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Join the team

If you are interested in joining the team, send me an email with a cv and a brief research statement. I will contact you if I can identify opportunities that fit your profile. Two immediate possibilities are:

- FCT contracts: A competitive call for 6-year contracts for researcher at different levels is held annually by FCT.

- CSRC/CeFEMA postdoctoral appointments: A few fellowships for postdoctoral fellows are regularly available for shared appointments between CeFEMA, Lisbon and CSRC, Beijing.

PhD fellowships are available through CeFEMA, and FCT competitive calls.

Bright, and highly motivated students that wish to pursue a PhD degree, with a strong background in Condensed Matter and Theoretical Physics, are welcome to apply.

If you fit this profile, send me an email  with a cv, and a brief statement of your research interests.

Topics for Master thesis are regularly proposed. If you are looking for possible thesis subjects, check the research webpage for more information about what I do. You can also take a look at the topics of former Master students in the students webpage.  If you are interested in one of these research areas, you can check some of the thesis subjects in the Physics Department webpage, however you should contact me directly since not all the topics are shown there.

Students are strongly encouraged to contact me during the semester prior to the starting of their thesis. This allows enough time to chose an appropriate topic and to adjust the work-plan students interests.

If you are a MEFT students in the 3rd or 4th year and you want to invest a few hours per week starting a research project:
- check my research areas (see research webpage);
- if your are interested, send me your CV, academic record, and brief account of your research interests.

Current Students


PhD Student
Ms Student
Bs Student
Miguel Gonçalves
PhD Student (IST)
Ms Student

Miguel Oliveira
PhD Student (IST)
Ms Student
PhD Student
Ms Student
PhD Student

Current & Previous Students

Post Docs

Tharnier Oliveira
IST, Lisbon and CSRC, Beijing. 2017-2019
Topic: Quantum matter away from equilibrium.
After: Postdoc, Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics

Phd Students

Lucas Sá
IST, Lisbon. Co-advisor: Tomaz Prosen, University of Ljubljana. 2019-
Topic: Signatures of dissipative quantum chaos.

Miguel Gonçalves
IST, Lisbon. Co-advisor: Eduardo Castro, University of Porto. 2019-
Topic: Non-equilibrium control over Quantum Electronic Matter – Theoretical Challenges

Miguel Oliveira
IST, Lisbon. Co-advisors: Stefan Kirchner, Zhejiang University and Paulo Mateus, Math Dep., IST. 2018-
Topic: Non-equilibrium control over Quantum Electronic Matter – Theoretical Challenges

João Braz
IST, Lisbon. Advisor: Hugo Terças, Phys. Dep. IST. 2019-
Topic: 2D systems with condensates: a novel platform for quantum computation.

Hadi Zahir
IST, Lisbon. Advisor: Eduardo Castro, University of Porto. 2015-
Topic: Transport in Graphene Heterostructures.

MSc Students

Beatriz Dias
IST, Lisbon. Co-advisor: Paul McClarty, MPI-PKS. IST. 2019-…
Topic: Entanglement Signatures of Random Quantum Circuits 

Carlos Couto
IST, Lisbon. Advisor: José Mourão, Math Dep. IST. 2019-…
Topic: Semiclassical approximation for non-hermitian operators and imaginary-time dynamics 

Pedro Ninhos
IST, Lisbon. Advisor: Miguel Araújo, Universidade de Évora. 2019-…
Topic: Transport properties of driven graphene

Lucas Sá
IST, Lisbon. Co-advisor: Tomaz Prosen, University of Ljubljana. 2018-2019
Topic: Dissipation and decoherence for generic open quantum systems
After: PhD Student, University of Lisbon

Henrique Silvério
IST, Lisbon. Advisor: Joaquin Rossier, INL. 2018-2019
Topic: Characterization of faulty quantum gates and measurements
After: Pasqal (quantum computing), Paris

Miguel Gonçalves
IST, Lisbon. Advisor: Eduardo Castro, IST. 2017-2018
Topic: Phase diagram of the Haldane-Falicov-Kimball model
After: PhD Student, University of Lisbon

João Ferreira
IST, Lisbon. Advisor: F. Pollmann, TU Munich. 2017-2018
Topic: Efficient simulation of quantum thermalization using matrix-product states
After: PhD Student, University of Geneva

Miguel Oliveira
IST, Lisbon. Co-advisor: Stefan Kirchner, Zhejiang University.
Topic: Liquid and Ordered Phases of Geometrical Frustrated Charges – A study of the Falicov-Kimball model on the triangular lattice
After: PhD Student, University of Lisbon