Living alone in Lisbon

Living alone in Lisbon

As you may or may not know I live alone, however one thing I haven’t mentioned before is that I funchalala_450x300was not born here and this is my first time living in such a big city. I was born in Madeira, which is an island that belongs to Portugal, and I lived there with my mum for 18 years. I have visited Lisbon many times in the past, I really loved coming here on holidays and always wondered how it is like to live here.

I enjoy living alone, I always have something to do like for example: make the bed, vacuum the house, wash my clothes and the dishes, take out the trash… On top of that I have to study and do group projects and at the same time I try to sleep eight hours, go to the gym, cook, go grocery shopping and keep a healthy lifestyle. As you can probably imagine right now my life is quite hectic, stressful and a little bit chaotic. I really like having a nice tidy and clean apartment so I try to clean it every week, but sometimes I have to many things to do which makes that impossible.

One thing I Resultado de imagem para exhausted gifhave noticed since living in Lisbon is that I am a lot more tired here then when I was living with my mum. Life here is harder, specially in uni, I get exhausted very quickly and easily because of all the things that I have to prepare and learn for. I miss the days where I slept until 10am and had nothing to do… Getting out of bed is becoming a big struggle for me because I have been going late to bed and waking up early.

This month I still have two tests I need to do (Algebra and Chemistry), and then in the Christmas holidays I need to start studying for the last two tests in January which are Digital Systems and Calculus, and if everything goes well, hopefully it will, I can then finnally relax and really enjoy and appriciate my time living here.


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