Dams
Nuno Trindade, Alfredo Ferreira, Sérgio Oliveira
In Fourth International Dam World Conference, DW2020, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 71-89, LNEC, September 2020 [ Paper ]
Visual Mapping of Nobel Prizes
Sofia Aparício, Rodrigo Lousada, Pedro Pires, Daniel Gonçalves, Alfredo Ferreira
In 21st Eurographics Conference on Visualization, EuroVis 2019 - Posters, Porto, Portugal, pp. 81-33, The Eurographics Association, June 2019 [ Paper ]
A Study on Natural 3D Shape Manipulation in VR
Eduardo Cordeiro, Franca Giannini, Marina Monti, Daniel Mendes, Alfredo Ferreira
In Proceedings of Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics (STAG 2018) , Brescia, Italy, The Eurographics Association, October 2018 [ Paper ]
Using Custom Transformation Axes for Mid-Air Manipulation of 3D Virtual Objects
Daniel Mendes, Maurício Sousa, Rodrigo Lorena, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2017, [ Paper ]
Towards Touch-Based Medical Image Diagnosis Annotation
Francisco M. Calisto, Alfredo Ferreira, Jacinto C. Nascimento, Daniel Gonçalves Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2017), Brighton, United Kingdom, October 2017, [ Paper ]
Creepy Tracker Toolkit for Context-aware Interfaces
Maurício Sousa, Daniel Mendes, Rafael Kuffner Dos Anjos, Daniel Medeiros, Alfredo Ferreira, Alberto Raposo, João Madeiras Pereira, Joaquim Jorge Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2017), Brighton, United Kingdom, October 2017, [ Paper ]
Mid-Air Modeling with Boolean Operations in VR
Daniel Mendes, Daniel Medeiros, Maurício Sousa, Ricardo Ferreira, Alberto Raposo, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), pp. 154-157, Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 2017, [ Paper ]
PRECIOUS! Out-of-Reach Selection using Iterative Refinement in VR
Daniel Mendes, Daniel Medeiros, Eduardo Cordeiro, Maurício Sousa, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), pp. 237-238, Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 2017, [ Paper ]
Are Kindergarten Children Ready for Indirect Drag Interactions?
Vicente Nacher, Alfredo Ferreira, Javier Jaen, Fernando Garcia-Sanjuan Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2016), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, November 2017 [ Paper ]
The benefits of DOF separation in mid-air 3D object manipulation
Daniel Mendes, Filipe Relvas, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST'16), Munich, Germany, November 2016 [ Paper ]
Effects of speed and transitions on target-based travel techniques
Daniel Medeiros, Eduardo Cordeiro, Daniel Mendes, Maurício Sousa, Alberto Raposo, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST'16), Munich, Germany, November 2016 [ Paper ]
An experimental shape matching approach for protein docking
Francisco Fernandes and Alfredo Ferreira Proceedings of the Eurographics 2016 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR '16), pp. 21-25, Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2016 [ Paper ]
Shape retrieval of low-cost RGB-D captures
Pedro B. Pascoal, Pedro Proença, Filipe Gaspar, Miguel Sales Dias, Alfredo Ferreira, Atsushi Tatsuma, Masaki Aono, K. Berker Logoglu, Sinan Kalkan, Alptekin Temizel, Bo Li, Henry Johan, Yijuan Lu, Viktor Seib, Norman Link, Dietrich Paulus Proceedings of the Eurographics 2016 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR '16), Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2015 [ Paper ]
Eery Space: Facilitating Virtual Meetings Through Remote Proxemics
Maurício Sousa, Daniel Mendes, Alfredo Ferreira, João Pereira, Joaquim Jorge Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9298. Springer, Bamberg , Germany, September 2015 [ Paper ]
- ThumbCam: Returning to single touch interactions to explore 3D virtual environments
