Cláudio Correia

I am a research engineer collaborating with Rodrigo Bruno and Oracle Labs at INESC-ID Lisboa. I am also member of the Distributed Parallel and Secure Systems (DPSS) group. I recently received my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) - Universidade de Lisboa.

Research Interests

I am a passionate distributed systems researcher with a focus on cybersecurity. During my Ph.D., I innovated in the field of edge computing security using trusted execution environments and cryptography. Currently, I am working on identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks in the FaaS platform of GraalVM. Additionally, I am using previous access patterns to employ time series forecasting models to predict future spikes in popularity for specific cloud functions.


International Conference Publications

  • Using Range-Revocable Pseudonyms to Provide Backward Unlinkability in the Edge
    (ACM CCS 2023)
    Cláudio Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

  • PoTR: Accurate and Efficient Proof of Timely-Retrievability for Storage Systems
    (IEEE PRDC 2023)
    Cláudio Correia, Rita Prates, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

  • Deduplication vs Privacy Tradeoffs in Cloud Storage
    (ACM/SIGAPP SAC 2023)
    Rodrigo Silva, Cláudio Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

  • Cathode: A Consistency-Aware Data Placement Algorithm for the Edge
    (IEEE NCA 2021)
    Leonardo Epifâneo, Cláudio Correia, Luís Rodrigues

  • Omega: a Secure Event Ordering Service for the Edge
    (IEEE/IFIP DSN 2020)
    Cláudio Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

Journal Publications

  • PoTR: Accurate and Efficient Proof of Timely-Retrievability for Storage Systems (Extended version)
    (ACM Formal Aspects of Computing, 2024)
    Cláudio Correia, Rita Prates, Luís Fonseca, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

  • Omega: a Secure Event Ordering Service for the Edge (Extended version)
    (IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2021)
    Cláudio Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

Workshop Publications

  • Safeguarding Data Consistency at the Edge
    (IEEE/IFIP DSN-S 2020)
    Cláudio Correia

National Conference Publications

  • PickyFilters: Uma Abordagem Prática e Eficiente para Autenticação Anónima com Pseudónimos
    (INForum 2024)
    Guilherme Santos, Cláudio Correia, Luís Rodrigues

  • Ataques de Frequência em Deduplicação Cifrada na Nuvem
    (INForum 2022)
    Rodrigo Silva, Cláudio Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

  • Safeguarding Distributed Data Storage at the Edge
    (ENSD 2022)
    Cláudio Correia

  • Prova de Resposta Pontual no Acesso ao Armazenamento Contratado na Periferia da Rede
    (INForum 2021)
    Rita Prates, Cláudio Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

  • Ordenaçao Segura de Eventos na Periferia da Rede
    (INForum 2019)
    Cláudio Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues

Additional Experience


    Research collaboration with GraalVM team

    2024 - Present

    • Identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks on the FaaS platform of GraalVM, which requires improving the current CFS scheduler provided by the Linux kernel.

    • Using previous access patterns to employ time series forecasting models to predict future spikes in popularity for specific cloud functions.


    DPSS Researcher

    2018 - Present

    • ACES: A European project focused on providing a secure, resilient and privacy-compliant service that manages resources and workloads for micro data centers located at the edge.

    • SmartRetail: A project to design and develop of advanced cryptography protocols for security and privacy-preserving technologies for smart-retail.

    • NG-STORAGE: A project in collaboration with NOVA LINCS, to design and develop a new generation of data storage and management systems aimed to edge environments.

    System Administrator

    2018 - Present

    • Installation, management, administration, support, and maintenance of machines and services in the DPSS cluster.

Instituto Superior Técnico

    Teaching Assistant

    2021 - 2022

    • 2º Semester of the B.Sc. degree program (LETI) - Network and Computer Security (TagusPark).

    • 1º Semester of the M.Sc. degree program (MEIC) - Network and Computer Security (Alameda).

    M.Sc. Supervisions

    2021 - Present

    • Guilherme Santos: Privacy in SmartRetail.

    • Rodrigo Silva: Deduplication vs Privacy Tradeoffs in Cloud Storage (resulted in two publications).

    • Rita Prates: Proof of Timely-Retrievability for Storage Systems at the Edge (resulted in two publications).

Xpand IT

    Summer Internship


    • Focused on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies, contributing to real-world use cases on Azure cloud within a collaborative team.


Organization of ENSD

  • Organization of the 1º edition of the National Meeting of Distributed Systems (Évora, Portugal).
    Developed the conference website alongside Rafael Soares

FCT Scholarship

  • One of the selected students to benefit from full funded Ph.D. degree.


  • Granted twice the incentive award for scientific productivity, from INESC-ID.
  • Granted the academic merit student award in 2017 and 2019, from IST.


Ph.D. Computer Science and Engineering

2019 - 2024

  • Instituto Superior Técnico, Pass with Distinction
  • Co-advised by Prof. Luís Rodrigues and Prof. Miguel Correia. Thesis title: Low-Latency Privacy-Preserving Access to Edge Storage
  • Proficient experience in conducting research at the highest and most competitive level (rank A* and Q1), resulting in significant contributions to cryptographic protocols that ensure privacy, storage proofs, and trust for edge environments.

M.Sc. Computer Science and Engineering

2017 - 2019

  • Instituto Superior Técnico, final course average: 17
  • Distributed Systems specialization: knowledge of fundamental paradigms in large-scale distributed systems, both in scalability limitation and byzantine consensus protocols, in multiple environments such as Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing.
  • Intelligent Robotics specialization: A highly intriguing experience working with deep neural networks, reinforcement learning, fuzzy systems, and programming autonomous robots.

B.Sc. Computer Science and Engineering

2014 - 2017

  • Instituto Superior Técnico, final course average: 15
  • Relevant Coursework: Object-Oriented Programming; Artificial Intelligence; Operating Systems; Databases; Computer Networks; Analysis and Synthesis of Algorithms; Cybersecurity.



INESC-ID Lisboa, Room 501
Rua Alves Redol Nº 9, 1000-029
Lisboa, Portugal