Algorithmic Design for Architecture
I am an Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, in the Computer Science and Engineering Department (DEI), and a researcher at INESC-ID. I am also a member of ADA research group. As a researcher, my focus has been on approximating the fields of computer science and architecture, making algorithmic strategies more accessible and integrated into architectural design. My goal is to leverage the strengths of computer science to enhance design exploration, conceptualization, and visualization of architectural solutions, while also supporting the learning and application of algorithms in building design.
Connecting design and fabrication through algorithms: current and future prospects for AEC
I Caetano and A Leitão | Automation in Construction, Elsevier
Algorithmic Design Explained: Decomposing parametric 3D problems into 2D visual illustrations
R Castelo Branco, I Caetano and A Leitão | CAADRIA Conference, Singapore
Gestão de Infraestruturas Publicas Através do BIM: Modelação de Túneis Ferroviários das Infraestruturas de Portugal
I Caetano, D Pinto, J Silva, Y Barbosa, L Sanhudo, J Poças Martins, M Amândio, M Azenha, J Granja, M Sibaii and H Patrício | Revista de Ativos de Engenharia, Porto Editora
BIM em Infraestruturas Ferroviárias: Modelação automática de túneis para monitorização e manutenção ao longo do ciclo de vida
I Caetano, D Pinto, Y Barbosa, J Silva, M Amândio, H Patrício, M Azenha, L Sanhudo and J Poças Martins | PTBIM Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
DrAFT 2.0: An Algorithmic Framework for the Design, Optimization, and Fabrication of Facades
I Caetano | PhD thesis, Lisbon
Balancing Design Intent and Performance: An Algorithmic Design Approach
I Caetano, I Pereira and A Leitão | Architectural Science Review, Taylor & Francis Online
The Right Algorithm for the Right Shape: An algorithmic framework for efficient design and conception of building facades
I Caetano, A Leitão and F. Bastos | Architecture and Design for Industry 4.0: Theory and Practice, Springer Cham
Behind Algorithmic Geometric Patterns: A Framework for Facade Design Exploration
I Caetano and A Leitão | Formal Methods in Architecture: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture, Springer Singapore
Affordable Computation for Architecture
R Castelo-Branco, I Caetano and A Leitão | Architecture & Planning Journal, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon
Converting Algorithms into Tangible Solutions: A workflow for materializing algorithmic facade designs
I Caetano, A Leitão and F Bastos | ISIC International Conference: Trends in Construction in the Post-Digital Era, Guimarães, Portugal
Algorithmic Representation Space
R Castelo-Branco, I Caetano and A Leitão | Prospectives Journal, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Digital Representation Methods: The Case of Algorithmic Design
R Castelo-Branco, I Caetano and A Leitão | Frontiers of Architectural Research, KeAi Publishing
Sketching Algorithmic Design
R Castelo-Branco, I Caetano, I. Pereira and A Leitão | Journal of Architectural Engineering
Mathematically Developing Building Facades: An Algorithmic Framework
I Caetano and A Leitão | Formal Methods in Architecture: Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development), Springer Cham
Uncertainty in Daylight Simulations of Algorithmically Generated Complex Shading Screens
L Santos, I Caetano, I Pereira and A Leitão | Building Simulation 2021 Conference, Bruges, Belgium
Computational design in architecture: Defining parametric, generative, and algorithmic design
I Caetano, L Santos and A Leitão | Frontiers of Architectural Research, KeAi Publishing
Architecture meets computation: an overview of the evolution of computational design approaches in architecture
I Caetano and A Leitão | Architectural Science Review, Taylor & Francis Online
From Architectural Requirements to Physical Creations: An Algorithmic-based Approach for Façade Design
I Caetano, A Leitão and F Bastos | Journal of Façade Design and Engineering, TU Delft Open
When the Geometry Informs the Algorithm: a hybrid visual/textual programming framework for facade design
I Caetano and A Leitão | eCAADe Conference, Berlin, Germany
A Generative System for the Design of High-Performing Shading Devices: Exploring the Daylight Potential of Weaving Patterns
L Santos, I Caetano, I Pereira and A Leitão | PLEA Conference, A Coruña, Spain
Creativity Inspired by Analysis: An algorithmic design system for designing structurally feasible façades
I Caetano, S Garcia, I Pereira and A Leitão | CAADRIA Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
The Collaborative Algorithmic Design Notebook
R Castelo-Branco, I Caetano, I Pereira and A Leitão | ASA Conference, Auckland, New Zealand
Integration of an Algorithmic BIM Approach in a Traditional Architecture Studio
I Caetano and A Leitão | Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Elsevier
Weaving Architectural Façades: Exploring algorithmic stripe-based design patterns
I Caetano and A Leitão | CAADFutures Conference, Daejeon, South Korea
From Visual Input to Visual Output in Textual Programming
M Sammer, A Leitão and I Caetano | CAADRIA Conference, Wellington, New Zealand
