On the Visualization of the Dual Space

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This post talks about visualization of the dual space $V^*$. To read it, you need to know what a vector space is. If you don’t, this post is not for you.

This post is loosely based on the excellent book Geometrical Vectors by Gabriel Weinreich, which is about visualization of vectors and covectors, as well as On the Visualisation of Differential Forms by Dan Piponi, which is a random PDF I found online but thought was great.

Without further ado,

The Dual Space and Weird Vectors

In all that follows, $V$ refers to a finite-dimensional real vector space.


In our experience, a vector is an arrow, pointing from the origin to some point. Of course, the fact that it starts at the origin is just convention of notation on our part: we could “place the vector anywhere”, as long as it points in the same direction and has the same length. If we transform our space in some way, the vector is transformed in the same manner.

Let me elaborate on that last sentence for a moment. Let us imagine that I have a map of my bedroom, in which I have outlined the position of the chair I am writing this on, as well as my bed pillow, represented below as $A$ and $B$. Let us suppose that the scale of the map is in meters (this is important!) Represented below is also the vector going from $A$ to $B$, which we will henceforth call $\vec v$.

Schematic representation of my bedroom. Each grid square is 1m on the side.

Now, let us suppose that I decide to draw this map, but change the scale of the map. For example, suppose I scale the $x$ axis by a half, so that $x$ is now measured in $2\times m$. Then, everything in the map gets scaled, including the vector:

Still my bedroom. Now, each tick corresponds to “1” on the scale. A $y$ tick is $1m$, and an $x$ tick is $2m$.

Note: Pay attention to the difference between the map and the territory. I only rescaled the map: my actual bedroom has not been compressed. The coordinates of the points $A$ and $B$, or $A’$ and $B’$ correspond to coordinates on the page, not in real life.

Now, to be perfectly rigorous, every time I make a rescaled map I should be giving a new name to the points. However, I would end up with something like $A^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}$ in no time, so I’ll just stop worrying about it. Just keep in mind that in each map I’m considering different points.

Anyhow, I could keep doing transformations on this map, but nothing would be surprising. If I rotate the axes, or pick a different basis, the vector $\vec v$ will always point from $A$ to $B$, as it should. The trickiness starts when I consider some kind of vector that does not represent a displacement between two points.

One of the simplest possible examples is a slope vector. Suppose I set up a straight ramp, so that I can roll marbles from my head down to my pillow. I can represent the slope of this ramp by a vector $\vec s$, which points in the “downhill” direction, and whose magnitude is the slope ($\Delta z / \Delta \ell$, where $z$ is the height and $\ell$ is how far along the ramp I am). For example, if my ramp decreased a total of $3^2 + 2^2 = 13$ meters (I have a very tall room), then $\vec s$ would be pointing in the $AB$ direction and have magnitude $\sqrt{3^2 + 2^2}$. Schematically, we get a familiar looking picture.

In blue: My ramp, as seen from above. The light blue lines are level sets: one for every meter descended.
A 3D render of the previous figure.

[If you’re thinking about $s$ as minus the gradient of $h(x,y)$, you’re not too far off, but hold your horses for the moment.]

What can I do, and what do I want to do, with this $s$ vector? I can use it to calculate the force a ball feels when placed on the ramp, or the vector (in $\R^3$) orthogonal to the ramp, but both of these are specific cases of something more general: we want to recover the shape of the ramp from the $s$ vector.

To be more specific, we want to solve the following problem: Given the $s$ vector, which encodes the direction and slope of the ramp, we want to recover the function $h(x,y)$, which given a point $(x,y)$ returns the height of the ramp at that point.

Note: Since the $s$ vector only gives us information about the slope, we cannot expect to fully determine $h$. Therefore, we will establish that at $A$ the ramp is at a known height $h_0$. Furthermore, in order not to worry about the domain of $h$, let us assume that the ramp has been extended to cover the whole space..

The solution to our problem is not particularly difficult. The graph of $h$ is a plane, so $h$ must be of the form

\[h(x,y) = ax + by + c.\]

Since $h(A)$ is known to be $h_0$, we can write this in a more convenient manner

\[h(p) = (a,b) \cdot (p-A) + h_0.\]

To find $(a,b)$, recall first that the vector $(a,b)$ is orthogonal to level sets. Looking at the figure above, we find that $s$ is also orthogonal to level sets (this is in fact what we meant when we said “$s$ points in the downhill direction”), so that $(a,b) = \alpha s$ for some real number $\alpha$.

To discover $\alpha$, we can use the fact that $h(B)$ is known, plugging $h(B) = h_0-13$ to get

\[\alpha s \cdot (B-A) = -13.\]

Since $s = B-A$ in our coordinate system and $\norm{B-A} = \sqrt{13}$, we conclude $\alpha = -1$, hence

\[h(p) = h_0-s \cdot (p-A).\]

Slightly more generally, it is a trivial exercise to show that $h(p)-h(q) = – s \cdot (p-q)$, so in some sense, the $s$ vector serves as a ruler which which one can measure height differences. This is, in fact, an apt way to think about $s$.

