CanSat & FCT Nova Challenge

I was tidying up my room today in the morning and I came across something I don’t use for quite a while, my arduino board. I bought it in the beginning of last year and I had used for several projects that I took part in with some friends and classmates.


Seeing it once again gave me the idea of presenting to you, briefly, the projects I took part in 12th grade.

Last year, I took, with my school, an arduino programming course in “Pavilhão do Conhecimento” near Tejo river (Pavilhão do Conhecimento is, for who doesn’t know, a place in Portugal where there are some interactive exhibitions for children as well as lectures and some fun courses like the one I mentioned).

Well, the first project I took part in was CanSat. CanSat is an either european or worldwide competition where you and your group have to create a can sized satellite with an arduino inside that should be able to do certain tasks. We had to make it do some mandatory tasks which were, if I am not mistaken,  measuring the altitude and transmitting that data through an antena. The can sized satellite also had to have a parachute inside so it would survive the fall he was going to be a subject of. Apart from the mandatory tasks we were encouraged to develop some other tasks to complement our satellite. For example:

  • Measuring the humidity
  • Measuring the level of certain gases
  • Release some kind of object
  • Land in a predefined position
  • Measure air quality


It was a really cool project, and we had a lot of fun. The only downside to the whole project was having to write a report in english describing our idea and how we were gonna develop our satellite as well as what calculus we had made to make sure it would work efficiently.

The second project I took part in high school involving arduino was FCT Nova Challenge. This was also a competition, a national one this time, and they challenged us to embrace and develop any project within any area of science or economics, allowing us to be creative and try our own ideas.

In a way it was my first contact with developing a real project because we had no guide, no help other than our teacher. We established a project and we had to solve every issue that would cross our way while developing it.

What we thought of doing was an independent domestic greenhouse, that needed almost no human attention. We created a model in a software called SkecthUp (a picture of the model can be found below) and the concept was:


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Digital Systems Final Project

Every two weeks we are asked to do, in a group of two students, a project with simple integrated circuits and/or VHDL.

Today we tested what is gonna be our last project of this kind, our last VHDL project developed in the subject of Digital Systems.

We were asked to develop, using vivado’s software, a sort of digital lock that would grant access if the right two digit code was inserted and would stay locked if the wrong code was inserted. If we put the wrong code more than a certain number of times we would have to wait 9 seconds (in our case, it would change depending on the group) before inserting another code. Even tho it sounds pretty simple, it isn’t, it gave us quite some work but, in the end, it was quite easier than the previous project we had to develop for this subject.

When we finished testing our program we were asked to take the program we had synthesised and, by implementing some changes, make it allow more tries before it started counting the 9 seconds previously mentioned.

The video below is the result of the implementation of our program in the board.

The code to open the digital lock was pressing twice in the left button (the first thing we do). After we enter the right code, the electronic board starts counting 5 seconds (the five seconds the lock will be “open” before it closes again and we have to, once more, insert the code).

The second time we press the buttons of the board we insert a wrong code. Nothing happens. We insert a wrong code a second time and the board starts counting, once again. This time, the electronic board will count nine seconds before it allows us to try a new code (this nine seconds are the ones i mentioned above the video in this post).

NXT Lego Robot Project

In my course we have, during this semester, a subject called “Portfolio”. This is the subject for which this website is being evaluated. Apart from this website we have other types of evaluation including small projects with NXT Lego Robots and the pro

gramming system with them associated.

It is quite simple to understand how to work with this robot and we could, very easily, get the hang of it, developing several projects with the objective of making the robot move, detect obstacles, change directions accordin

gly among several other things.

In our last class where we worked with this robot’s we were asked to develop a program of our own that would allow the robot to do something of our choice. After creating the program we were supposed to prepare a presentation to the rest of the class about our program and what it does.

Even tho we were given a lot of liberty to choose what to do with the robot, we chose to keep it quite simple, playing a bit and exploring the robot’s functionalities but keeping it short in order to have time to prepare a decent presentation.

In this post you can find a video of my group’s robot acting according the program we created.

What the program does is making the robot move along a line detecting obstacles and stopping if one is detected. If the obstacle doesn’t move out of the way within 2,5 seconds (if I’m not mistaken) the robot will rotate, reversing its course. If the obstacle does move, the robot will resume is movement.


Second Digital Systems VHDL Project

A couple of days ago, I published something talking about my first VHDL project in the Digital Systems’s lab class. Well, yesterday, we experienced again with the vivado software.

As expected it was a more demanding task, being substantially more difficult to achieve the project’s objectives.

It was quite difficult to overcome some issues regarding the problem, but in the end, I think we did ok.


Nevertheless the difficulties regarding the project, I think it was, once again, a very rich and          interesting class where we were able to develop our skills with vivado. This skills that we will need in the next and final project in the subject “Digital Systems”.

First VHDL Project

Precisely 2 weeks ago from today, me and my course colleagues tested for the first time a VHDL code. The result was actually pretty cool, and I reckon it was a fantastic first contact with the Xilinx’s software.

thumbnail_img_2857Today we are gonna work with that same software again in our Digital Systems class. This time It was more complicated to prepare for the class and surely the class itself will be more complex. Nevertheless, I am still looking forward to experiment once again both with vivado and the electronic board where we implement the programs.

(The picture in this post consists on the electronic board I referenced earlier.)

High School Graduation

As a first post, I’m gonna talk about my High School Graduation.

I went to Colégio Sagrado Coração de Maria during high school.

At this school I studied sciences, by which I mean, Physics, Math, Biology, Chemistry and Geology. During high school I also took part in several projects such as “NASA Cansat 2016” and “FCT Nova Challenge” where I would, with other students and the supervision of a teacher, develop small projects that allowed us to develop skills that weren’t taught in classes like working with arduino (we even attended a small course organized for schools about arduino in pavilhão do conhecimento) and welding. Apart from all this, my school encouraged us to attend a CERNE themed conference in IST (the university which I am part of now). Overall, this school gives several opportunities to explore our interests just like these I described.

Also in this school I worked on a monograph about electromagnetism. This monograph which I might publish in this website in the future.

Anyways, recently, we had a very niceformal ceremony in the schools auditorium were they handed us over our high school diplomas as well as a commemorative medal, which is shown in the photo below.
