Academic Awards
- Education Innovation Award – MIT Portugal
“Award for outstanding contribution to innovative teaching and for providing inspiration to students and colleagues”
- Award “Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
Awarded by the Lisbon Technical University for the research work “Critical analysis of airport taxes”
- Co-inventor of mutipurpose chair for reduced mobility people in air transport (submitted to the Portuguese patent office)
- Coordinated the team for an invention concerning a multifunctional air transport system made by a manoeuvrable modular hybrid airship, and a berthing tower, and the related mooring mechanism. (Registered pending patent in Portuguese and European Patent Offices)
Courses lectured with responsibility of overall coordination (all in Portuguese and English)
Courses Since 1998/…
- Information and Management (MSc Level),
- Management of Transport Infrastructure (MSc Level);
- Quality in Transport Systems (MSc level);
- Quality in Construction and Services (MSc level)
- Public Transport (MSc Level);
- Urban Logistics (MSc Level);
- Transport Policy and Financing (MSc Level);
- Integration of Transport in Logistics (MSc Level ) ;
- Exploitation of Infrastructure and Transport Systems (MSc Level)
- Urban Mobility Management (MSc level)
- Freight Transport and Logistic Processes (MSc level);
- Transport (MSc Level, and Graduation in Civil Engineering)
- Transport Production and Physical Distribution (MSc level);
- Transport Economics (MSc level);
- Air and Maritime Transport (MSc level);
- Intelligent Transport Systems (MSc level) ;
- How to develop and deliver a MSc dissertation (MSc level open to all Engineering Courses)
- Public Transport (MSc of the University of Essen);
- MSc course in Airport Management for Peruvian University Alas Peruanas (Airport Infrastructure and Airport Operations) in Distance Learning
- Transport Economics and Project Evaluation (MSc level, MIT Portugal);
- Structured Financing of Transport Projects (MSc level, MIT Portugal );
- Transport Policy and Institutions (PhD level, MIT Portugal) ;
- Research Methodologies in Natural and Social Sciences (PhD level, MIT Portugal);
Business Models and Contracts (PhD Level, MIT Portugal). - Air Transport Pricing Strategies (PhD Level, University of Antwerp)
- PhD courses for TRANSPORTNET network (Urban Mobility, Policy Analysis for Decision Makers, Freight Distribution and Research Methodologies) ;
- PhD Courses for C-MAT (University of Antwerp), Research Methodologies and Air Transport Pricing Strategies
Acting as evaluator for the following organizations
- Advisory Panel – World Bank – Independent Evaluation Group – Evaluation of Sustainable Provision of Infrastructure Services, 2012-2013
- Advisory Panel – World Bank – Independent Evaluation Group Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support for Public-Private Partnerships, 2012-2013
- National Research Program of Kazaquistão, from 2011 to 2015
- Excelent Centers of Flandres , from 2011 to 2014
- European Commission, in Air Transport, Urban Mobility, Transport Policy, Cross Cutting areas, RTD programs 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th , from 2002 to 2013
- Research program of the Dutch Govern (Sustainable Accessibility of the Randstad program (DBR), 2008
Acting as member of the Jury
- French National Research Program “Investissement de l’avenir”, National Research , 2010.
- European Research Program H2020 from 2013 up to present;
- PTV – Transport and Logistics Software House, 2016-2017
SCIENTIFIC ADVISOR SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (conferences without refereeing and communications are not referred)
- Macário R., 2011, “Managing Urban Mobility Systems”, ISBN 9780857246110, EMERALD Group Publishing Limited
- Macário R., Van de Voorde E. (Eds), 2010, “Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business”, ISBN-10: 0415570557, ISBN-13: 978-0415570558, ROUTLEDGE
- Macário R., (Editor) (2005) “Port Management and Marketing”, Publication of the Port of Leixões, ISBN 972-9044-85-6
- Macário R., Filipe L., Aguiar B. (Eds) (under final revision for publication in 2017), ““Aim and Manage for Inclusive Access”, to be published by Cambridge Scholars, UK.
- Roumboutsos A., Macário R., (eds), 2013, “Public Private Partnerships in Transport: Theory & Practice” in Special Issue of Journal “Built Environment Project and Asset Management (BEPAM)’Published by Built Environment Project and Asset Management, Vol. 3 Iss: 2
- Brown M., Macário R., Rothengatter W., (Eds), 2012, “Green and Efficient Logistics”, Volume 4, Numbers 3-4 (2012), 83-86, DOI: 10.1007/s12159-012-0075-z in Journal of Logistics Research (LORE), Logist. Res. (2012) 4:83–86 DOI 10.1007/s12159-012-0075-z, published by Springer
- Macário R. (Ed), 2010, “Economics of contractual relationships in the provision of transport infrastructure”, Research in Transportation Economics 30 (2010) 1e5 , doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2010.10.001 ELSEVIER
- Macário R., (Eds), 2015, Proceedings of the TRANSED 2015 – 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled persons, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Macário R., (Eds), 2012, Proceedings of the AIRDEV 2012 – 1st International Conference on Airport Development, Lisbon, Portugal
- Viegas J., Macário R. (Eds) , 2010, Selected Proceedings 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisbon, Portugal, ISBN 978 989 96986 11 (e-book)
- Viegas J., Macário R., 2010, (Eds) General Proceedings 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisbon, Portugal, ISBN 978 989 96986 0 4 (e-book)
- Macário R., Viegas J., (Eds), 2010, General Proceedings of the 16th Panamerican Congress on Transport, Trafic and Logistics, Lisbon, Portugal, ISBN 978 989 96986 0 5 (e-book)
- Macário R., Viegas J., Hensher D. (Editors), (2007) Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Selected papers from the 9th International Conference (Thredbo 9, held 2005), Eds., Hardbound, 986 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0-08-045095-7, ISBN-10: 0-08-045095-4, ELSEVIER
- Hensher, D.A., Balbontin, C., Ho, C. and Mulley, C., Macario, R. and Stewart, A. (2019) Evaluating BRT and LRT on a level playing field in developed economies: A cross cultural comparison, Developing Bus Rapid Transit: The Value of BRT in Urban Spaces. edited by Fiona Ferbrache, Edward Elgar Publisher. Chapter 5 (Linked to VREF Centre), submitted 14 February 2017, revised 19 May 2017, referees reports 7 September 2017, revised 18 September 2017, accepted December 5 2017.
