Software Specification: Structural Induction, Lemmas (cont.), and Dafny/C#

Software Specification, MEIC @ IST, 2019/20

João F. Ferreira

### At the end of this session, you should be able to: - Have fewer questions about Project 2 :-) - Verify code using structural induction - Write code to prove lemmas - Link Dafny and C# code
## A brief review of last session...

Algebraic Inductive Datatypes

  • We have already seen an example:
    datatype Colour = Red | White | Blue
  • A more interesting example is:
    datatype Nat = Zero | Succ(n: Nat)
  • The values of inductive datatypes can be seen as finite trees where the leaves are values of basic types, numeric types, etc.
    • Zero, Succ(Zero), Succ(Succ(Zero)), etc.

Algebraic Inductive Datatypes

  • Values of inductive datatypes can be compared using Dafny’s well-founded < ordering.
    • Example: Zero < Succ(Zero) < Succ(Succ(Zero))
  • Values of algebraic datatypes can be analysed using pattern matching:
    function add(n1: Nat, n2: Nat): Nat 
        match n1
            case Zero    => n2
            case Succ(n) => Succ(add(n, n2))

Lemmas and Calculations

  • We may express properties of our programs using lemmas. Lemmas are implicitly ghost methods (i.e. methods that are not compiled into the executable).
    lemma add_unit(n: Nat)
        ensures add(n, Zero) == n
        ensures add(Zero, n) == n
    lemma add_succ(n1: Nat, n2: Nat)
        ensures Succ(add(n1,n2)) == add(n1, Succ(n2))
  • Note that if we don't include the {}, then it's an axiom (i.e., we assume it to be true).

Lemmas and Calculations

  • The previous lemmas are proved automatically by Dafny. However, there are cases where Dafny needs our assistance. For example:
    lemma add_commutative(n1: Nat, n2: Nat)
        ensures add(n1, n2) == add(n2, n1)

Induction over Natural Numbers

  • Recall the principle of induction over natural numbers: If we want to show that $P$ holds for all numbers $n$, we:
    1. show that $P(0)$ holds;
    2. show that, for any $n'$, if $P(n')$ holds, then so does $P(Succ(n'))$;

Lemmas and Calculations

  • We prove the lemma using induction on the first argument:
lemma {:induction n1} add_commutative(n1: Nat, n2: Nat)
    ensures add(n1, n2) == add(n2, n1)
    match n1
        case Zero =>
            calc {
                add(Zero, n2);
                == // def. add
                == { add_unit(n2); }
                add(n2, Zero);
        case Succ(n) => 
          // Inductive hypothesis: add(n, n2) == add(n2, n)

Lemmas and Calculations

  • Inductive step:
case Succ(n) =>
            // Inductive hypothesis: add(n, n2) == add(n2, n)
            calc {
                add(n1, n2);
                == // n1 == Succ(n)
                add(Succ(n), n2);
                == // def. add
                == // IH: add(n, n2) == add(n2, n)
                == { add_succ(n2, n); }
                add(n2, Succ(n));
                == // Succ(n) == n1
                add(n2, n1);

Activity: Let's define together a functional library to manipulate Lists.

datatype List = ...

Structural Induction

  • To prove that $P(x)$ holds for all values $x$ of a recursively-defined datatype $T$, we prove:
    1. $P(b)$ holds for each base case $b \in T$
    2. $P(c(x))$ for each constructor, $c$, assuming induction hypothesis $P(x)$

Structural Induction (For Lists)

datatype List = Nil | Cons (head: T, tail: List)
  • To prove that $P(x)$ holds for all values $x$ of the type List, we prove:
    1. $P(Nil)$
    2. $P(Cons(h,x))$ assuming induction hypothesis $P(x)$ (and for arbitrary $h$)

Structural Induction (For Lists)

Example (from last week's lab):
lemma reverse_append<T>(l1: List<T>, l2: List<T>)
  ensures reverse(append(l1, l2)) == 
          append(reverse(l2), reverse(l1))
  1. First, prove the property for the base case Nil          
    reverse(append(Nil, l2)) == append(reverse(l2), reverse(Nil))
  2. Second, prove property for Cons(h,x)
    reverse(append(Cons(h,x), l2)) == 
    append(reverse(l2), reverse(Cons(h,x)))
  3. assuming that the property is valid for x
    reverse(append(x, l2)) == append(reverse(l2), reverse(x))


Use Dafny to prove this lemma.


  • We have been writing lemmas about functional code and we have been writing calculations to provide manual proofs
  • But lemmas can be used with imperative code, too.
  • And our proofs can be written using annotated code!
  • To illustrate this, let's consider a very simple searching algorithm: finding zeros in a specific class of arrays.

Example: Searching for Zero

  • We will consider a somewhat contrived example: searching for zero in an array. What makes this problem interesting is that the array we are searching in has two special properties:
    1. all elements are non-negative, and
    2. each successive element decreases by at most one from the previous element
  • As before, our program should return an index of where zero occurs; a negative index if there are no zeros.


Let's implement and verify this example in Dafny.

Linking Dafny and C# code

  • Dafny can be extended by binding trusted Dafny interfaces to C# code
  • Useful to enable IO computations, such as reading command-line arguments and file manipulation
  • For the second project, we provide classes to deal with the filesystem and command line arguments.

Linking Dafny and C# code: First Example

Consider the following C# code:

using System.Numerics;

namespace _module
    public partial class SoftSpecExample 
        public static void sum2(BigInteger x, 
                                BigInteger y, 
                                out BigInteger r)
            r = x + y;

Linking Dafny and C# code: First Example

We can create a trusted interface in Dafny:

class SoftSpecExample 
  static method {:extern} sum2(x: int, y: int) returns (r: int)
     requires 0 <= x <= y
     ensures r == x + y
  • Note that there is no implementation. The {:extern} attribute means that the implementation is defined externally.
  • Crucially, it provides the contract of the C# code.

Linking Dafny and C# code: First Example

We can now interact with the method sum2:

include "sumInterface.dfy"

method Main()
    var x := SoftSpecExample.sum2(20, 30);
    assert x == 50;
    print "Sum: ", x, "\n";
  • To compile this program, we need to pass the C# file as an argument. Example:
    dafny sum.dfy sumNative.cs


Let's use the files provided with Project 2 to write a program that executes the verified "Dutch Flag algorithm" with a string of letters received as command-line argument.


### After this session, you should now be able to: - Have fewer questions about Project 2 :-) - Verify code using structural induction - Write code to prove lemmas - Link Dafny and C# code


  • These slides use the framework reveal.js and were produced using vim and Ubuntu.
  • Some slides and examples are based on material available online by Rustan Leino. Some material is taken from Dafny's tutorial.