Casos de estudo sobre a integração de processos de projeto algorítmico em fluxos de trabalho de projeto em modelo BIM (In Portuguese)
I Caetano, C Belém, G Ilunga, S Feist, A Leitão and F Bastos | Portuguese Congress of Building Information Modelling, Lisbon, Portugal
Case Studies on the Integration of Algorithmic Design Processes in Traditional Design Workflows
I Caetano, G Ilunga, C Belém, R Aguiar, S Feist, F Bastos and A Leitão | CAADRIA Conference, Beijing, China
Algorithmic Patterns for Facade Design: Merging Design Exploration, Optimization and Rationalization
I Caetano and A Leitão | Facade Tectonics World Congress, Los Angeles, California, USA
Luna Moth: Supporting Creativity in the Cloud
P Alfaiate, I Caetano and A Leitão | ACADIA Conference, Cambridge, MA
Saving Lives with Generative Design and Agent-based Modeling
S Sousa, I Caetano and A Leitão | eCAADe Conference, Rome, Italy
Integration of an Algorithmic BIM Approach in a Traditional Architecture Studio
I Caetano and A Leitão | CAADRIA Conference, Suzhou, China
Aplicação do Design Generativo nas Tecnologias BIM
I Caetano, A Leitão and F Bastos | 1º Congresso Português de Building Information Modelling, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Using Processing with Architectural 3D Modelling
I Caetano and A Leitão | eCAADe Conference, Oulu, Finland
DrAFT: An Algorithmic Framework for Facade Design
I Caetano and A Leitão | eCAADe Conference, Oulu, Finland
Exploring Buildings' Surfaces Patterns
I Caetano and A Leitão | Architecture In-Play International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
Processing Architecture
A Leitão, I Caetano and H Correia | International Journal of Architectural Computing 14(2)
Processing for Architecture
I Caetano and A Leitão | ASKtheConference, Warsaw, Poland
From Idea to Shape, from Algorithm to Design: A Framework for the Generation of Contemporary Facades
I Caetano, L Santos and A Leitão | CAAD Futures, São Paulo, Brazil
DrAFT: an Algorithmic Framework for Facade Design (Master Thesis)
The architectural facade regained its important role. Nowadays, the facade is characterized by complex shapes and patterns, mainly, due to the use of new design tools, such as Generative Design, which promotes a greater design exploration. In this dissertation we propose a computational framework for the generation and exploration of facade designs. The framework includes a classification of facades that helps the designer identify the set of algorithms that best suits the needs of his design intent. By combining the various algorithms provided by the framework, the designer can more easily explore the solution space of the intended design.
Keywords. Generative Design, Facade Design, Algorithms, Framework
English CV
2024 - now
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department (DEI)
IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal
2023 - 2024
Algoritmic Design Specialist
BUILT CoLAB, Portugal
2016 - 2024
Laboratory Invited Instructor
Design Programming and Computing (since 2016)
Foundations of Programming (since 2022)
IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal
2018 - 2022
Co-PI in the Research Project
Khepri: Algorithmic Design, Analysis, and Optimization
INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal
Architecture Project Colaboration
Atelier dos Remédios, Lisbon, Portugal
Surfaces In-Play Summer School
ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal
2015 - 2016
Professional Internship
Ceris, IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal
2014 - 2015
Research Fellow in Research Project
Rosetta: The Generative Design Tool
INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal
2014 - now
Graphics and Interactions
INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal
Invited Lecturer
Facade Parametric Modelling
Facade and Building Envelope Technology specialization course
University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
2016 - 2023
PhD candidate
IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal
12th Lisbon Machine Learning School
IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Workshop Monitor
3rd Cork Workshop "New Uses in Architecture"
FAUL, Lisbon, Portugal
Architecture Project Competition
Atelier dos Remédios and FORA, Lisbon, Portugal
2009 - 2015
Master degree in Architecture
IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal
2013 - 2014
Erasmus Program
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Doctoral thesis
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
PhD Student of the Year
INESC-ID 2021, Lisbon, Portugal
Best Presentation Award Runner Up
with "Creativity Inspired by Analysis: An algorithmic design system for designing structurally feasible façades"
CAADRIA Conference 2020, Bangkok, Thailand
with "From Visual Input to Visual Output in Textual Programming"
CAADRIA Conference 2019, Wellington, New Zealand
ACADIA Student Scholarship Award
with "Luna Moth: Supporting Creativity in the Cloud"
ACADIA Conference 2017, Boston, USA
Young CAADRIA Award
with "Integration of an Algorithmic BIM approach in a Traditional Architecture Studio"
CAADRIA Conference 2017, Suzhou, China