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Day: November 11, 2016

Rainy days

Rainy days

For the last few days the weather in Lisbon has changed dramatically, it went from sunny and warm weather to rainy and icy cold weather. Autumn is officially here, all of the orange coloured leaves are on the floor, the wind blows and people begin to wear their warm jackets, big scarves and rain boots. They say that this is going to be a very cold winter… So you better be prepared!

I live alone and in an attic, when it rains it is very calming to hear the raindrops falling on to the roof tiles, however last night when I was sitting by my desk, it was 700_4394raining a lot and it made me a little bit scared because the rain was making so much noise and it had a lot of strength, I thought that my roof was going to colapse at any minute. However, it creates a cosy atmosphere specially when you are in your bed, under your warm blanket, drinking your favourite tea, and reading you watching your favourite TV show.