
What Are We Designing?

The prototype consists in an arduino nano 2040 connect connected to a heartbeat sensor and batery that allows to collect data about the user. Despite being a prototype, the bracelet is confortable to use and the case designed to protect the componets is robust. This prove of concept allowed to test the algorithms and the system as if was a real use and have shown potencial to be a solution that will allow a faster responce to some accidents that might happpen to elderly that live alone.

Lasting battery

For monitoring the most time possible, is required a trustworthy battery.

Reliable data acquisition

To avoid false positives we want to guaranty that the sensors are reliable.

Private and secure

The stored data at the server needs to be protected and the comunnication must be private.

Prototype components

This is the list of elements that build our project, for more detailed information consult the blog.


Used to store the data and compute the algorithms - Firebase

Local Router

Relay between the bracelet and the server, makes some compute - Raspberry Pie 5


Used to secure the prototype to the arm of the user.


Controles the sensors and sends the data via Bluetooth tho the local router - Beetle BLE


Used to power the prototype -
Li-Po 500mAh

Gyroscope and Acelerometer

Collect data of the user moviments to identify falls

Vitals sensor

Composed of a hearthbeat sensor and an oximeter collects the vitals of the user.

Battery Charger

Alows to rechage the prototype