- Macário R., Spandou M., Filipe L., (2016), “Institutional design and regulatory frameworks”, Chapter 5 in Muñoz J.C., Paget-Seekins L. (Eds), “Restructuring Public Transport in Growing Cities: The Opportunities and Challenges of Bus Rapid Transit”, Cambridge University Press
- Zarob C., Allard J.M. Macário R., Garcia B., Garcia C. (2016), “Passenger information systems” ”, Chapter 13 in Muñoz J.C., Paget-Seekins L. (Eds), “Restructuring Public Transport in Growing Cities: The Opportunities and Challenges of Bus Rapid Transit”, Cambridge University Press
- Oliveira M., Costa J., Ribeiro J., Macário R., 2015 “Finding an institutional evolutionary maturity concept: an exploratory analysis for European experience in PPPs, Chapter 3, Part 1, in Roumboutsos A., “Public Private Partnership in Transport: trends and theory”, Routledge ISBN 978-1-13-889816-5
- Ribeiro J., Couchinho R., Macário R. and Liyanage C., 2015, Cross-country analysis of PPPs The case of urban light rail projects, Chapter 14, Part 3, in Roumboutsos A., Public Private Partnership in Transport: trends and theory, Routledge ISBN 978-1-13-889816-5
- Macário R., 2014, “ Port Capacity Benchmark: leading or lagging ?” pp 61-78, chapter 3 in Vanelslander T., Sys C., “Port Business: Market Challenges and Management Actions”, ASP Vub Press, 2015, ISBN 9057181797, 9789057181795
- Macário R., 2014, “Public-Private Partnerships in Ports: Where are we?” in Meersman H., Voorde E., Vanelslander T., (Eds) “Port Infrastructure Finance” , pp 55-68, Informa Law from Routledge
- Macário R., 2014, “Access as a social good and as an economic good: is there a need of paradigm shift ?”, in Sclar E, Lonnroth M., Wolmar C. (Editors), “Urban Access for the 21st Century: Finance and governance models for transport infrastructure”, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-72049-6
- Macário R., 2013, European Regulation in Urban Public Transport” in ‘Regulating Transport in Europe’, Publisher: Edward Elgar, Editors: Finger,M. Holvad T., Hardback 978 1 78100 482 1 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 483
- Macário R., 2013, “Modeling for public policies inducement of urban freight business development” in Ben Akiva, M. (Ed), Meersman H. (Ed.), van de Voorde E., (Ed), “Freight Transport Modelling”, Emerald Group Publishing, ISBN-10: 1781902852, ISBN-13: 978-1781902851
- Silva J.M.R, Macário R., 2011, “Acessibilidades e Desenvolvimento da Região da Beira Interior”, (pp 267-279), in Baleiras R., (Ed.) “Casos de Desenvolvimento Regional”, ISBN 978-989-8131-85-0, Principia.
- Macário R., (2010) “Bridging between infrastructure costs and charges. Is it relevant ?” in Van de Voorde E., Vanelslander T., (2010) Applied Transport Economics: a Management and Policy Perspective, pp 237–255, de Boeck, ISBN-10 9045532190 / ISBN-13 9789045532196
- Macário R., Van de Voorde E., (2010) Major challenges for the future air transport sector in Macário R., Van de Voorde E. (Eds), 2010, “Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business”, pp 393-403, Routledge, ISBN-10: 0415570557, ISBN-13: 978-0415570558
- Macário R., (2010), Airports of the future: essentials for a renewed business models in Macário R., Van de Voorde E. (Eds), 2010, “Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business”, pp 133-150, Routledge, ISBN-10: 0415570557, ISBN-13: 978-0415570558
- Macário R., Reis V., “Low-cost airlines: strategies and reaction patterns” in Macário R., Van de Voorde E. (Eds), 2010, “Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business”, Routledge, ISBN-10: 0415570557, ISBN-13: 978-0415570558
- Macário R., Silva J.M. (2009), “Regional airports and local development: the challenging balance between sustainability and economic growth”, in Uleguin F. (Ed), (2009)”Prospects for Research in Transport and Logistics on a Regional – Global Perspective”, pp 189-195, ISBN 978-9944-5789-2-9.
