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The following groups of operations are available in the Postfix interface:
The following groups of operations are available in the Postfix interface:
== directivas ==
== Segments, Values, and Labels ==
text data rodata  bss align label extrn  globl  const str char id byte double
=== Segment choices ===
These operations start various segments. They do not affect the stack.
|BSS || || || Specifies/selects the data segment for uninitialized values
|DATA || || || Specifies/selects the data segment for initialized values
|RODATA || || || Specifies/selects the data segment for initialized constant values
|TEXT || || || Specifies/selects the text (code) segment
=== Values (declaration in segments) ===
These operations declare values directly in various segments. They do not affect the stack.
|BYTE size || || || Declares an uninitialized vector with length '''size''' (in bytes)
|SHORT value || || || Declares a static 16-bit integer '''value'''
|CHAR value || || || Declares a static 8-bit character '''value'''
|CONST value || || || Declares a static 32-bit integer '''value'''
|DOUBLE value || || || Declares a static double precision (64-bit) floating point '''value'''
|FLOAT value || || || Declares a static simple precision (32-bit) floating point '''value'''
|ID name || || || Declares a name for an address (i.e., declares the address associated with '''name''')
|STR string || || || Declares a static NULL-terminated character string (C-like) (may contain special characters)
=== Labels ===
These operations handle symbols and their definitions within some segment. They do not affect the stack.
|ALIGN || || || Forces the alignment of code or data
|LABEL name || || || Generates a new label, as indicated by the argument
|EXTERN name || || || Declares the symbol whose name is passed as argument as being externally defined, i.e., defined in another compilation module
|GLOBAL name, type || || || Declare a name/label (first argument) with a given type (second argument; see below) -- the declaration of a name must preceed its definition
<!-- COMMON value || || || Declares that the name is common to other modules-->
In a declaration common to several modules, any number of modules may contain common or external declarations, but only one of them may contain an initialized declaration. A declaration does not need to be specified in a specific segment.
Global names may be of different types. These labels are to be used to generate the types needed for the second argument of '''GLOBAL'''.
|NONE || || || Unknown type
|FUNC || || || Name/label corresponds to a function
|OBJ || || || Name/label corresponds to an object (data)
== Addressing, Loading and Storing ==
== Addressing, Loading and Storing ==

Revision as of 14:33, 8 May 2012

The Postfix reference guide contains information about the structure and operations of the stack machine.

The original stack machine was created by Santos (2004). Is was composed by a set of macros to be used with printf functions. Each macro would “take” as arguments, either a number or a string. This was a simple and effective approach but was limited in its expressiveness.

The current postfix code generator class maintains the stack machine abstraction, but does not rely on macros. Instead, it defines an interface to be used by semantic analysers, as defined by a strategy pattern (Gamma et al., 1995). Specific implementations provide the realization of the postfix commands for a particular target machine. Since it is written in C++, it's very easy to extend to new needs and implementations (new target machines).

Like the original postfix code generator, the current abstraction uses an architecture based on a stack machine, hence the name ``postfix, and three registers.

  1. IP -- the instruction pointer -- indicates the position of the next instruction to be executed;
  2. SP -- the stack pointer -- indicates the position of the element currently at the stack top;
  3. FP -- the frame pointer -- indicates the position of the activation register of the function currently being executed.

In some of the following tables, the "Stack" column presents the actions on the values at the top of the stack. Note that only elements relevant in a given context, i.e., that of the postfix instruction being executed, are shown. The notation #length represents a set of length consecutive bytes in the stack, i.e., a vector.

Consider the following example:

$ a #8 b : $ a b

The stack had at its top b, followed by eight bytes, followed by a. After executing some postfix instruction using these elements, the stack has at its top b, followed by a. We use $ to denote the point in the stack not affected by the current operation (this could be the top if the stack were empty).

The following groups of operations are available in the Postfix interface:

Segments, Values, and Labels

Segment choices

These operations start various segments. They do not affect the stack.

BSS Specifies/selects the data segment for uninitialized values
DATA Specifies/selects the data segment for initialized values
RODATA Specifies/selects the data segment for initialized constant values
TEXT Specifies/selects the text (code) segment

Values (declaration in segments)

These operations declare values directly in various segments. They do not affect the stack.

BYTE size Declares an uninitialized vector with length size (in bytes)
SHORT value Declares a static 16-bit integer value
CHAR value Declares a static 8-bit character value
CONST value Declares a static 32-bit integer value
DOUBLE value Declares a static double precision (64-bit) floating point value
FLOAT value Declares a static simple precision (32-bit) floating point value
ID name Declares a name for an address (i.e., declares the address associated with name)
STR string Declares a static NULL-terminated character string (C-like) (may contain special characters)


These operations handle symbols and their definitions within some segment. They do not affect the stack.

ALIGN Forces the alignment of code or data
LABEL name Generates a new label, as indicated by the argument
EXTERN name Declares the symbol whose name is passed as argument as being externally defined, i.e., defined in another compilation module
GLOBAL name, type Declare a name/label (first argument) with a given type (second argument; see below) -- the declaration of a name must preceed its definition

In a declaration common to several modules, any number of modules may contain common or external declarations, but only one of them may contain an initialized declaration. A declaration does not need to be specified in a specific segment.

