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(Replaced content with "{{TOCright}} == Answers == * [http://www.l2f.inesc-id.pt/~david/ist/docencia/compiladores/2007-2008/lalr1-ex123.pdf Answers to exercises 1, 2, and 3] * Answers to LAL...")
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== Exercise 1 ==
Consider the following grammar, where S is the initial symbol and { a, b } is the set of terminal symbols:
S -> G b b | a a b | b G a
G -> a
# Compute the set of LALR(1) states for the grammar. Build the corresponding LALR(1) parse table.
# Show the parsing process for input '''baaabb''' (including the actions/gotos and the input and stack states). In case of conflict, assume YACC's behavior.
# Is this an SLR(1) grammar? Why?
== Exercise 2 ==
Consider the following grammar, where E is the initial symbol and { [, ], ;, id } is the set of terminal symbols:
E -> [ E ; L ] | id
L -> E | E ; L
# Compute the set of LALR(1) states for the grammar. Build the corresponding LALR(1) parse table.
# Show the parsing process for input '''[id;id;id]''' (including the actions/gotos and the input and stack states). In case of conflict, assume YACC's behavior.
# Is this an LL(1) grammar? Why?
== Exercise 3 ==
Consider the following grammar, where S is the initial symbol and { e, i, x } is the set of terminal symbols:
S -> i S | i S e S | x
# Compute the set of LALR(1) states for the grammar. Build the corresponding LALR(1) parse table.
# Compact the parse table, eliminating and propagating reductions.
# Show the parsing process for input '''ixixex''' (including the actions/gotos and the input and stack states). In case of conflict, assume YACC's behavior.
# Is this an SLR(1) grammar? Why?
== Exercise 4 (test) ==
Consider the following grammar, where A is the initial symbol and { x, y, z } is the set of terminal symbols:
A -> B y y | z z x | x B x
B -> z | ε
# Compute the set of LALR(1) states for the grammar. Build the corresponding LALR(1) parse table.
# Compact the parse table, eliminating and propagating reductions.
# Show the parsing process for input '''xx''' (including the actions/gotos and the input and stack states). In case of conflict, assume YACC's behavior.
== Exercise 5 (test) ==
Consider the following grammar, where A is the initial symbol and { x, y, z } is the set of terminal symbols:
A -> B x y | x y x | x B y
B -> z | ε
# Compute the set of LALR(1) states for the grammar. Build the corresponding LALR(1) parse table.
# Compact the parse table, eliminating and propagating reductions.
# Show the parsing process for input '''xzy''' (including the actions/gotos and the input and stack states). In case of conflict, assume YACC's behavior.
== Exercise 6 (test) ==
Consider the following grammar, where A is the initial symbol and { x, y, z } is the set of terminal symbols:
A -> A B A x | A y | z
B -> x | z B
# Compute the set of LALR(1) states for the grammar. Build the corresponding LALR(1) parse table.
# Compact the parse table, eliminating and propagating reductions.
# Show the parsing process for input '''zzxzyx''' (including the actions/gotos and the input and stack states). In case of conflict, assume YACC's behavior.
== Answers ==
== Answers ==

Revision as of 15:54, 21 April 2016