- Macário R., Reis V., 2009, “Future prospects on urban logistic research”, in Uleguin F. (Ed), (2009) “Prospects for Research in Transport and Logistics on a Regional – Global Perspective”, pp 149 – 155, ISBN 978-9944-5789-2-9.
- Macário R., Viegas J.M., (2008), “Bottlenecks of Efficiency and the Development of Port Business” in Meersman H., van de Voorde E., Vanelslander T., Future Challenges for the Port and Shipping Sector, ISBN-10: 1843117711, ISBN-13: 978-1843117711, InformaLaw, Dec 2008;
- Macário R., Filipe L. N.. Reis V, Martins P., (2007) “Elements for a Master Plan in Urban Logistics” in Taniguchi E., Thompson R. G. (Eds) proceedings of City Logistics 2007, Institute for City Logistics, Elsevier Publication
- Macário R., (2007), “Integration: An Instrument for Sustainability of Urban Mobility Systems”, in RietveId P, Stough R.R. (editors) “Institutions and Sustainable Transport regulatory reform in advanced economics”, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, ISBN 978 1 84542 628 6
- Macário R., (2006), “Energy transitions in transportation: is it a technology or a policy driven process?” in Sheffield John W., and Sheffield Cigdem (Editors) “Assessment of Hydrogen Energy for Sustainable Development (NATO Science for Peace and Security) (Paperback) by John W. Sheffield (Editor), Cigdem Sheffield (Editor), Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN-10: 1402064411, ISBN-13: 978-1402064418
- Betancor O., Carmona M., Macário R., Nash C (2005) “Operating Costs” in Nash C. (Ed.) “Measuring the marginal social cost of transport”, ISSN: 0739-8859/doi:10.1016/S0739-8859(05)14004-9, pp 85-124, ISBN: 0-7623-1006-5, 352 pages, publication date: 2005, Research in Transportation Economics, volume 14 (series), Elsevier Books
- Macário R., (2005), “Reestructuring, regulation and institutional design: a fitness problem”, 9th Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, 5-9 September, Lisbon, Portugal, in Hensher D. (Ed.) Competition & Ownership in Land Passenger Transport 0-08-044580-2, 792 pages, Elsevier Books
- Macário R., Jansson K. (2005), “Institutional Frameworks (Workshop Report)”, (chapter 2) in Hensher D. (Ed.) Competition & Ownership in Land Passenger Transport 0-08-044580-2, 792 pages, Elsevier Books
- Macário R. (2005) Institutional frameworks, the regulatory agencies and the land passenger transport industry: recent evolutions, (chapter 6) in Hensher D. (Ed.) Competition & Ownership in Land Passenger Transport 0-08-044580-2, 792 pages, Elsevier Books
- Viegas J., Macário R., (2005) “Portuguese Port Management: changing relationships with stakeholders and clients”, in MACARIO R., Ed. (2005) “Gestão e Marketing Portuário”, Adminstração do Porto de Leixões, ISBN 972-9044-85-6
- Macário R., Viegas J., (2005) “Strategic marketing: value added and barriers to an increasing port development”, in MACARIO R., Ed. (2005) “Gestão e Marketing Portuário”, Administração do Porto de Leixões, ISBN 972-9044-85-6
- Macário R., (2005) “Legal, institutional and contractual issues”, pp 43 – 74, (chapter 4), ISSN: 0739-8859/doi (series): 10.1016/S0739-8859(04)11004-4 in Viegas J.M. (ed.), 2005, “Inter-urban Road Charging for Trucks in Europe”, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 11, ISBN: 0-7323-1142-8; ISSN: 0739-8859 (series), Elsevier Books
- Macário R., Caiado G. (2004), “The Portuguese Experience: Lisbon“,in Ambrosino G., M.Boero and M.Romanazzo (Eds) “Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Freight Distribution in Urban Area: Towards the eLogistics Agency” ENEA publication
- Macário R., Caiado G. (2004), “Requirements and User Needs“, in Ambrosino G., M.Boero and M.Romanazzo (Eds) “Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Freight Distribution in Urban Area: Towards the eLogistics Agency” ENEA publication
- Viegas, J.M. , Macário R., 2003, “Involving Stakeholders in the Evaluation of Transport Pricing”, in Transport Projects, Programs and Policies – Evaluation Needs and Capacity, Edited by Alan Pearman, Peter Mackie and John Nellthorp, Ashgate, Chapter 12, pp. 213-225, ISBN: 978-0-7546-3032-6
- Viegas, J.M, Macário R., 2003 “Acceptability of Price Changes in Urban Mobility” of Transport Pricing Strategies, Edited by Jens Schade and Bernhard Schlag, Elsevier, Chapter 11, Oxford, ISBN-13: 978-0080441993, ISBN-10: 0080441998
- Cunha D., R Macário, V Reis, 2017, Keeping cargo security costs down: A risk-based approach to air cargo airport security in small and medium airports, Journal of Air Transport Management 61, 115-122, 2017
- NM Silverstein, R Macário, T Sugiyama, Declining function in older adults: Influencing not only community mobility options but also wellbeing, Journal of Transport & Health, 1-2017
- Magalhães L., Reis V., Macário R., (2017) “A literature review of flexible development of airport terminals” Transport Reviews 37 37 (3), 365-382, | Received 15 Feb 2016, Accepted 06 Oct 2016, Published online: 24 Oct 2016,
- Macário R., 2016 “A Acessibilidade como um bem social e um bem econômico: existe necessidade de uma mudança de paradigma?”, Boletim Regional, Urbano e Ambiental do IPEA, Instituto de Pesquisa APlicada, Vol 14, Junho 2016, pp p. 177-200, Brasil,
- Oliveira M., Ribeiro J, Macário R, “Are we planning investments to fail? Consequences of traffic forecast effects on PPP contracts: Portuguese and Brazilian cases”, Research in Transportation Economics, 2016, vol 59, pp 167-174
- Pedro, M. J. G., & Macario, R., A review of general practice in contracting public transport services and transfer to BRT systems, Research in Transportation Economics (2016),Volume 59, November 2016, Pages 94–106
- Magalhães L., Reis V., Macário R., (2015), “Can flexibility make the difference to an airport productivity ? an assessment using cluster analysis”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol 47, pp 90-101, Elsevier
- Macário R., Ribeiro J., Costa J., (2015) Understanding pitfalls in the application of PPPs in transport infrastructure in Portugal, Transport Policy, Volume 41, July 2015, Pages 90–99,Elsevier.
