Eventos > Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar

Modelling wall shear stress in small arteries using Lattice Boltzmann methods

24/06/2009 Wednesday 24th June 2009, 16:00 (Room P3.10, Mathematics Building)  More
Giuseppe Pontrelli, IAC-CNR, Roma, Italia

In this talk a finite-volume discretisation of a Lattice Boltzmann equation over unstructured grids is presented. The new scheme is based on placing the unknown fields at the nodes of the mesh and evolve them based on the fluxes crossing the surfaces of the corresponding control volumes. The method, named unstructured Lattice Boltzmann equation (ULBE) is applied here to the problem of blood flow over the endothelium in small arteries. The study shows a significant variation of wall shear stress to the corrugation degree of the endothelium.