Global names may be of different types. These labels are to be used to generate the types needed for the second argument of GLOBAL.

NONE Unknown type
FUNC Name/label corresponds to a function
OBJ Name/label corresponds to an object (data)

Addressing, Loading and Storing

Absolute addressing uses addresses based on named labels. Local addressing is used in function frames and uses offsets relative to the frame pointer to load data: negative addresses correspond to local variables, offset zero contains the previous (saved) value of the frame pointer, offset 4 (32 bits) contains the previous (saved) value of the instruction pointer, and, after offset 8, reside the function arguments.

Adressing operations

ADDR name $ $ name Absolute addressing: load address of name
ADDRA name $ a $ Absolute addressing: store a to name
ADDRV name $ $ [name] Absolute addressing: load value at name
LOCAL offset $ $ fp+offset Local addressing: load address of offset
LOCA offset $ a $ Local addressing: writes a to offset
LOCV offset $ $ [fp+offset] Local addressing: load value at offset

ADDRA, ADDRV, LOCA, LOCV are functionally equivalent to ADDR+STORE, ADDR+LOAD, LOCAL+STORE, LOCAL+LOAD, but the generated code is more efficient. They are compound operations (i.e., they contain not only the addressing part, but also the load/store part as well).

Load operations

The load instructions assume that the top of the stack contains an address pointing to the data to be read. Each load instruction will replace the address at the top of the stack with the contents of the position it points to. Load operations differ only in what they load.

LOAD $ addr $ [addr] Loads 8 bytes (int/float)
DLOAD $ addr $ [addr] Loads 8 bytes (double)
LDCHR $ addr $ [addr] Loads 1 byte (char)
ULDCHR $ addr $ [addr] Loads 1 byte (without sign) (unsigned char)
LD16 $ addr $ [addr] Loads 2 bytes (short)
ULD16 $ addr $ [addr] Loads 2 bytes (without sign) (unsigned short)

Store operations

Store instructions assume the stack contains at the top the address where data is to be stored. That data is in the stack, immediately after the address. Store instructions differ only in what they store.

STORE $ val addr $ Stores 4 bytes (int/float)
DSTORE $ val addr $ Stores 8 bytes (double)
STCHR $ val addr $ Stores 1 byte (char)
ST16 $ val addr $ Stores 2 bytes (short)

Simple Instructions

SP $ $ sp

Arithmetic Operations

The arithmetic operations considered here apply to both signed and unsigned integer arguments, and to double precision floating point arguments.

Integer operations

NEG $ a $ -a Negation (symmetric) of integer value
ADD $ a b $ a+b Integer sum of two integer values
SUB $ a b $ a-b Integer subtraction of two integer values
MUL $ a b $ a*b Integer multiplication of two integer values
DIV $ a b $ a/b Integer division of two integer values
MOD $ a b $ a%b Remainder of the integer division of two integer values
UDIV $ a b $ a/b Integer division of two natural (unsigned) integer values
UMOD $ a b $ a%b Remainder of the integer division of two natural (unsigned) integer values.\\\hline

Floating point operations

These operations take double precision floating

DNEG $ a $ -a Negation (symmetric)
DADD $ a b $ a+b Sum
DSUB $ a b $ a-b Subtraction
DMUL $ a b $ a*b Multiplication
DDIV $ a b $ a/b Division

Comparison Operations

Integer comparison instructions

The comparison instructions are binary operations that leave at the top of the stack 0 (zero) or 1 (one), depending on the result result of the comparison: respectively, false or true. The value may be directly used to perform conditional jumps (e.g., JZ, JNZ), that use the value of the top of the stack instead of relying on special processor registers ("flags").

EQ $ a b $ a≡b equal to
NE $ a b $ a≠b not equal to
GT $ a b $ a>b greater than
GE $ a b $ a≥b greater than or equal to
LE $ a b $ a≤b less than or equal to
LT $ a b $ a<b less than

The following consider unsigned operands:

UGT $ a b $ a>b greater than for unsigned integers
UGE $ a b $ a≥b greater than or equal to for unsigned integers
ULE $ a b $ a≤b less than or equal to for unsigned integers
ULT $ a b $ a<b less than for unsigned integers

Floating point comparison operator

This operator compares two double precision floating point numbers. The result is an integer value: less than 0, if the first operand is less than the second; 0, if they are equal; greater than 0, otherwise.

DCMP $ a b i "compare" -- i<0, a<b; i≡0, a≡b; i>0, a>b

Logical Operations

NOT $ a $ ~a Logical (bitwise) negation, i.e., one's complement
AND $ a b $ a∧b Logical (bitwise) AND operation
OR $ a b $ a∨b Logical (bitwise) OR operation
XOR $ a b $ a⊕b Logical (bitwise) XOR (exclusive OR) operation

bit a bit

rotl rotr shtl shtru shtrs and or not xor


call  ret  start  enter  leave   trash  jmp   jz  jnz  branch leap nil nop