- Reis, V., Macário, R. (2015). “Promoting Integrated Passenger Transport Solutions Using a Business Approach”, Case Studies In Transport Policy, Vol 3, issue 1, pp 66-77,Elsevier
- Macário R., Costa J., Ribeiro J., 2015, “Cross sector analysis of four renegotiated transport PPP’s in Portugal, Transport Reviews Vol 35, nr 2, pp 226-244, Routledge, DOI 10.1080/01441647.2015.1012755
- Reis, V., Macário, R. (2014). Assessing The Person-Job Fit In The European Union Aviation Industries Using A Competency Gap Assessment Framework. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board nr 2499, Aviation 2014, USA
- Filipe L.N., Macário R., 2014, Policy packaging in BRT projects: A methodology for case study analysis, Journal Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 48, December 2014, Pages 152–158, Elsevier
- Veziroglu A., Macário R., 2014 “Systems Dynamics Model for Reduction of Health expenditures through transition to hydrogen vehicles (SRTH): case studies USA, China, INdia”, IJGE-2013-0025, International Journal of Green Energy, Taylor and Francis, UK, DOI: 10.1080/15435075.2013.809723
- Domingues S. , Macário R., Pauwels T., Van de Voorde E., Vanelslander T., Vieira J., 2014, Air Cargo Security: a Belgian case study”, Elsevier Journal of Air Transport Management 34 (2014) 131 e 139, DOI 10.1016/ j.jairtraman. 2013.10.001
- Kalakou S., Macário R., 2013, An innovative framework for the study and structure of airport business models, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Volume 1, Issue 1-2, July 2013, Pages 2-17, Elsevier.
- Roumboutsos, A.; Macário , R., 2013, Public private partnerships in transport: theory and practice, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, V. 3, n.º 2, 160-164, 10.1108/BEPAM-05-2013-0016
- Veziroglu A., Macário R., 2013, “Countries to benefit Most from Early Transition to Hydrogen: Merit Factor Analysis”, R-13-3377, International Journal of Energy Research, Volume 37, Issue 8, pages 781–810, DOI: 10.1002/er.3040, John Wiley & Sons, UK
- Barreira A., Reis V. Macário, R. (2013). Competitiveness of High-Speed Rail: Analysis for Corridor Between Lisbon, Portugal, and Madrid, Spain, Based on Discrete Choice Models. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2374, No. -1, Dec. 2013, pp. 9–16. DOI 10.3141/2374-02
- Zegras C., Nelson J., Macário R., Grillo C., 2013, “Fiscal federalism and prospects for metropolitan transport authorities in Portugal”, Transport Policy, /; Elsevier
- Filipe L., Macário R., 2013, “A first glimpse on policy packaging for implementation of BRT projects”, Journal Research in Transportation Economics, Elsevier Research in Transportation Economics Volume 39, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 150–157,
- Baindur D., and Macário R., (2013) Mumbai Lunchbox delivery system: a transferable benchmark in urban logistics ? Journal of Research in Transportation Economics – Economics of Sustainable Transport in India, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2013, Pages 110–121,
- Reis V., Macário R., (2012), “Competences gap in the European Railways” Transportation Research Record: : Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2275, pp111-119, ISSN 0361-1981, ISBN 978-0-309-22324-9, USA
- Morgado F., Macário R., (2012), Landing Fees in Portuguese Airports Proposal for a Scheme Based on Marginal Costs of Runway Use, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2300, D.C., 2012, pp. 119–128. DOI: 10.3141/2300-14; USA
- Ribeiro J., Macário R., Reis V., (2011), “Proposals for mitigation of pollutant emissions from aircraft at Lisbon Airport”, D.C., 2012, pp. 119–128. DOI: 10.3141/2300-14 TRANSPORTES (ISSN: 2237-1346), v. 19, n.2 (2011) p. 34 -41, Brasil
- Veziroglu A., Macário A., 2011, “Fuel cell vehicles: State of the art with economic and environmental concerns”, 2011, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol 36, issue 1, January 2011, pp 25-43 – 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.08.145, Elsevier [10th most downloaded papers in IJHE in 2011]
- Peneda M., Reis V., Macário R., 2011, Critical factors for Development of airport cities, Transportation Research Record, 2214, Aviation 2011, pp 1-9, ISSN 978-0-309-16728-4, USA
- Macário R., (2010) Future challenges for transport infrastructure pricing in PPP arrangements, in MACÁRIO R., (2010), (Ed.) Economics of contractual relationships in the provision of transport infrastructure, Special Issue in Journal of Research in Transportation Economics, Elsevier (doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2010.10.015)
- Macário R., (2010) Critical issues in the design of contractual relations for transport infrastructure development, in MACÁRIO R., (2010) (Ed), Economics of contractual relationships in the provision of transport infrastructure, Special Issue in Journal of Research in Transportation Economics (doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2010.10.001)
- Macário R., Teixeira P., Rothengatter W., (2010) “Deploying a Business Logic for Railways Infrastructure Charging”, Railways 2010, Transportation Research Records, ISSN 0361-1981, Issue Volume 2159 / 2010, Pages 44-51, DOI 10.3141/2159-06, TRB publication Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Publisher Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, (Online Date Monday, September 06, 2010), USA.
