, while
, class
, ...
, ...
, ...method between (p: int, r: int) returns (q: int)
requires r-p > 1
ensures p < q < r
q := (p+r) / 2;
method MultipleReturns(x: int, y: int)
returns (more: int, less: int)
ensures less < x
ensures x < more
more := x + y;
less := x - y;
Does this program meet the specification?
Try it online: https://rise4fun.com/Dafny
method MultipleReturns(x: int, y: int)
returns (more: int, less: int)
requires 0 < y
ensures less < x
ensures x < more
more := x + y;
less := x - y;
keyword, and can optionally have type
var x:int;
var x := 0;
var x:int, y:nat;
var x, y : int;
Exercise: Encode the following example in Dafny and read the error messages.
method m1() {
var a := 0;
a := 1;
var a := 2;
var b:int;
var c;
var d:int, e:bool := 0;
var f, g := 0, false;
var h, i:int;
method Triple(x: int) returns (r: int)
ensures r == 3*x
var y := Double(x);
r := y + x;
method Double(x:int) returns (r:int)
ensures r == 2*x
This follows our discussion on Design by Contract.
Try it online: https://rise4fun.com/Dafny
This is related to our discussion on Design by Contract from previous lectures.
Exercise: Write a method Max that takes two integer parameters and returns their maximum. Add appropriate annotations and make sure your code verifies.
method Abs(x: int) returns (y: int)
ensures 0 <= y
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
method TestAbs() {
var v := Abs(3);
assert 0 <= v;
Assertions can be introduced at any point. An assertion says that a particular expression always holds when control reaches that part of the code.
Exercise: Add
assert v == 3
to the end of the method TestAbs
Make changes so that the assertion is valid.
method Abs(x: int) returns (y: int)
ensures 0 <= y
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
method TestAbs() {
var v := Abs(3);
assume v==3;
assert 0 <= v;
assert v==3;
Assumptions can be introduced at any point.
function abs(x: int): int
if x < 0 then -x else x
method m2()
assert abs(3) == 3;
function abs(x: int): int
if x < 0 then -x else x
method m2()
assert abs(3) == 3;
Exercise: Change your specification of
the method Abs
to use this function.
Write a function max
that returns the larger of two given integer
parameters. Write a test method using an assert that tests your function.
Change the specification of the method Max
to use your new function.
We are not going into much detail for now, but it is possible to compile Dafny programs. Example:
method Main()
print("Hello World\n");
To verify, compile, and run the program:
dafny /compile:3 Main.dfy
are compiled and can be
called from real code.Exercise: Change your test method for
to capture the value of
to a variable, and then do the checks
from the exercise using the variable.
Dafny will reject this program because you are calling
from real code. Fix this problem using
a function method
Exercise: Define the Fibonacci function and write a method with assertions that test your function.
The Fibonacci function is defined as:
fib(0)=0fib(1)=1fib(n)=fib(n−1)+fib(n−2)for n>1invariant
to identify loop invariants:method m4(n: nat)
var i := 0;
while i < n
invariant 0 <= i
i := i+1;
assert i==n;
Question: Is the assertion at the end of the loop valid? If not, how can we fix it?
Exercise: Write a method Exp
that takes an integer m, a natural
n, and returns mn. Write the specification in
terms of a separate, recursive function
Exercise: Consider the following function definition:
function fib(n: nat): nat
if n == 0 then 0 else
if n == 1 then 1 else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
Turning this function into a function method would be extremely slow, as this version of calculating the Fibonacci numbers has exponential complexity.
Write a verified iterative algorithm that computes the nth Fibonacci number.