
CML announced that 80% of Lisbon population has access to ZER (Downtown Lisbon) by public transportation.

We are sceptic about this affirmation & map:

  1. Why using euclidean distances to the transit interfaces? (Poelman and Dijkstra (2015))
  2. Why distance instead of time?
  3. How was the population estimated? Did they produce a Dasymetric map?
  4. Is the access the same at a Tuesday morning and a Sunday afternoon?


Let’s share some knowledge, with a practical problem.
Let’s get together, think about this problem (and sub-problems!), and try to have and write a simple solution. The solution might be helpful to other pedestrian + transit problems.

Goal 1

To have a script or procedure we can run and share, open sourced, for a given location/area, time and date, transit operator(s)(?), return the population with access to that location.
It can be a number or a map visualization.

Goal 2

Make it an online map.

Goal 3

Compare Ped + transit with Bike + transit. walk vs. bike

Goal 4 - bonus!

Produce a paper identifying the advances and the caveats of the procedure.



Data we have

  • GTFS for Lisbon metropolitan area: timetables, georeferenced routes and stops
  • BGRI census 2011 population for AML
  • OSM pedestrian network for Carris operation area

GTFS sample (access data here)

Things we don’t have…yet

  • Polygon shp with ZER - try to extract from here

Software we can use

Any software, such as programming, GIS, web services, OSM, …
Open source software is preferred.

What to bring

  • A laptop?
  • Ideas
  • A document with your thoughts to share with the others
  • A colleague
  • Snacks to share


Friday, 4th March 2020, 15h30-18h.


IST, V0.14.


Look at tidytransit

with projection with projection with projection

From Mateus

  • Sobre impactos da microacessibilidade das estações de metro/comboio no tempo de viagem: The design trick that could cut 12 minutes off your train commute. David Levinson and Bahman Lahoorpoor, 2019.

  • Indicadores de acessibilidade (transporte público, a pé e bicicleta) para cidades brasileiras. Disponibiliza códigos em R. Projeto Oportunidades, IPEA. 2020.

  • Estudo com comparação de tempos de viagem entre modos privados e coletivos. Estimativas considerando diferentes horários e dias de semana/fim-de-semana. Liao et al. (2020)

  • API do Google Transit para “GTFS Realtime Reference,” em que consta o “OccupancyStatus: The degree of passenger occupancy for the vehicle,” dentre outros atributos que podem ajudar a estimar uma isócrona para o TP mais verossímil - isto será a versão 2.0 do GTFS.

  • OpenTripPlanner (OTP)| https://github.com/opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner Open source multi-modal trip planner

From Gabriel


Meanwhile, r5r package was developed by Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea), Brazil, and launched in 2021 (Pereira et al. 2021). It compiles locally information of OSM and GTFS for a given area.
It is ver easy to use (requires java JDK 11 installed) and we can compute accessibility by transit + walk, transit + bike, specific transit modes, max_walking_distance, max transfers in transit legs, bike Level of Traffic Stress (LTS), probability of traveling in a time window, etc.


Results for Lisbon, for a peak hour (7am wednesday) and non-peak hour (10pm sunday), with no transfers and 1 transfer max, in a 2h time-window, and max walking of 1km.

No transfers One transfer max
  • Regarding the accessibility for population to ZER:

With 1 transfer

Peak hour Non-peak hour
50,1% in 30 min 28,8% in 30 min
96,9% in 45 min 83,8% in 45 min
99,7% in 60 min 99,15% in 60 min

With no transfers

Peak hour Non-peak hour
41,5% in 30 min 22,8% in 30 min
78,9% in 45 min 66,4% in 45 min
89,7% in 60 min 77,7% in 60 min


Bok, Jinjoo, and Youngsang Kwon. 2016. “Comparable Measures of Accessibility to Public Transport Using the General Transit Feed Specification.” Sustainability 8 (3): 224. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/3/224/pdf.
Cambra, Paulo Jorge, Alexandre Gonçalves, and Filipe Moura. 2019. “The Digital Pedestrian Network in Complex Urban Contexts: A Primer Discussion on Typological Specifications.” Finisterra 54 (110): 155–70. https://revistas.rcaap.pt/finisterra/article/view/16414.
Foda, Mohamed A, and Ahmed O Osman. 2010. “Using GIS for Measuring Transit Stop Accessibility Considering Actual Pedestrian Road Network.” Journal of Public Transportation 13 (4): 2. https://doi.org/10.5038/2375-0901.13.4.2.
Liao, Yuan, Jorge Gil, Rafael HM Pereira, Sonia Yeh, and Vilhelm Verendel. 2020. “Disparities in Travel Times Between Car and Transit: Spatiotemporal Patterns in Cities.” Scientific Reports 10 (1): 1–12. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-61077-0.
Malekzadeh, Ali, and Edward Chung. 2019. “A Review of Transit Accessibility Models: Challenges in Developing Transit Accessibility Models.” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2019.1625087.
Morgan, Malcolm, Marcus Young, Robin Lovelace, and Layik Hama. 2019. “OpenTripPlanner for r.” Journal of Open Source Software 4 (44): 1926. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01926.
Pereira, Rafael H. M., Marcus Saraiva, Daniel Herszenhut, Carlos Kaue Vieira Braga, and Matthew Wigginton Conway. 2021. “R5r: Rapid Realistic Routing on Multimodal Transport Networks with R\(^{\textrm{5}}\) in r.” Findings, March. https://doi.org/10.32866/001c.21262.
Poelman, H, and L Dijkstra. 2015. “Measuring Access to Public Transport in European Cities.” Regional and Urban Policy. https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/work/2015_01_publ_transp.pdf.
Pritchard, John P., Diego Bogado Tomasiello, Mariana Giannotti, and Karst Geurs. 2019. “Potential Impacts of Bike-and-Ride on Job Accessibility and Spatial Equity in são Paulo, Brazil.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 121: 386–400. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2019.01.022.
Vale, David. 2020. “Effective Accessibility: Using Effective Speed to Measure Accessibility by Cost.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 80: 102263. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2020.102263.
Vale, David S. 2015. “Transit-Oriented Development, Integration of Land Use and Transport, and Pedestrian Accessibility: Combining Node-Place Model with Pedestrian Shed Ratio to Evaluate and Classify Station Areas in Lisbon.” Journal of Transport Geography 45: 70–80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.04.009.
Vale, David S., Miguel Saraiva, and Mauro Pereira. 2015. “Active Accessibility: A Review of Operational Measures of Walking and Cycling Accessibility.” Journal of Transport and Land Use 9 (1). https://doi.org/10.5198/jtlu.2015.593.