- Macário R., (2010) Competing for level of service in the provision of mobility services: Concepts, processes and measures, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 29, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 261-274, Reforming Public Transport throughout the World, doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2010.07.033
- Macário R., 2009 , “Implementing a management model for urban mobility systems: a Brazilian case”, submitted to Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8,
- Macário R., 2009 , “Conveying a Management Model for Urban Mobility Systems”, submitted to Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, 2009
- Macário R., Galelo A., Martins P, (2008). “Business Models in Urban Logistics Revista Ingeniería & Desarrollo Revista de la División de Ingenierías de la Universidad del Norte, Colombia, Nr 24 Jul Dez 2008, ISSN 0122- 3461
- Macário R., (2008) “Airports of the future: multifunctional platforms”, European Journal of Transport Infrastructure Research, Delft, 2008, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 165-182, ISSN 1567-7141
- Macário, R.; Reis, V. (2008) “Architecture of an information system for an intermodal transport service” in Fernandes C., Figueiredo J. (Eds), in IEMC – Europe 2008, IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway, USA, ISBN: 9781424422883, pp 415 – 419.
- Macário R., Marques C., (2008)“Transferability of Sustainable Urban Mobility Measures” in Hensher D. (Editor) “Reforms in Public Transport”, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 146-156 doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2008.05.026, Elsevier
- Macário R., Jara-Diaz S., (2008) “Growing Patronage: Challenges and what has been found to work” in Hensher D., Reforms in Public Transport, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 12-15, doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2008.05.004, Elsevier
- Macário R., (2008) “ Airports of the future: essentials for a renewed business model” European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research Volume: 8 Issue: 2
- Macário R., (2008) “Towards a reform of urban transit systems: topics for action” in Round Table 141 CEMT/OECD pp 109-144 International Transport Forum Availability: Available Publication date: 05 Nov 2008 ISBN: 9789282101995 OECD Code: 742008061P1
- Macário R., 2007, “Value for Money in Public Transit: Who is responsible ?” in “Delivering Value for Money to Government through Efficient and Effective Public Transit Service Continuity: Some Thoughts” in Transport Reviews, Volume 27, Issue 4 July 2007 , pages 411 – 448, Taylor and Francis
- Macário R., Ramos A., (2004), “Security in Public Transport How to Improve Personal Security in Public Transport”, Revista da UITP de 05/2004 – Feeling Safe on the Move – Página 17 a 19 , ISBN – 1016 – 796 X
- Hensher, D. A., Macário R., (2002) “Organisation and Ownership of Public Transport Services”, Transport Reviews, 2002, VOl 22, nº3, 349-357, ISBN 0144-1647, Taylor and Francis
- Viegas, J., Macário R., (2001) “Acceptabilité des prix dans les systemes de transports (Price Acceptability in Transport Systems publication in the Cahiers Scientifiques nº 40. Magazine, 2001;
- Macário R., (2000), “Upgrading quality in urban mobility systems”, presented at the 5th World Congress in Total Quality Management, and published in Managing Service Quality Magazine, Vol II, number 2, 2001, MCB University Press, ISSN 0960-4529, pp 93-99, Sheffield, UK, June 2000;
- Cunha D.,Aguiar B., Macário R., Reis V. (2016),”Evaluating Passenger Stress at Airports to Provide a Good Passenger Experience”, 20th ATRS World Conference, 23-26 June, Rhodes, Greece
- Spandou M., Macário R., (2016) “ Network Governance Through Time: the case of London Public Transport System”, 14th World Conference on Transport Research, 10-15July, Shangai, China.
- Aguiar B., Macário R., (2016) “The need for an Elderly Centred Mobility Policy” Part I”, 14th World Conference on Transport Research, 10-15July, Shangai, China.
- Filipe L.N., Macário R., (2016), “ Collaborative approaches to the production of information for urban mobility systems”, 14th World Conference on Transport Research, 10-15July, Shangai, China.
