This is the complete list of members for DRInterface, including all inherited members.
addColors(gazebo::msgs::Visual &msg, const std::string &visual, const std::string &parent, const ignition::math::Color &ambient, const ignition::math::Color &diffuse, const ignition::math::Color &emissive, const ignition::math::Color &specular) | DRInterface | |
addGravity(DRRequest &msg, const ignition::math::Vector3d &gravity) | DRInterface | |
addInertiaMatrix(DRRequest &msg, const std::string &model, const std::string &link, double ixx, double iyy, double izz, double ixy, double ixz, double iyz) | DRInterface | |
addJoint(DRRequest &msg, const std::string &model, const std::string &joint, double limit_lower=INFINITY, double limit_upper=INFINITY, double limit_effort=INFINITY, double limit_velocity=INFINITY, double damping=INFINITY, double friction=INFINITY) | DRInterface | |
addLinkMass(DRRequest &msg, const std::string &model, const std::string &link, double mass) | DRInterface | |
addModelCmd(DRRequest &msg, const std::string &model, const std::string &joint, int type, double p_gain=INFINITY, double i_gain=INFINITY, double d_gain=INFINITY) | DRInterface | |
addModelScale(DRRequest &msg, const std::string &model, const ignition::math::Vector3d &scale) | DRInterface | |
addSurface(DRRequest &msg, const std::string &model, const std::string &link, const std::string &collision, const gazebo::msgs::Surface &surface) | DRInterface | |
createRequest() | DRInterface | |
DRInterface() | DRInterface | |
node | DRInterface | private |
POSITION | DRInterface | static |
pub | DRInterface | private |
pub_visual | DRInterface | private |
publish(const DRRequest &msg) | DRInterface | |
publish(const gazebo::msgs::Visual &msg) | DRInterface | |
REQUEST_TOPIC | DRInterface | static |
RESPONSE_TOPIC | DRInterface | static |
VELOCITY | DRInterface | static |
VISUAL_TOPIC | DRInterface | static |