“Knowledge is a journey not a destination”

Knowledge is a journey not a destination



         Olá amigos e bem vindos à minha página pessoal!

           Eu criei este blog com o intuito de partilhar convosco os meus interesses e as minhas experiências
enquanto aluna do primeiro ano de Engenharia no Instituto Superior Técnico.

Sendo este o meu primeiro post, gostaria de dar-vos a conhecer um pouco  da minha pessoa, e partilhar algumas das minhas inspirações e motivações. Por isso, decidi publicar um pequeno excerto da minha carta de motivação expondo as principais razões que levaram à escolha do meu curso.
De agora em diante continuarei a postar periodicamente sobre diversos temas do meu interesse indo desde a música até às últimas tecnologias. So stay tuned.



“Science is present in everyone’s life, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
I’ve always been that curious girl, asking all the questions and trying to understand how things work and why they work in a certain way. Growing up, I learned the answer for many of my questions, but the more I seem to learn, the more there is to be questioned. The reason I chose Engineering is because it has always fascinated me. People in this area have the opportunity to connect science and creativity in order to create things to make people’s lives better, and that’s exactly what I wish to do.
Living between two countries so different from each other where social differences are so extreme, I couldn’t help but notice that even though technology is fairly advanced, it does not reach us in the same pace that it should. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to have a better life and that’s where I get my determination to work to bring these people a little comfort.

My interests are vast and because of that I try to learn as much as I can about different subjects. Despite choosing this area to continue my higher education I do not intend to stop in this subject. I look forward to expanding my knowledge camp to other areas in order to truly achieve my aspiration. After all, knowledge is a jouney not a destination.


Até breve…Xoxo!


(Créditos para as imagens:tumblr)