Our definition of $h$, and the way we are thinking about $s$, is very closely related to the euclidean inner product. The inner product has an important property: while it behaves well under isometries, it gets distorted under other changes of coordinates. For example, if we rescale the whole map by a factor of $1/2$, and $s$ along with it, the above formula for $h(p)$ ceases to work. For example, $h(B)$ (recall that in rigour I should be writing $B’$) is meant to be equal to $h_0 – 13$, but if $s’$ is the rescaled vector we get

\[h_0-(B-A) \cdot s’ = h_0-(1.5,1) \cdot (1.5, 1) = h_0-\frac{13}4 \neq h_0-13.\]

Rescaled map of my ramp.

As we can see, this yields the wrong result. As it should, of course: if we scaled both $(B-A)$ and $s$ by a factor of $\frac12$, the term $(B-A)\cdot s$ will have gotten smaller by $\frac14$. The obvious way to fix the problem would, in fact, be to scale $s$ up by a factor of $2$, while everything else got scaled down by $\frac12$. We can see this same phenomenon in other changes of variable. For example, suppose we scaled only the $x$ axis in the original map, so the $x$ axis is measured in $2 \times m$ and the $y$ axis in $m$. We represent below the “naïvely scaled” vector $s’$, as well as a vector $\hat s$ which has been scaled the opposite way: that is, its $x$ coordinate was doubled instead of halved.

My ramp. $s’$ is the vector $s$ scaled as the referential, $\hat s$ is the vector scaled inversely. Level sets of the ramp extended for clarity.

Looking at the image, it is not immediately obvious why $\hat s$ is “the way we want $s$ to scale”. After all, it’s pointing in a completely different direction. However, it is “the right vector” to ensure that the definition of $h$ doesn’t change: otherwise, we’d need to change the inner product.

This notion of “scaling differently” is at the heart of the idea of a covector. It is kind of like a vector, but it behaves very differently under changes of coordinates. And this change is made in order to retain a very specific aspect: if the vectors of the vector space $V$ are scaled in some manner, the covectors are scaled “inversely” in order to preserve inner products between vectors and covectors!

In this manner, the role of covectors is to “be inner product’d with vectors”. In some sense, the “most natural setting” for the scalar product of two vectors is actually between a vector and a covector, because it becomes independent of our coordinate system. The way we scale covectors relative to vectors will ensure that the scalar product is independent of the chosen basis.

But then, the notion of scalar product becomes somewhat superfluous. If all we’re going to do with covectors is to use them to obtain numbers from vectors (and add covectors to each other and stuff), we might as well define a covector as a thing that turns vectors into numbers. But this is precisely the notion of dual vector: that is, an element of the dual space.

Recall the definition of dual space: $V^*$ is the set of linear functions from $V$ to $\R$ (or whatever field the vector space is over).

In conclusion: if $V$ is a vector space, we use the name vector for elements of $V$, and covectors for elements of $V^*$.

How it fits together

Let us now recall elementary linear algebra to figure out how to make sense of the relation between this notion of covector and the scaling properties mentioned before.

First of all, how to represent a covector $\lambda$ in coordinates? Since a covector is a different kind of object from a vector, fixing a basis of vectors $e_1, \dots, e_n$ in $V$ does not allow us to represent $\lambda$ in as a linear combination of the $e_i$.

There are two distinct but equivalent ways to handle the subject matter.

The Dual Basis

This is the simplest way. Given a basis $e_1, \dots, e_n$, we define the so-called dual basis $\omega^1, \dots, \omega^n$ as:

\[\omega^i(e_j) = \delta_{ij}, \text{ or equivalently } \omega^i(\sum_j x_j e_j) = x_i.\]

Then, any covector $\lambda$ can be written as a linear combination of the $\omega^i$, as

\[\lambda(x) = \lambda\left(\sum x_i e_i\right) = \lambda\left(\sum \omega^i(x) e_i\right) = \sum \lambda(e_i) \omega^i(x),\]

whence $\lambda = \sum \lambda(e_i) \omega^i$. Therefore, we can consider the $i$-th coordinate of $\lambda$ in some basis as $\lambda$ applied to the $i$-th vector of this basis.

Bonus: Compare the following three formulas to write a vector or a covector in coordinates. The first is the usual formula for the coordinates of a vector in orthonormal coordinates (assuming $V$ has an inner product), while the other two write a vector in the basis $e_i$ or a covector in the dual basis $\omega^i$.

v = \sum \braket{v,e_i} e_i,\\
v = \sum \omega^i(v) e_i,\\
\lambda = \sum \lambda(e_i) \omega^i.

