This project was developed for the Interaction and Visualization course of the Master in Informatics and Computer Engineering taught at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon, Portugal.
It aims to study and compare different theories of personality, trying to understand if there is any degree of similarity between them and to verify if different theories arrive at similar results.
Finding reliable data with a considerable number of entries of test scores was crucial to the development of this project.
We found two great datasets online with test scores for the Big Five and TIPI tests. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find adequate datasets relating to the MBTI test, so we created our own by asking people on Reddit to answer all three tests.
Our team is composed of long-time Técnico Portuguese students doing their Master’s degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering. We have been doing projects together since our Bachelor’s degree times, and thrive for our Pastéis de Nata breaks at Central :)