More bags

- Bags • 13`4.^~Standard deviation • Some 05`c.theory
•  Under construction: 21`2.(Fx-upBagsExcel)^~Upload Excel • 21`6.(Fx-BagsSimCIvalid)^~Confidence intervals: simulation and validation
• 21`6.(Fx-BagsSingle)^~Single size samples
• 21`7.(P-createtrucks)^~Create trucks with bags (for next) • 21`7.(f-BagsPECI)^~Point estimates and confidence intervals (with conjecture)
• 22`6.(Fx-BagsPECIopt)^~PE & CI, optimized scale factor • 22`6.(Fx-BagsPECIsimOpt)^~PE & CI, optimized scale factor, with simulated sums

• Exponential • 22`3.(Fx-SumOfExponentials.php)^~Sums of (equal) Exponentials
• 22`5.(Fx-ConjSumsExpon0.php)^~From sums of (unequal) Exponentials, conjecture
22`5.(Fx-ConjSumsExponentials.php)^~Better 22`5.(P-ConjSimulSumsExponentials.php)^~Simulated sums
• 22`5.(P-ConjSimulSumsExponentials.php)^~From simulated sums to μ

- Bags for σ (sigma) Go to ...
(Legacy) • 17`b.(Fx-sigmaFromSums)^~Sigma (σ) from sums; explanatory • 18`1.(Fx-sigmaFSdetail)~detail
• 18`c.(Fx-3sigmaFromSums)^~Sigma from sums
• 19`6.(Fx-SigmaFromSums)^~(SPE 2019) Sigma from sums

- Other distributions • 19`9.^~Triangular distribution (test) • 19`9.^~Weibull distribution (test)

- More bags (fertilizers, cement)
• 19`6.^~Averages versus items: variation. Illustrates the well-known σ ⁄ √n vs. σ. • 19`7.^~Averages, items: confidence intervals
• 19`8.^~Invent list (simulate)
• 19`8.(Fx-Bag_gammaDistribution)~Gamma distribution integrated (Simpson), compared with Gaussian).

- Succintly (Under revision 19`... for elimination)
• 19`a.(Fx-Bag_sigmaSumUneq)^~Sigma from Sums of Unequal size samples (classical)
• 19`8.(Fx-Bag_sumuneqpeci)^~Sums of unequal size samples: estimation — point estimation (PE) and confidence intervals (CI)
• 19`8.(Fx-Bag_chi2gamma)^~From chi2 to gamma [χ² (T, n= 1) to γ (T, n> 1)]
• 19`9.(Fx-Bag_SumUneqTable)^~Sums of unequal size samples, table: PE, CI
• 19`9.(Fx-Bag_eqStudent)~From equal size to Student (T and n)
• 20`b.(Fx-BagsGenSimulCI)^~From generated sums to CI

- Finally
• 20`1.(f-Bags_Smultrucks)~Simulate trucks
• 20`a.(f-BagsSumUneqPECI)~Sums of unequal size samples: PE & CI (table or upload)
• 20`a.(f-BagsGammaChi2)^~From gamma to chi2
• 20`a.(f-BagsSimulCI)^~Confidence intervals by simulation (table or upload)

- Monte Carlo simulation...
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Created: 2019-06-30 — Last modified: 2022-06-05