- Matos Martins P., Macário R., (2016) “The concept of “Shared Responsibility”: a variant approach to congestion pricing – Part I”, 14th World Conference on Transport Research, 10-15July, Shangai, China.
- Reis, V., Macário, R (2016). Barriers and Public Policies for Technology Adoption in the EU Railways Sector. Transportation Research Board, 95th Annual Meeting, Ref 16-2467, Washington, 10-14 January.
- Macário R., (2015), Virtual Special Issue on Sustainable Transport in India, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Vol3, Issue 3, September 2015, Elsevier.
- Macário R., (2015) ,Virtual Special Issue on Urban Transport Policy, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Vol 3, Issue 1, March 2015, Elsevier
- Acciaro M., Ferrari C., Lam J. S.L., Macário R., Roumboutsos A., Sys C, Tei A., Vanelslander T., 2015, “Innovation processes of terminal operators : insights from an empirical analysis”, Proceedings of the IAME Annual Conference 2015, International Association of Maritime Economists, Kuala Lumpur, 24-26 August 2015, p. 1-20,
- Vanelslander T., Sys C., Acciaro M., Ferrari C., Giuliano G., Kapros S., Lam J., Macário R., Rashed Y., Roumboutsos A., “Port innovation : definition and typology”, BNPPF Innovation Event 2015, University of Antwerp, 23 April 2015, p. 1-15,
- Domingues M.L., Reis V., Macário R., 2015, “A comprehensive framework for measuring performance in a Third-Party Logistics Provider”, 18th Euro Working Group on Transportation, EWGT 2015, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 10, 2015, Pages 662-672, ISSN 2352-1465,
- Magalhães L., Reis V., Macário R., 2013, “Factor and Cluster analysis applied to flexible airports’ performance data”, 17th Air Transport Research (ATRS) World Conference, Jun 26-29, Bergamo, Italy
- Magalhães L., Macário R., Teixeira P., 2013, “O uso das escadas rolantes para melhorar a mobilidade pedonal em cidades de orografia desfavorável: o Caso de Lisboa” (The use of rolling stairs in city of unfavourable orography: Lisbon Case), Anais do ANPET XXVII, Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes, 04-08 Nov 2012, Belém do Pará, Brasil
- Macário R., 2013, Economic valuation of accessibility: a trigger for innovative transport funding and financing solutions, 13th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport , September 15-19, Oxford, UK
- Spandou M., Macário R., 2013, Institutional analysis of urban public transport systems: the case of New York City, 13th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport , September 15-19, Oxford, UK
- Filipe L., Macário R., 2013, Policy Packaging in BRT Projects: a methodology for Case Study Analysis, 13th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport , September 15-19, Oxford, UK
- Pena A., Macário R., 2013, Public Private Partnerships in the airport sector: structured guidelines for PPP implementation, 1st International Conference on Public Private Patnerships, August 5-7, Dalian, China
- Macário, R; Garcia, C; Martinez, .L. M; Ribeiro, J.M., 2013, Road Maps for Urban Mobility, 13th WCTR World Conference on Transportation Research 2013, July 15-18, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- Garcia, C.; Macário, R.; Loureiro, C.F.G. , 2013, The Role of Assessment in the Urban Mobility Planning Process, 13th WCTR World Conference on Transportation Research 2013, July 15-18, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- Reis V., Macário R., 2013, “Promoting integrated transport solutions using a business model approach”, 13th WCTR World Conference on Transportation Research 2013, July 15-18, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
- Macário R., 2012, “Access as a social good and as an economic good: is there a need of paradigm shift ?, VREF Workshop on Financing Urban Accessibility, Bellagio, Italy
- Marinov, M., Pachl, J., Lautala, P., Macário, R., Reis, V., Edwards, J. 2011, “Policy-Oriented Measures for Tuning and Intensifying Rail Higher Education on both Sides of the Atlantic”, 4th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis – RailRome, 16 – 18 February 2011, Rome, Italy
- Lautala P., Macário R.,Edwards R.,Pachl J., Marinov M., 2011, “Universities in Europe and the United States Collaborate to Develop Future Railway Engineers”, World Conference in Railways Research, WCRR 2011, Urbana Illinois USA
- Spandou M., Macário R., 2011, “Decentralization as an institutional determinant for the performance of urban mobility systems” 12th Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Durban, South Africa, September 2011
- Macário R., Galelo A., 2011, “Accessibility: User satisfaction, Authority satisfaction, or Society satisfaction ?” 12th Conference on COmpetition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Durban, South Africa, September 2011
- Macário R., 2011, “Thinking on public accountability: How to address quality of policy design and decision-making?”, 12th Conference on COmpetition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Durban, South Africa, September 2011
- Filipe L., Macário R., 2011, “A first glimpse on policy packaging for implementation of BRT projects”, 12th Conference on COmpetition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Durban, South Africa, September 2011
- Veras T., Macário R., 2011, “Assessing Gaps on Training and Education for BRT Systems” 12th Conference on COmpetition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Durban, South Africa, September 2011
