Statistical Inference/Analysis of Variance and Regression

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Statistical Inference
Probability Theory
Transformations and Expectations
Common Families of Distributions
Multiple Random Variables
Properties of a Random Sample
Principles of Data Reductions
Point Estimation
Hypothesis Testing
Interval Estimation
Asymptotic Evaluations
Analysis of Variance and Regression
Regression Models

Oneway Analysis of Variance

Model and Distribution Assumptions

The Classic ANOVA Hypothesis

Inferences Regarding Linear Combinations of Means

The ANOVA F Test

Simultaneous Estimation of Contrasts

Partitioning Sums of Squares

Simple Linear Regression

Least Squares: A Mathematical Solution

Best Linear Unbiased Estimators: A Statistical Solution

Models and Distribution Assumptions

Estimation and Testing with Normal Errors

Estimation and Prediction at a Specified x = x0

Simultaneous Estimation and Confidence Bands