Daniel Mendes, Maurício Sousa, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge Ninth ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2014), Dresden, Germany, November 2014 [ Paper ]
- Verbal Description of LEGO Blocks
Diogo Henriques, Isabel Trancoso, Daniel Mendes, Alfredo Ferreira 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2014), pp. 1618-1622, Singapore, September 2014 [ Paper ]
- Mid-air interactions above stereoscopic interactive tables
Daniel Mendes, Fernando Fonseca, Bruno Araújo, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge IEEE 9th Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI 2014), Minneapolis, USA, March 2014 [ Paper ]
- Evaluation of Immersive Visualization Techniques for 3D Object Retrieval
Diogo Henriques, Daniel Mendes, Pedro Pascoal, Isabel Trancoso, Alfredo Ferreira IEEE 9th Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI 2014), Minneapolis, USA, March 2014 [ Paper ] [ Video ]
- Manipulações no espaço sobre mesas interativas com estereoscopia
Fernando Fonseca, Daniel Mendes, Bruno Araújo, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge Actas da Quinta Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina (Interacção 2013) Vila Real, Portugal, Nov. 2013
- Combinação de Técnicas de Recuperação com Deteção de Cores para Exploração de Pesquisas de Imagens
Daniel Mendes, Pedro Pascoal, Manuel Fonseca, Alfredo Ferreira Actas da Quinta Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina (Interacção 2013) Vila Real, Portugal, Nov. 2013
- Qual a Peça? Identificação de Métodos Naturais para a Descrição de Objectos 3D
Daniel Mendes, Diogo Henriques, Isabel Trancoso and Alfredo Ferreira Actas da Quinta Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina (Interacção 2013) Vila Real, Portugal, Nov. 2013
- 3D mid-air manipulation techniques above stereoscopic tabletops
Fernando Fonseca, Daniel Mendes, Bruno Araújo, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge ITS 2013 Interactive Surfaces for Interaction with Stereoscopic 3D Workshop, St.Andrews, UK, October 2013 [ Paper]
- Envisioning Multi-Surface Collaborative Review of 3D Virtual Models
Daniel Mendes, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Jorge ITS 2013 Workshop Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces - Walls, Tables, Tablets and Phones, St.Andrews, UK, October 2013
- Part-based Construction of digitized 3D objects
Daniela Borges and Alfredo Ferreira Proceedings of the 21st International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2013) Plzen, Czech Republic, June 2013
- Collaborative 3D Visualization on Large Screen Displays
Daniel Mendes, Mauricio Sousa, Bruno Araujo, Alfredo Ferreira, Hildegardo Noronha, Pedro Campos, Luciano Soares, Alberto Raposo, Joaquim Jorge CHI Powerwall Workshop, Paris, April 2013 [ Paper]
- SHREC'2013 Track: Retrieval of Objects Captured with Low-Cost Depth-Sensing Cameras
Machado J., Ferreira A., Pascoal P., M. Abdelrahman, M. Aono, M. El-Melegy, A. Farag, H. Johan, B. Li, Y. Lu, A. Tatsuma
Proceedings of the Sixt Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR2013),
pages 65-71, Girona, Spain, May 2013
[ Paper ]
- CaS: Collection-aware Segmentation
Raquel Costa, Manuel J. Fonseca, Alfredo Ferreira
Actas do 20º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (20º EPCG), Viana do Castelo, Portugal, Oct 2012
[ Paper ]
- Towards an Immersive Inter
face for 3D Object Retrieval
Pedro Pascoal, Alfredo Ferreira and Joaquim Jorge
Proceedings of the Fifth Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR2012), pages 51-54, Cagliari, Italy, May 2012
[ Paper ]
- Im-O-Ret: Immersive Object Retrieval
Pedro B. Pascoal, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim A. Jorge
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR 2012),
