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David Martins de Matos

Sou professor auxiliar do Departamento de Engenharia Informática do Instituto Superior Técnico. Desenvolvo actividade de investigação no Laboratório de Sistemas de Língua Falada do INESC ID Lisboa .

Os meus interesses científicos incluem gestão de recursos linguísticos; arquitecturas de software para engenharia da língua natural; geração automática de língua natural e construção automática de resumos; interfaces de língua natural; e processamento de língua escrita em geral.

CV oficial (resumo)
Prof. David Martins de Matos

David Martins de Matos graduated in Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering in 1990 from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon. He received a Masters Degree in Electrotecnical and Computer Engineering in 1995 (IST), on object-oriented programming in distributed systems. In 2005, he received a Doctor of Engineering Degree in Systems and Computer Science (IST), on automatic generation of natural language. He has been teaching at this University since 1993 (on logic and functional programming, object-oriented programming, algorithms and data structures, compiler construction, computer architecture, distributed systems, computer graphics, and natural language processing). He has been a researcher at INESC since 1988 in the Distributed Systems, Telematic Services and Systems, and Software Engineering Groups. In 1998 he became a member of the Telematic and Computational Systems Center (IST), until 2001, when he became a member of the newly created Spoken Language Systems Lab (L2F). In the past, he has participated in several European and National projects, as well as projects in the private sector (banking and telecommunications industries) both national and international. He is a member of the ACM, the API, the Order of Portuguese Engineers and the IEEE Computer Society.