Eventos > Seminários de Álgebra

Partial Actions of Inverse Monoids on K-Rings

18/04/2008 Sexta-feira, 18 de Abril de 2008, 15h30, Anfiteatro 
Christopher Hollings (CAUL, Portugal)

The partial actions of groups on K-rings (a.k.a. associative K-algebras) have been studied by Dokuchaev and Exel (2005), as a purely algebraic version of earlier work on the partial actions of groups on C*-algebras. In particular, Dokuchaev and Exel address the perennial problem of constructing an action from a partial action, which in this case is termed the "enveloping action" of the given partial action. In this talk, I will set up appropriate definitions for the partial actions of inverse monoids on K-rings and describe the construction of enveloping actions for such partial actions.