pages 121-122, Costa Mesa, CA, USA, March 2012
[ Paper ] [ Video ]
- Hands-on interactive tabletop LEGO application
Daniel Mendes, Pedro Lopes, Alfredo Ferreira Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE 2011), pp. 19:1-19:8, Nov. 2011
[ Paper ] [ Video ]
- Towards a Serious Game for Portuguese Learning
Silva A., Mamede N., Ferreira A., Baptista J. and Fernandes, J. Serious Games Development and Applications, SGDA 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6944, pp. 83-94, Sep. 2011
[ Paper ]
- Evaluation of 3D Object Manipulation on Multi-touch Surfaces Using Unconstrained Viewing Angles
Daniel Mendes and Alfredo Ferreira INTERACT 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6949, pp. 523-526, September 2011
[ Paper ] [ Video ]
- Back to MARS: The unexplored possibilities in query
result visualization
A. Ferreira, P. Pascoal and M.J.Fonseca Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, Newcastle, UK, July 2011
[ Paper ]
- Battle of the DJs: An HCI perspective on Traditional, Virtual, Hybrid and Multitouch DJing
P. Lopes, A. Ferreira and J.M.Pereira Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2011), Oslo, Norway, May 2011
[ Paper ]
- A Framework For 3D Object Retrieval Algorithm Analysis
T. Lourenço, A. Ferreira and M.J.Fonseca Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR2011), pp. 121-124, Llandudno, UK, April 2011
[ Paper ] [ Video ]
- Virtual LEGO Modelling on Multi-Touch Surfaces
Daniel Mendes and Alfredo Ferreira Proceedings of the 19th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2011) Plzen, Czech Republic, February 2011
- Multitouch Interactive DJing Surface
Pedro A.Lopes, A. Ferreira and J.A.Madeiras Pereira Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE2010), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2010
[ Paper ]
- Técnicas de interacção para revisão de cenários 3D
Araujo, B., Mariano, D., Jota, R., Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A.
Actas da Quarta Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina (Interacção 2010), pages 21-28 Aveiro, Portugal, Oct. 2010
[ Paper ]
- Interacção multi-toque no contexto do DJing
Lopes, P., Madeiras Pereira, J.A., Jota, R. and Ferreira, A.,
Actas da Quarta Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina (Interacção 2010), pages 29-32 Aveiro, Portugal, Oct. 2010
[ Paper ]
- Estudo comparativo de aplicaçães para a construção de modelos LEGO
Mendes, D., and Ferreira, A.,
Actas da Quarta Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina (Interacção 2010), pages 255-261 Aveiro, Portugal, Oct. 2010
[ Paper ]
- Dispositivo de Interacção para Ecrã de Grandes Dimensões
B. de Araújo, R. Jota, J. Fernandes, A. Ferreira and J.A.Madeiras Pereira
Actas do 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (17º EPCG), pages 303-304, Covihã, Portugal, Oct 2009
- EditION: A Collaborative Calligraphic Tool to Manage Virtual Environments
Ferreira, A., Vala, M., Guilherme, R., Madeiras Pereira, J.A., Jorge, J.A. and Paiva, A. Proceedings
of the VL/HCC Workshop on Sketch Tools for Diagramming, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, Sep 2008
[ Paper (PDF 2.2MB) ]
- Using Sketches and Retrieval to Create LEGO Models
Santos, T., Ferreira, A., Dias, F. and Fonseca, M.J. Proceedings
of the Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM'08), pages 89-96, Annecy, France, Jun 2008
[ Paper (PDF 792KB) ]
- Editor Caligráfico para Gestão de Ambientes Virtuais
Ferreira, A., Vala, M., Guilherme, R., Jorge, J.A., Paiva, A., Madeiras Pereira, J.A.
15º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (15EPCG) Taguspark, Portugal, October 2007
[ Paper (PDF 69KB) ]
- Multimodal Painter: Pintar Usando as Mãos e a Fala
Cerejo, M., Santos J., Ferreira, A., Fonseca, M.J. and Jorge, J.A.
