SolarCity and Tesla Motor’s Solar Roofs

Elon Musk is a person that I look up to. This because of his many achievements and successful projects in areas of my interest, such as Space Exploration, Sustainable Energy and Electric Vehicles.

Since he began working in these areas he has created several companies (some of them he already sold), and in this post I would like to focus on two of them, TESLA Motors (american electric car brand) and SolarCity (company that produces solar panels for many different uses).

Little time ago, Elon Musk announced, on behalf of SolarCity and Tesla Motors a project called “Solar roof”.

This project is presented as part of a solution to the increasing Carbon Dioxide levels in our atmosphere. A solution that Elon Musk has been trying to make possible by means of his companies and that can be divided in three crucial parts:

  • Solar Roof
  • Storage
  • Transport

From these three parts, the last one (transport) has been being worked on since the creation of Tesla Motors. The idea behind it is simple, making electric cars as efficient and appealing to the public as possible. This would possibly start making the interest in more polluting cars decrease and, in an ideal scenario, make them not needed in our society.

The remaining two topics from the list above have been recently presented and explained to the public (presentation which can be found in the video below).

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Stephen Hawking and NASA team up for a new space exploration project

Its probably nothing new for people interested in the field, but NASA, joined by Stephen Hawking and, according to, by a team from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, are developing a Starship that can go up to one fifth of lights velocity.

This project was announced by NASA and Stephen Hawking earlier this year, in April, and it seems to be making progresses since then.

The importance of this project is that it would allow us to explore the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri after a trip of just 20 years. The closest star system to ours could be, after this project is successfully completed, just the beginning. This would allow us to transport data and a small sized robot incredibly quickly throughout space, reaching places in our galaxy we could never before dream to do in a matter of decades.

The concept of the “SpaceChip” (how some chose to call it) is pretty simple and its very well explained by this breakthrough animation (video below) and by that I now quote: “using lasers to propel a nano-spacecraft the size of a postage stamp to our nearest star system”. Of course this explanation is quite simple and its complexity is far from the complexity of the project, but I reckon it allows the common reader to understand all this better.

According to both and, the issue was that it wasn’t certain if such a small piece of electronics could survive this 20 year journey and still be able to function once it got to its destination. This is where NASA comes in, mostly, according to its researchers, the “SpaceChip” couldn’t safely make it mostly because of the effects of radiation in the circuits. It began then the pursue for the best way of completing the project in a way that it still reaches around 1/5 the light speed and that once it gets to its destination it can do what it was built for, explore and transmit data back to earth.

Only if all these conditions are met the project will be a success.

Several ideas came to solve the issue, but it would almost always affect the “Spacechips” weight, size or distance to travel. We are still expecting NASA and Stephen Hawking to pull through this issues, finishing what can be a reality changing project.

More information regarding this topic can be found in the following website: