NXT Lego Robot Project

In my course we have, during this semester, a subject called “Portfolio”. This is the subject for which this website is being evaluated. Apart from this website we have other types of evaluation including small projects with NXT Lego Robots and the pro

gramming system with them associated.

It is quite simple to understand how to work with this robot and we could, very easily, get the hang of it, developing several projects with the objective of making the robot move, detect obstacles, change directions accordin

gly among several other things.

In our last class where we worked with this robot’s we were asked to develop a program of our own that would allow the robot to do something of our choice. After creating the program we were supposed to prepare a presentation to the rest of the class about our program and what it does.

Even tho we were given a lot of liberty to choose what to do with the robot, we chose to keep it quite simple, playing a bit and exploring the robot’s functionalities but keeping it short in order to have time to prepare a decent presentation.

In this post you can find a video of my group’s robot acting according the program we created.

What the program does is making the robot move along a line detecting obstacles and stopping if one is detected. If the obstacle doesn’t move out of the way within 2,5 seconds (if I’m not mistaken) the robot will rotate, reversing its course. If the obstacle does move, the robot will resume is movement.