Actas da Segunda Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina (Interacção 2006), pages 229-232 Braga, Portugal, October 2006
[ Paper (PDF 201KB) ]
- Interior Design Tool for Common Users
Ferreira, A., Medeiros, R., Barreto, R., Fonseca, M.J. and Jorge, J.A.
Actas da Segunda Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina (Interacção 2006), pages 225-228 Braga, Portugal, October 2006
[ Paper (PDF 181KB) ]
- Assisting Mould Quotation through Retrieval of Similar Data
Fonseca, M.J., Henriques, E., Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A.
Proceedings of the 3rd. International CIRP Sponsored Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (DET'06) Setúbal, Portugal, September 2006
[ Paper (PDF 269KB) ]
- Recognizing Hand Gestures with CALI
Jota, R., Ferreira, A., Cerejo, M., Santos, J., Fonseca, M.J. and Jorge, J.A.
Proceedings of the Ibero American Symposium in Computer Graphics (SIACG'06), pages 187-193 Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 2006 (ISBN 3-905673-60-6)
[ Paper (PDF 171KB) ]
- A Calligraphic Interface for Managing Agents
Ferreira, A., Vala, M., J.A. Madeiras Pereira, Jorge, J.A. and Paiva, A. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2006) Plzen, Czech Republic, February 2006
[ Paper (PDF 149KB) ]
- Recuperação de Desenhos de Moldes Combinando Imagens e Esboços
Ferreira, A., Fonseca M.J. and Jorge, J.A.
Actas do 13º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (13th EPCG), pages 203-208 Vila Real, Portugal, Oct 2005
[ Paper (PDF 230KB) ]
- Simplificação de Plantas de Arquitectura para Classificação Automática
Simão, A., Ramião, R., Ferreira, A., Fonseca M.J. and Jorge, J.A.
Actas do 13º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (13th EPCG), pages 209-213 Vila Real, Portugal, Oct 2005
[ Paper (PDF 890KB) ]
- Generic Shape Classification for Retrieval
Fonseca, M.J, Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A.
Proceedings of the Sixth IAPR International
Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005) Hong Kong SAR, China, Aug 2005
[ Paper (PDF 230KB) ]
- Mixing Images and Sketches for Retrieving Vector Drawings
Ferreira, A., Fonseca, M.J., Jorge, J.A. and Ramalho
M. Proceedings of the 7th Eurographics Workshop on Multimedia (EGMM04) Nanjing, China, Oct 2004
[ Paper (PDF 156KB) ]
- Retrieving Mould Drawings by Content
Fonseca, M.J., Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A. Proceedings
of Rapid Product Development 2004 (RPD04) Portugal, Oct 2004
[ Paper (PDF 359KB) ]
- Towards 3D Modeling using Sketches and Retrieval
Fonseca, M.J., Ferreira, A. and Jorge, J.A. Proceedings
of the Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
2004 (SBM04), Grenoble, France, Aug 2004
[ Paper (PDF 218KB) ]
- Polygon Detection from a Set of Lines
Ferreira, A., Fonseca, M.J. and Jorge, J.A.
Actas do 12º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (12th EPCG), pages 159-162, Porto, Portugal, Oct 2003
[ Paper (PDF 86.6KB) ]
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I received my Ph.D. in 3D shape retrieval in July 2009 and my M.Sc. in sketch and image-based retrieval in June 2005, both in Information Systems and Computer Science from the Technical University of Lisbon.
- A Thesaurus-based Approach to 3D Shape Retrieval
PhD Thesis Dissertation July 2009
[ Thesis (PDF 19.6MB) ]
- Sketch and Image Based Retrieval of Technical Drawings
Master Thesis Dissertation June 2005
[ Thesis (PDF 11.9MB) ]
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Personal Information
To know more about me, visit my incredibly outdated personal webpage. Eventually, you will learn more on my facebook page.