Matrix Form

This form is slightly more enlightening, because as well as telling us what the coordinates are, it also tells us how they should be organized.

Recall from linear algebra that when we record the coordinates of a vector in some basis we do so in column-matrices.

Recall also that given a linear transformation $T \colon V \to W$, a basis of $V$ and a basis of $W$, we record the “coordinates” of $T$ in a matrix. This matrix is of size $\dim W \times \dim V$.

As it turns out, the convention of writing vectors as column-matrices can be seen as a particular case of this process: to specify an element of $W$ is the same as to specify a linear transformation $\R \to W$, yielding a matrix of size $\dim W \times 1$. It stands to reason that a dual vector, which is a linear transformation $V \to \R$, should be represented as a vector of size $1 \times \dim V$; in other words, a row-vector!

What should the coordinates be? In this, we find the same answer as before (which is why the two points of view are equivalent). Recall from linear algebra that in order to represent $T$ as a matrix, one must first specify a basis $\{v_k\}$ of $V$ and a basis $\{w_k\}$ of $W$, and the $ij$-th element of said matrix is the $j$-th coordinate (in $W$) of $T v_i$. In our case, $W$ is $\R$, and the most natural basis is the single vector $1$, and so we conclude that (given a basis $e_1, \dots, e_n$ of $V$) it is natural to represent a covector $\lambda$ in coordinates as the row-matrix

\[\begin{bmatrix} \lambda(e_1) & \dots & \lambda(e_n) \end{bmatrix}.\]

This representation has two benefits. One, it reminds us that vectors and covectors are fundamentally different objects, which could be lost on us if we represented both as mere sequences of numbers. Two, it leads to a nice identity for application of covectors in local coordinates. Given a vector space $V$, some basis, a vector $v$ and a covector $\lambda$, let $\hat v$ and $\hat \lambda$ be their coordinate representations. Then, the following identity holds:

\[\lambda(v) = \hat \lambda \hat v.\]

Coordinate Changes

To conclude this section and move on to more visual stuff, let us discuss how covectors (or rather, their representations) change under changes of basis.

Let $e_1, \dots, e_n$ and $f_1, \dots, f_n$ be two different bases of $V$. Given $v \in V$ or $\lambda \in V^*$, denote by $v_e$ the coordinates of $v$ in the $e$ basis, and likewise for $\lambda$ or $f$.

Let $B$ be the matrix whose $j$-th column is the coordinates of $f_j$ in the $e$ basis. Then, linear algebra relates the representation of a vector in both bases by

\[v_e = B v_f.\]

How does it relate the representation of $\lambda_e$ and $\lambda_f$? From the identities we have already deduced, we conclude

\[\lambda_f = \begin{bmatrix} \lambda(f_1) & \dots & \lambda(f_n) \end{bmatrix}
= \begin{bmatrix} \lambda_e (f_1)_e & \dots & \lambda_e (f_n)_e \end{bmatrix},\]

and from a little bit of matrix block multiplication we reach the conclusion
\[\lambda_f = \lambda_e \begin{bmatrix} (f_1)_e & \dots & (f_n)_e \end{bmatrix} = \lambda_e B.\]

Compare the two formulas:

\[v_e = B v_f, \quad \lambda_e = \lambda_f B^{-1}.\]

The formulas are identical, except that $B$ has been sent to the other side and inverted. This is as it should be, as it ensures that the formula $\lambda(v) = \lambda_e v_e$ holds in any basis, as

\[\lambda_e v_e = \lambda_f B^{-1} B v_f = \lambda_f v_f.\]

This last argument can be used as a mnemonic in a pinch to deduce how coordinates of covectors ought to change in order to “preserve the dot product”.

Recall that we are representing the coordinates of the covector as a row-matrix. Note how, if we represented them in a column-matrix, the formulas would become slightly more awkward. The coordinates represented in a column-matrix are given by $(\lambda_e)^\tr$ and $(\lambda_f)^\tr$, and so we conclude

\[(\lambda_e)^\tr = (B^{-1})^\tr (\lambda_f)^\tr,\]

in other words, if the vector coordinates have changed by $B$ then the covector coordinates have changed by $(B^{-1})^\tr$.

Visual Representations

All this discussion is fine and all, but it doesn’t help us “see” covectors. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time imagining covectors as arrows which “just scale differently”. For one, using equal-looking arrows to represent two distinct kinds of vectors is inconvenient, and visualizing how they change upon distortion of the space is troublesome. Fortunately, this is only because arrows are the wrong tool for the job: there’s another, more convenient way to represent covectors visually.

Let’s look at the covector $s$ from our initial discussion again, and how it changes under a coordinate change.

