Vital Monitoring Bracelet

Within the scope of the 1st Cycle Integrated Project in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico

Project Proposal Mid-Term Report Pitch Deck Video

What problem are we trying to solve

Our project tries to simplify the monitorization of elder people that live alone.

In Portugal, more than 44.100 elderly people find them selves in this situation, this data comes from Censos Sénior 2023, an operation from GNR, and points that with the aging of the portuguese population this number is likely to grow.


Our Objective

Our project aims to ensure the safety of elders who live in isolation. We plan to acomplish this by designing a sistem capable of notifying a family member or an organization that can respond in case of an emmergency. We want to create a bracelet that recgnise danger and sends a notification to an application allowing to a faster response.

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Our Team:

team people

Pedro Lopes


Data Scientist

team people

Vasco Martins


Hardware Tecnician

team people

Tiago Dias


System Modulator

team people

Miguel Pereira


Network Architect

team people

António Quendera


Front-end Developer

team people

Bernardo Santos


Eletronics Engineer