- Morgado F., Nagaralu S., Macário R., Neufville R., 2011, Value of Options in Airport Expansion – Example of Mexico City International Airport (AICM), Proceedings of the Congress of ERSA-European Regional Science Association, Barcelona, 29Aug-2Sep 2011
- Caiado G., Macário R., Sousa C., 2011, A New Paradigm in Urban Road Network Seismic Vulnerability: From a Link-by-link Structural Approach to an Integrated Functional Assessment, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
- Garcia C., Macário R., (2010) “The relevance of strategic assessment of urban mobility networks”, in Proceedings of 12th WCTR, July 11-15, 2010 – Lisbon, Portugal
- Reis V., Macário R., (2010), “Factors of competitiveness of passenger airlines in te cargo markets”, in Proceedings of 12th WCTR, July 11-15, 2010 – Lisbon, Portugal
- Spandou M., Garcia C., Macário R., (2010), “Urban revitalization and Transport: local factors and driving forces from a stakeholders´ view”, CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research Bringing City Form Back Into Planning
- Lautala P., Macário R, Pachl J., Edwards J.R., Sproule W.J., (2010) Developing railway higher education in the European Union and United States, Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Rail Conference JRC2010 April 27-29, 2010, Urbana, Illinois, USA paper JRC2010-36025
- Pereira, A R, Macário, R, Garcia, C., (2010), Contingency Plans in Urban Mobility Systems, Proceedings of CETRA2010, First International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, 17-18 May 2010, Opatjia, Croatia
- Martins P., Macário R., (2010) Congestion Pricing: a solution or a problem ? Proceedings of the 16th IRF – Road Conference 2010, Lisbon
- Reis V., Macário R. (2009), Spectrum of Competitiveness of passenger airlines on air cargo market, Conference ATRS 2009, Abu Dhabi, Árabe Emirates
- Macário R., Reis V. (2009) Scenarios regarding the evolution of configuration of airport networks and airlines alliances”, Conference ATRS 2009, Abu Dhabi, Arabe Emirates
- Macário R., Silva J. M. (2009) Possible synergies between low cost operations and regional airports development, Conference ATRS 2009, Abu Dhabi, Arabe Emirates
- Macário R., (2009), “Paradigmas e estratégias de desenvolvimento: caso do “Portugal Logístico”, 1st Congress of Regional Development of Cabo Verde (APDR), Julho 2009
- Macário R., (2008), “Competing for level of service in the provision of mobility services: concepts, processes and measures ”, apresentado na 11ª Conferência da série Thredbo “Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport” em Delft, Holanda, em Setembro 2008
- Macário R., 2008, Architecture of an information system for an intermodal transportservice, Europe 2008: International Engineering Management Conference, Europe, Conference Proceedings.
- Garcia C., Macário R., Limão S., (2008), “O Sistema de mobilidade urbana como indutor da competitividade entre cidades”, Congresso ANPET, em Fortaleza, Brasil
- Limão S., Macário R., (2008), Development of level of service indicators for the urban mobility system, ANPET 2008, Novembro, Fortaleza
- Sultan Z., Macário R., (2008) “‘Open Busways System’ A well managed and efficient public transport solution for low-income countries” apresentado no CODATU 2008, Cooperation for Urban Mobility in the Developing World, em Novembro 2008, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
- Viegas J.M., Macário R. (2008), “Variable geometry of public transport systems design: adaptation to local conditions”, apresentado no CODATU 2008, Cooperation for Urban Mobility in the Developing World, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
- Macário R.., (2007), “Pitfalls and conflicts in the integration of taxis in urban mobility systems”, apresentado em Setembro de 2007 no Colóquio “The Taxi, urban mobility solution of the future”, Institute la Ville en Movement, Lisbon Portugal, 20-21 Set 07
- Macário R, Viegas J.M, 2002, “ A Eficácia da Política de Preços na Gestão da Mobilidade Urbana”, ANTP Congress, Natal, Brasil
- Viegas, J.M, Macário R., 2001, “The way ahead for European Railways: regulatory and organizational evolution”, IRCA/UIC/CEMT, World Rail Congress, Wien, Austria September 2001
- Viegas J.M, Macário R., 2001 “Enhancing the effectiveness of pricing and financing policies for urban mobility systems under different regulatory and social settings”, 9th World Conference on Transport Research, Seoul, July 2001
- Viegas J.M, Macário R., 2000, “Involving stakeholders in the evaluation of transport pricing strategies”, TRANSTALK Seminar, Brussels, Belgium
- Viegas J.M, Macário R., 1999, “Upgrading Quality in Urban Mobility Systems: service integration and market segmentation”, UITP Conference, Florence, Italy, September 1999
- Macário R., Viegas J.M, 1999, “Regulating the performance of Urban Public Transport Systems in different Regulatory Settings”, 6th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Cape Town, South Africa, September 1999
- Viegas J.M, Macário R., 1998 “Pricing and Financing schemes in the different regulatory and organisational frameworks for urban transport in Europe” conference “TERA 98 – Externalities in the Urban Transport: Assessing and Reducing the Impacts”, Milan, 1998
- Viegas J.M, Macário R., 1998 “Legal and regulatory options to promote system integration in Urban Public Transport“,8th World Conference on Transport Research, Antwerp, July 1998