$s$ in the original coordinates
$s$ when $x$ is scaled down by $\frac12$

To visualize how our covector changes we need to find its new direction and the new magnitude. Let’s focus on direction first.

In the original coordinates, $s$ pointed straight from $A$ to $B$, but upon coordinate change that stopped happening, so “direction” in the usual sense is not reliable. However, if you’ll look closely, you’ll find something that hasn’t changed when we changed coordinates: $s$ is orthogonal to the level sets.

This suggests a relation between $s$ (or rather, its representation) and these level sets. In retrospect, this shouldn’t be surprising: recall that we originally defined $s$ as a vector that represents the slope of my ramp (or, more abstractly, of a plane).

The connection goes a little bit deeper, however. Recall: What do we do with covectors? The answer: apply them to a vector to get a number. And while the inner product of vectors has an okay geometrical interpretation (project one vector onto the other and take the product of lengths), the product of a vector with a covector can be even more visual. For example, let us create a point $C$ about a third of the way down the ramp, and let us calculate $h(C)$ using the formula $h(p) = h_0-s\cdot (p-A)$, or, as we should be writing it if we’re seeing $s$ as a covector,

\[h(p) = h_0-s(p-A).\]

Orange: the vector $\overrightarrow{AC} = (1,1)$; The level sets which intersect this vector are highlighted.

There are two ways to calculate $h(C)$. One of them is simply calculating:

\[h(C) = h_0-(3,2)\cdot(1,1) = h_0-5.\]

Another is to look at the level sets. The vector $\overrightarrow{AC}$ intersects five level sets (not counting the one at $A$), and so we conclude that $h$ “has decreased by 5 steps on the way from $A$ to $C$”. In other words, given a vector $v$ we can calculate $s(v)$ by inspecting how many level sets $v$ passes through. This shouldn’t be surprising: after all, by definition these level sets measure the change in $s$.

This suggests a change in perspective: instead of visualizing a covector as an arrow, it is best to visualize it as the collection of its level sets. In our two-dimensional case, we visualize $s$ as a collection of parallel lines. In $n$-dimensional space, we can imagine a covector $\lambda$ as a collection of hyperplanes. To evaluate $\lambda(v)$, one counts how many of these hyperplanes of $\lambda$ the arrow $v$ crosses.

There are a few loose ends which still need to be tied up. First of all, to specify the level sets isn’t enough: one needs to specify in which direction the numbers get bigger. But that’s just a matter of specifying an orientation.

Second: The interpretation of “applying a covector to a vector is just counting intersections” is pretty cool, but comes with a lot of asterisks. If you only draw the level sets corresponding to the integers, you don’t have enough resolution for non-integral results; you can’t have, say, 3.5 intersections between a vector and a collection of hyperplanes.

To fix this last problem we change our perspective. Instead of drawing a discrete collection of hyperplanes, imagine infinitely many, with an infinitesimal distance $\delta$ between each of them. In order to evaluate the covector on a vector, we count how many planes the vector crosses, with the caveat that each plane counts only $\varepsilon$, where this is another infinitesimal number. This isn’t a rigorous visualization, of course; there’s no such thing as infinitesimal (real) numbers. But if we play a bit loose with rules, it works.

Here’s how the visualization works under transformations. If we distort space, every hyperplane still counts for $\varepsilon$, but the hyperplanes themselves are rotated or squished together or torn apart. Since they represent level sets of the covector, they will always remain a faithful representation of it, and we will always be able to imagine evaluating the covector on a vector as counting the number of planes it intersects (times $\varepsilon$).

Finally, in practical terms, we will only draw a few of these hyperplanes, leaving the job of picturing the infinity of them with tiny spaces between them to the reader.


We have determined that, when measuring slopes in a coordinate-independent way, the notion of covector is more robust with regard to coordinate changes than a “regular” vector.

A covector can be defined as a linear transformation from $V$ to $\R$. This makes sense intuitively (because to measure a slope is to assign a height to each number) and formally (because the coordinates scale as we want them to).

We can visualize such covectors, not as arrows, but as stacked (oriented) hyperplanes, an infinity of them an infinitesimal distance from each other. Under this picture, evaluation of a covector on a vector amounts to counting how many hyperplanes the vector crosses.

Closing Remarks

For another example of where covectors are useful, see p. 7 of Geometrical Vectors, where the author discusses an application of covectors to electromagnetism.

While the presented method of visualizing covectors has its benefits, one place it fails is in visualization of vector space operations: you can’t “add” hyperplanes.

There are ways around this, though they aren’t as simple as addition of vectors “just put the tail of one on the head of the other”. To learn more, take a look at Geometrical Vectors, mentioned in the introduction.

Vectors and covectors aren’t the only type of vector out there. Geometrical Vectors talks about plenty more. It refers to vectors as arrows and covectors as stacks, and includes thumbtacks, sheaves, and more.


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