Solves the 2.nd order ODE
d²y⁄dx² = −1 ⁄ (1 +
y)² with given initial [(xi,
yi)] and final [(xf,
yf)] points ([Vesely, 2005]).
The absence of the value of the initial derivative,
y'i, makes it a BVP, boundary value problem.
(The corresponding IVP, initial value problem, would,
for xi, have yi and
y'i both given.) The problem is solved
via shooting with an RK4 numerical integration.
The (univariate) search for y'i is done
by the Fibonacci method in the (bracketing) search interval given.
The solution reported (op. cit.) is
y'i = 0.437.
This BVP is a "Dirichlet condition" type problem.
A "Dirichlet condition" problem has two y values specified, and a
"Neumann condition" problem has two y' values specified,
"mixed condition" otherwise.
Plots three curves versus x: y, y',
and y". |
• Vesely,
F., "Boundary Value Problems", 4.3.1 Shooting Method (=),
Universität Wien.
• Google boundary value problem
• 1796-08-28: Bienaymé, Irenée-Jules (1878-10-19). |