σ from sums: detail
Finds σ from sums of (un)equal samples (a conjecture).
2025.Feb.19 21:14:56
x xi, individual or average, i = 1..n. •
w Weight or sample size, wi, i = 1..n (respectively; see above). •
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Computes the weighted variance, σW(x), of a vector of values, x = (xi, i = 1..n), and corresponding weights, w = (wi, i = 1..n), assuming successively that (a) x are individual values with weights w, and (b) x are averages (below, a) from samples of sizes w, in order to estimate the underlying (individual) μ and σ.

Case '(b)' relates to estimating from sums of unequal (or equal) size samples, assuming that the individual values are not known. The estimation is done through a linear weighting criterion, a conjecture. Thus, σ^ = nW s²W(a). (Below.)  (→ Excel file.xlsx)

Example with T = 4 trucks, and procedure (as mentioned, only nt and Lt are assumed known):

t nt Lt at wt wt(atxbarW
110250.125.010.03571 4.81E-6
220499.424.97 0.0714357.58E-6
3100250225.02 0.35714166.74E-6
4150374824.987 0.5357169.53E-6
Sum: 1 S = 298.76E-6
at = Ltntwt = nt ⁄ ΣntxbarW, weighted average of at = Σwt at = 24.998 kg;
weighted size, nW = Σwt nt = 117.86;  weighted variance of a, s²W(a) = [T ⁄ (T − 1)] S = 398.0E-6 kg²
σ²^ = nW . s²W(a) = 117.86 × 398.0E-6 = 0.04693 kg² → σ^ = 0.2166 kg.

From the base data, simulated from a population with μ = 25 and σ = 0.2, the method gives ('wIstdev' =) 0.2166 ≅ σ .

Draws a simple plot of x and the estimated average (lower and upper lines are this average −/+ 'wIstdev', est. σ.).

References: Plate: SigmaFSdetail

• Google search '"different sample size" -unequal',   '"unequal sample size" -different'

• NIST: weighted variance.pdf (← Dataplot, vol. 2Statistical Eng.ing Div.IT Lab.)

• Google search "weighted variance"

• 1864-01-13: Wien, Wilhelm Carl Werner Otto Fritz Franz († 1928-08-30).

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Created: 2018-01-13 — Last modified: 2018-02-11