NXT Robot

NXT Robot

During these 3 month we have been working with the NXT Robot in Portfolio classes which has been interesting and fun.

mindstormAfter exploring all the different settings and learning about all the amazing thing this robot can do as well as programming it, we were given a challenge; we needed to make the robot follow a black line and then think of some additional tricks to incorporate in this project and make it original. My group wanted something that would be creative, fun and different… So we decided that we wanted our robot to follow the black line and when it hears a clap or a loud noise it spins 360 degrees and afterwards continues to follow the black line, additionally when the robot finds an object/ barrier that is less than 30 cm it stops and only continues its journey after the object is removed. To make this more fun and interesting we added some funny faces that show up on the small screen of the NXT and also some sound effects. When the robot is following the black line it shows a happy face, when it concludes its rotation it says “Hooray” and makes a dizzy face and when it stops it makes an angry face. As you can see our robot makes a lot of expressions.

 If you want to see what our robot does, here is a link to a video we filmed that shows how it works  web.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/…t187121/wordpress.




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