- Viegas J.M, Macário R., 1997, “Public Transport Regulation as an instrument of Urban Transport Policy”, 5th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Leeds, May 1997
- Macário R., 2017, “MaaS, Mobility as a Service: O que vai mudar ?” Key note no XXXI Congresso ANPET Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes– RECIFE Outubro 2017
- Macário R., 2016, Sustainable urban mobility plans, 9th Urban Mobility India Conference, Ahmedabad, November 2016, INdia
- Macário R., 2015, The Impacts of the new Road Quality Chart Rules in Turkish Transport System, at UND 41st Anniversaire – Logistics Infrastructure Development: Physical, Legal & Capital obstacles, Istambul, October 2015
- Macário R., 2015, Effective Urban Transport Policy Making. Transforming Transportation, World Bank, Washington
- Macário R., 2014, “Energy Challenges in Transport Policy: combined measures and decision making”, plenary address, WHEC , 17th June, Gwangju, South Korea
- Macário R., 2014, “New approaches to Urban Access”, Side event on Urban Logistics, ITF International Transport Forum Symposium, , 23rd May,Leipzig, Germany
- Macário R., 2014, “Effects of Policy and Institutional Design on Performance of PPPs for Mega Infrastructure Projects”, MIPAD – Mega Infrastructure Planning Appraisal and Delivery Program, OMEGA Center, University College London, 5th March 2015
- Macário R., 2014,” Energy Challenges in Transport Policy: combined measures and decision making”, Key note address at World Hydrogen Energy Conference in honour of Professor Nejat Veziroglu, Gwangjou, South Korea
- Macário R., 2013, “’Capital rich, Revenue poor, comes to an end: value creation and value capture in the aftermath” published in UITP (Union International of Public Transport) PT3/2013 on “Funding and Financing Public Transport”
- Macário R., 2013, “Modelos de negócio em logística urbana: boas práticas lá fora e cá dentro”, (Business Models in urban Logistics: good practices inside adn outsider) Key note 16º Congresso de Logistica, APLOG, 29 a 30 Oct 2013, Estoril, Portugal
- Macário R., 2013, Business Models for Sustainable Urban Mobility, Key note speech at CIVITAS Forum 2013, 30th Set-1st Oct 2013, Brest, France,
- Macário R., 2013, “Modernization of Transport Systems: future challenges” in Conference “Transport: Privatization, Financing and Sustainability”, Chamber of Commerce Luso-Belgium-Luxemburg, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2013
- Macário R., 2013, Need for Next Generation of Transport Public Private Partnerships: Value Creation and Capture, Special Session COST TU1001, International Transport Forum, OECD, Leipzig, Germany, May 2013
- Macário R., 2013, “Public Private Partnerships Enhancing the instrument of EU Policy” , in Conference “PPP – Body of Knowledge”, Preston, UK, Mar 2013
- Macário R., 2012, “Public Private Partnerships in Ports: where are we ?,” How to finance future port infrastructure investments? Expert meeting organised by ‘Steunpunt Goederen- en personenvervoer’ within the Department of Transport & Regional Economics – University of Antwerp’, Nov 2012
- Macário R., 2012, “Aim and Manage for Inclusive Access”, in the 13th Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, New Delhi, Sep 17-20.
- Macário R., 2012, “Innovation policy as a driver for the development of urban Logistics”, International Transport Forum (OECD), Leipzig, May 2012
- Macário R., 2012, Access as a social good and as an economic good: is there a need for a paradigm shift ?, VREF high level workshop on ”Financing urban access”, 7-12 May, Bellagio, Rockefeller Foundation, Italy
- Macário R., 2011, Managing urban mobility systems: an integrated approach, Open lecture, Center for Environmental Planning and Technology University (CEPT), Amedhabad, India, December, 2011
- Macário R., 2011, Research Challenges in Transportation and the role of International Societies and Networks, 1st Conference of Transport Research Group of India, Bangalore, India, 8 December, 2011
- Macário R., 2011, “The emergence of new business models in urban logistics”, 25 de Março 2011, Universidade de Cantabria; Espanha (key note address)
- Macário R., 2010, “Effects of infrastructures at regional level: the Challenging Balance between Sustainability and Economic Growth”, Seminário “Evaluación de los effectos de las vias de gran capacidad”, Organizado pelo Ministério da Ciência e Inovação, Governo de Espanha e pela Universidade de Cantábria, 24 de Setembro de 2010, Santander;
- Macário R., 2009, “Adjusting Institutions and Governance: a framework for discussion of the Reform of the Metropolitan Railways System of Cataluña, Barcelona, no “Symposium on Regulatory Reform in Metropolitan Areas”;
- Macário R., 2007, “Transport and global sustainability; key research needs.” no “High Level Workshop “Responding to global challenges. The role of Europe and of International Science and Technology Cooperation” in Analysis and monitoring of research policies around the world, DG Research, International Cooperation, Brussels, 4/5 October 2007
- Macário R., (2006), “Airports of the future: multifunctional platforms” na Conferência “The sky is not the limit: Trends in the Air Transport Business”, organizada pela Universidade de Antuérpia, in Dezembro 2006
- Macário R., (2006) “Energy Transitions in Transportation: Is it a Technology or a Policy Driven Process?” no Seminário NATO “Assessment of Hydrogen Energy for Sustainable Development: Energy & Environmental Security”, Julho de 2006 Istambul,